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Just a story I thought I'd type.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2005

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:08 pm    Post subject:  Just a story I thought I'd type. Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Smile  Hope you all like's short. I guess that you could say it's in a sense how Tiberian Sun would start.

"There aren't a whole lot left, are there...." Colonel Graves walked in to sit next to his assisting Lieutenant, Jonathan Lymans.
       "A whole lot? Of what?" Lymans asked.
     Graves shook his head. "The civilians in western Texas are about's been 8 months since we jumped into this operation and we still can't figure out a way to slow down Tiberium growth. That stuff is lethal.."
     "Oh, that...well, I suppose so, but I don't think that we should worry about it so much."
       Graves once again got a bit irritated. "Not worry about it? Lymans, you tell me not to worry about it when this happens to half of the damn country. Then what?"
     "I'm not sure...but we need to just keep doing what we're doing. It'll take a while before we figure out how to solve this major problem."
     The funny thing was that Lymans had always seemed so serene about the situation of radical growth in Tiberium. Graves on the other hand was always undoubtedly puzzled at what to do. Their base was located in one of the only 'clean' spots in Nevada, actually somewhat close to where Area 51 had once been. They had posted small hot spots all over the area to keep each other company. Bases at the time were scattered all over for GDI, so they preferred to stay close.
        "You heard anything from Kane, yet?" Graves asked.
        "No, sir. We sent out some companies of Woverines a while ago, three. A, B, and C. But none of them radioed back anything tracing Kane or any NOD evidence. Nothing." Lymans stretched, and took a sip of the coffee that was sitting on the desk in front of him. At the time, the control room that they were in was high temperature, and no air conditioning. At the time, some electrical lines regarding the heat and cooling vents had shorted out from a recent sandstorm that had hit, also clogging up power turbines on their 3 power plants.
         "Our's a mess.." Lymans finally added, sighing, shaking his head. "We barely got enough money to even support it, there's no tiberium around here, it's ridiculous."
        Graves agreed. "That's true...perhaps we should move...if anything, to Texas."
       Lymans tilted his head. "Isn't some of that NOD territory?" he asked.
        "Damn right, and we could definitely get some leads in on that. If NOD's progression down there is as big as it is, then we could recon the bastards easily. Send in some spy planes, they wouldn't even know we peeked."
       "I don't know.." Lymans replied. "They seem like they know what they're doing."
      "True that," Graves said, "But GDI is everywhere. We have communications with over 30 bases, and if we're hit, we'll be rescued."
      Lymans would've said that Graves was being a bit arrogant, but he knew that Graves wouldn't change his mind. Lymans had been working with his Colonel for 16 years now, and he definitely had no second opinions about him.
      At that time, Lance Corporal Pratt ran in, his right hand stuffed with documents. "Colonel Graves, sir!" Graves shifted his head around to Pratt. "Yeah?" he asked. "What is it?"
     "Sir, we just have gotten reports that company B Wolverines have been bombed! Major casualties! What's gonna happen to A and C?" Pratt was shaking from all of the excitement.
       Lymans began to speak. "Well, calm down. We just need to figure out where this happened. Does the print say anything about that?"
     "Um..." Pratt searched through the papers, scanning for an answer. "North of Austin, Texas, sir..."
     "That's it. We're leaving. Call dropships to move the Wolverine groups away from those areas." Graves had had enough. He was ready to fight back. "I've already lost 8 companies counting that last one, this is getting way too repetitive."
    Lymans shook his head, standing. "But sir, our base isn't even functional for construction! And you want to go out and fight?!"
    "Sit down, Lieutenant!" he barked. "We may not have construction capabilities, but that doesn't mean our defense systems are shit yet. We can still fight."
      Graves and Lymans stayed still for a while...thinking of what they were going to do to move the base.

"In the event that everything goes terribly wrong? Never thought of that."

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