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Cyborg Specialist

Joined: 18 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 9:49 am    Post subject:  Storyline Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

World War III - Storyline

here we go!  but this isnt the best story you ever heart... Confused

In 2045 the president of the United States died by an assassination . The government of the USA assumed that the assassination was exercised by the Chinese. But the chinese government argued everything off, so the US Army got the instructions to occupy China.

The chinese government felt threatened and attacked the USA....
so a war between China and the USA begun.

in this time all terrorists united to a global operating terrorist fore and killed thousands of people with their bombs.

the European Fefence Force , the sequal of the NATO, joined the war as an chinese nuke missile was shot down over europe by the US troops.

so there begun a 3th World War.....

ok i know this stroy isnt the best, but if anyone has some ideas plz post it here!

leader of the World War III TC for TS

go here for my forum!

this is the World War III site!

Last edited by Worm4981 on Mon May 02, 2005 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Joined: 04 Jan 2005
Location: Toronto, Canada

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Sounds cool. I hope it will be fun!

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Cyborg Specialist

Joined: 18 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 12:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

me too Wink

leader of the World War III TC for TS

go here for my forum!

this is the World War III site!

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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

wow nice patchy vague and not particualy well written story.

1. if the assasination succeded it wasnt an attemp it was an assasination
2. why would the chinese government wish to kill the american president?
2a. why would the US assume it was china? (a currently friendly nation)
2b. why would the US occupy china so readily?
3. surely the chinese have mirvs in 2045 rather than conventional re-entry vehircles
4. why was a nuclear missile traveling over europe?

the basic story is ok but it needs deeper consideration


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Joined: 28 Jan 2005

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2005 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

LOL trust you to point all that out but I agree

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Cyborg Specialist

Joined: 18 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

1. youre right... my fault!   *fixed*

2 a/b. the USA ASSUMED it was done by the chinese. you see, the NATO dosnt exist anymore and it was just like in the cold war. China and USA, both have many of nuclear weapons and there have been many provocations...

if the president of the USA had been killd while the cold war, the USA surely assumed that the soviets were responsible for the assasination.


3. in this mod the Chinese were the technological weakest side.

4. the direct way over the ocean wouldnt be a good idea... too many anti missile systems...

leader of the World War III TC for TS

go here for my forum!

this is the World War III site!

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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2005 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Nice! Its very close to Fallout storyline, where in 2080 all earth resoures were depleted except few large oil [er... places? dunno how's that in english] in States... Firstly, US annexed Canada, then China attacks US with a ground force starting from Alaska. The american troops, fend off the first wave, but they didnt made to do the same with the second. And then the nuclear war stars and the world dies... But as you know it didnt die, it mutated.

in 2009 to Florence. Viva Italia!

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Joined: 19 May 2004

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2005 1:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

so fiering a nuclear warhead over other countries is less likely to be shot down than over sea?  you need to explain these things!


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General Kane Nash

Joined: 19 Jun 2005

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 3:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi everybody, all right, lets make a good storyline, well at least an introduction  Smile  :

September 12, 2044
During the last 40 years the Chinese nation has grown up powerful economically and military, expanding it's influence across an asiatic continent ravaged by territorial wars and economic anarchy, after several years of military intervention and strategic aliances China includes in its territory almost of the nations of the former Soviet Union, India and some south-east asiatic countries, the new state has been baptized as the Chinese Commonwealth of Countries, or 3C, however, some geographic sectors of the Commonwealth are not agree to have been asimilated by the chinese titan and started a rebellion across the middle east, under the command of Abdul Ali the new movement called Sword of Freedom expanded and increased by thousands of new followers in the arabian  countries starting terrorist attacks on the main cities and military bases of the sector.
The Commonwealth answered this acts declaring a great purge, everyone which connection qith Sword of Freedom was executed or deported to Syberia at the terrible camps of forced work in the polar circle and started a terrible attack against some Sword of Freedom military camaps with nuclear weapons. The measure was counter-productive and the terrorist organization appeared at the eyes of the world as the fighter of the justice against the 3C tirany, by addition the movement expanded to other parts of the world, like Central Africa and South America were the new recruited forces launched a campaing of terror in name of “the great cause against the corrupted powers of the world”. This fact made the public oppinion started to change and  watch Sword of Freedom as a world’s danger.
The European Union, now officially a unified nation, ordered a maximun alert across the east border and declared some anti-inmigrant laws with the hope to stop all possible  infiltration by part of Sword of Freedom, at the same time, USA, now at the command of almost of the american continent started fighting against the insurgence, however it implicated terrible collateral damage by part of the South America population, at the same time the scientists across the world discovered a terrible anomaly in the waters circulation of the oceans ocationed probably by the fact the commonwealth used nuclear weapons, the fact was at the middle of the year 2042 a terrible drought  around the ecuator of the world and terrible falls of the temperature in the regions near to the poles made a shortage of food and water, the scenary was ideal for Sword of Freedom, with some of the world’s population starting to lose the faith in their goverments and the generalized fear for terrorist strikes or military retaliations.
Concolidated in their military power Sword of Freedom’s general staff prepared to acomplish the first step of their plan to stablish a new world order, their own. The operation was denominated Eagle’s Trap, it consisted in to kill the american president by the Commonwealth intelligence network in USA, adquiring the secret codes and directives of the chinese spy organization, Abdul Ali ordered them to execute the order 45, the day was January 3 in Washington DC,  the president came to a conference, just when he left the armored limousine a shot sounded in the air, the president’s corpse fell in the ground, the assasin tray to scape by using a secret passage under the building he was, but he discovered it was a trap, a Sword of Freedom agent reveals the plans of assasination of the chinese network to the goverment only one minute before it was done, and the assasin was catched it was too late to save the president, but now who shall pay for these act.
The war started with a terrible nuclear interchange betwen the commonwealth and the Americans, the use of GR* ICBMs avoided the contamination of all the planet with permanent nuclear radiation but damaged more the delicate state of the global climate.
Now the arms have the last word, the Sword of Freedom has started an unstopable rally of guerrilla attacks in the Commonwealth and American territories and an invasion with their more powerful divisions against the european continent. The 3C is determinated to destroy the insurgence in its territory and annihilate the insolent americans once and for all even after they discovered the Sword of Freedom’s deceit, after all, that knoweledge cant bring back to life the millions of people and rebuild the destroyed cities across the world, from one way or another the troops are crossing the frozen Bering Strait and traveling across the Pacific Ocean. For first time in one century entire Europe is going to have war in most of their territory, they know that with almost of America and Asia devastated by the nuclear strikes the cities of Europe are the last reminscences of the human civilization’s prosperity and they will defend them from all who attempt to steal that prosperity from their hands. And the americans understand this is the last chance to recover their supremacy around the Earth, the America’s army is ready to teach everyone the consequences for attack them and challenge the power of USA, without care if the opponent is a continental commonwealth, an international network of terror or even their former allies.
The Great King of Terror is free and now the humanity fights for their last legacy of ruins and ashes, Third World War has begun.

*GR: God’s Rage, this kind of weapon acts generating a gravitational reaction in the structure itself of the reality which creates a massive shockwave across kilometers disrupting the physic composition of the area, this is enought to destroy all the life and structures in a sector, however the effects arent permanent and the attacked land can be conquered and populated without serious danger for the health of the new owners.

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