Rage Husk
Affiliation: Syndicate
Weapons: Rage Gas Emitters
Role: Transport/Support
Cost: 900
Speed: Normal
Armor: Medium Plating
Movement: Amphibious
Requirements: Machine Junction & Radar Spire
Additional Info:
- Immune to Vehicle Sniping
- Buffs nearby Units with increased Firepower
- Releases Firepower Buff on Death
- Size Limit: 2
- Passenger Slots: 5
- Passengers have 100% Survival Rate when Transport is Destroyed
Rage Husks are the Syndicate’s bizarre solution to an infantry transport. Introduced as a solution by the Cabal AI Hive Mind. A levitating Chassis that controls five pods that each can quickly submerge their passenger in a vat of liquid which have come that puts their bodies in suspended animation increasing their survival to extremely safe levels should the transport ever get damaged in combat. Floating ominously in the battlefield the Rage Husks aren’t just a transport as they are also able to bolster their forces by periodically releasing the same chemicals fitted onto their rage drones to nearby units near them.