The team of 7 starts in the bottom left beyond the forest and has minimal resources down there but there is a huge ore field in the middle to fight over.
The lone player must protect their castle against the incoming onslaught!
To help with that they have a bunch of tech buildings and a generous amount of gems to get them started.
Spent more time detailing this one and starting to work out lighting a little bit so pretty happy with how it turned out.
There is a rouge base in the bottom right it worth taking on?
I''ll leave that for you to find out

Oh yeah, this is for Yuri's Revenge, i tried it make it work for Red Alert 2, but Final Alert 2 kept telling me it needed Yuri's Revenge, even though i tried not to add any specific Yuri's stuff on the map...any idea what it might be?
Anyway though, to get the map to work with cncnet just copy it into the custom maps folder and rename the file from a .yrm to a .map and it should work.