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TI: Bug Tracker
Moderators: Aro, Crimsonum, ErastusMercy, Lin Kuei Ominae, ^Rampastein
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 10:05 pm    Post subject:  TI: Bug Tracker
Subject description: Please report any bugs, glitches and other issues that you encounter
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Last edited by Crimsonum on Mon Sep 06, 2021 11:22 am; edited 4 times in total

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I get a "KABOOOOOOM" error when I try to run the Launcher. My OS is Windows 10 and I have TI installed in "Documents." I have excepted the entire installation from my antivirus software and have tried running the Launcher "as administrator" but none of this has fixed the problem. The client.log file is attached. Any help is appreciated.

Edit: Was I supposed to put this in the internal errors thread?

The log of the error.

 Filename:  client.log
 Filesize:  3.9 KB
 Downloaded:  25 Time(s)

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2017 8:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

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Vehicle Drone

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 8:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

OK, I followed the steps you gave and it fixed that problem; the Launcher now runs correctly. However, when I try to download the update to, it reaches about 98% before telling me that access to a folder is denied. If you need a screenshot of the error message, let me know. As I stated previously, the game is installed in "Documents." I have disabled my antivirus and my firewall to no avail, I also tried running the program as "administrator." Thank you for your help.

Edit: This problem occurs while running clientxna.exe, running TI_Launcher.exe still gives a "KABOOOOOOM" error.

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Location: LocationNotFoundException at RealLife.Location.find() at line: -1

PostPosted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 9:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Seems that the GT AI makes a lot of Nod (and some GDI infantry) units in the campaign where you fight them. For example in mission GDI 13, they produce Nod attack teams. I don't remember this happening in earlier versions, and can be a bit annoying when they send artillery after you. (This happened on normal difficulty.)

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 3:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm experiencing freezes on random parts of Nod Mission 14: Compulsions every time I try to do this mission. Loading a save game before a freeze, does not help as the game just freezes again at the same time.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:03 am    Post subject: Game freeze on save game in skirmish Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi all,

First of all, thank you for your hard work on this game  Smile

Now to get down to business, I've encountered a bug that would be really nice to get rid of - every time I try to save the game in skirmish mode, the game freezes entirely.
This happens regardless of whether I actually save the game or cancel it, as soon as save game menu is off, the game freezes (music keeps playing, I can move my mouse pointer around the screen, but everything else is frozen completely).

If I do press save game, the game does get saved, and loading it later works without a problem. Pressing cancel just leads to freeze and losing all progress  Sad

I'm on Windows 8.1, and I have TI version

If you need any more info, please let me know  Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Fohom wrote:
I'm experiencing freezes on random parts of Nod Mission 14: Compulsions every time I try to do this mission. Loading a save game before a freeze, does not help as the game just freezes again at the same time.
I agreed this problem.
And... When you solve the problem with the NOD Bonus mission: Eagles Fall (V. 1)? The problem is that after a certain amount of time the game speed is drastically reduced to an unacceptable value. My computer: Windows 7 HP 64 bit. 4 GB RAM, 500 AMD Turion 2.2 GHz, Radeon hd4300 512Mb.

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Energy Commando

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@FoxEM: There is an issue where the menu becomes invisible, try clicking where the buttons usually are to make them reappear. Unfortunately we have no fix for it at this time.

@Sashkya: It's possible that Compulsions and Eagles Fall may be remade at some point due to their performance issues. Eagles Fall for instance only became a bonus mission because of said problems.


"And Cain went out from the presence of The Lord, and dwelt in the Land of Nod, east of Eden."

Aro wrote:
You sir. Are awesome.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 11:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

ErastusMercy wrote:
@FoxEM: There is an issue where the menu becomes invisible, try clicking where the buttons usually are to make them reappear. Unfortunately we have no fix for it at this time.

Thanks for that workaround, I can confirm that the options menu is indeed invisible after you return from save game menu.
Hope it will be fixed in the future, though it's not as big of a problem as I originally thought it was  Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi again,

Not sure if this is a bug or intended, but first time I entered "New Campaign" screen, I had a lot of missions unlocked.

Pretty much all the missions are unlocked except for last ones.

As before, if you need any more info, let me know  Smile

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's intentional. The "locked" missions actually haven't been created yet.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Oh, ok then.
Thanks for the answer Smile

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AA Infantry

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Two bugs:
Heart of Darkness: - At the left top, the tunnel near the vein monster does not work correctly.

The second bug: The image I use as a desktop background gets reverted to a black screen after I close TI, though this does not always occur (it did after I played three games in one session, but not after a single-game session). Windows 10.

Tales of War

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Vulture wrote:
The second bug: The image I use as a desktop background gets reverted to a black screen after I close TI, though this does not always occur (it did after I played three games in one session, but not after a single-game session). Windows 10.

TI does not have any code that could change your desktop background.

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AA Infantry

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

^Rampastein wrote:
Vulture wrote:
The second bug: The image I use as a desktop background gets reverted to a black screen after I close TI, though this does not always occur (it did after I played three games in one session, but not after a single-game session). Windows 10.

TI does not have any code that could change your desktop background.

It was very strange, but I could manually reset it.

I definately wonder what kind of bug triggered it, but I also wonder if I get the bug again if I play a game or two tomorrow.

It might be related to my dual-monitor setup too.

Tales of War

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 3:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

When I try to play a campaign, this occurs:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Try a different resolution, or disable windowed mode.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

GDI Mission 9 has a lot of stuff, but I'm not too sure if they're bugs or intentional. These all relate to the cyborgs.
A)They bunch up into one place for seemingly no reason once the trigger to reveal them is... Well, triggered.
B)Not all of them can be EMP'd, and it's a very specific handful that completely decimates my forces when trying to move past them.

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Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 1:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Can I report bugs from unofficial maps?

C&C community is rotten.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 7:38 pm    Post subject: Game Crash- GDI Mission 5 Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

GDI Mission 5 keeps crashing on me. It is a reoccurring crash.  Any ideas on how to fix would be appreciated. Thanks!


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Please update to version, it will fix your issue.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 24, 2019 3:25 am    Post subject: Nod Mission 14 crash Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I encountered a crash during this mission. As I try to move through the northern part of the map where the floaters are, the game suddenly froze and I am forced to reboot my computer. I will attach the save file

EDIT: This freeze issue also occured in GDI 14. Here is the save

EDIT2: Something interesting: I went back to the GDI campaign and was able to get through mission 14 w/o a crash, whilst also getting through GDI15 and ending the campaign there (assuming GDI16 is still in the works). However, the bug still exists in my Nod campaign. I got past the floaters and other Tib lifeforms, but the bug still kicked in as I closed in on the temple


 Filename:  SAVE6784.SAV
 Filesize:  1.79 MB
 Downloaded:  18 Time(s)


 Filename:  SAVE18BE.SAV
 Filesize:  2.41 MB
 Downloaded:  15 Time(s)

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 4:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi guys, I found some odd things:

In GDI mission 13, it crashes a lot of times, mostly when I am attacking the southeastern part of the fort island in the middle of the map, also sometimes the drones doesn't explode the bridges like they are intended, only damaging them, leaving them passable.

In GDI mission 10 what is the purpose of the lone Mobile Stinger Launcher? Before the new terrain is discovered it can shoot from off map to flying units, but I never seen doing it anything besides sitting in place.

In NOD mission 09, when the patrolling GT Missile Launcher reaches heroic rank, it starts to shoot railgun projectiles, is it intended?
The other ones I found out by editting the Rules.ini, exactly the veteran factor part.

Changing the VeteranSpeed is working fine for all the units, but infantry glitches out a lot, the most glitched unit it the Tiberian Fiend. What is the maximum safe speed for them?

VeteranSight doesn't change anything upon gaining veterancy, why?

Another two things work on every unit differently, those are the VeteranCombat and VeteranROF, I think it is because how their weapons are coded, am I right?

Next one is a tricky one, but changing the VeteranSpeed to very fast and sending them inside tunnels makes them go with normal speed, is it an engine limitation?

Best Regards,

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey guys

just played through with the new update, everything working fine for the whole gdi campaign, and nod campaign until I get to mission 14 compulsions, about 3-5 minutes into the game it just freezes completely, no sound, cant move mouse cursor, cant escape to menu

can't do anything at all, cant even tab out to close or even open task manager, it always takes me back to the frozen screen in the game, the only way I can get out of it is by signing out of windows.

I have made no changes to any of the file data or anything like that. kinda bummed I cant play through to the end now. hope you can fix this thanks

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Been noticing a bug lately where if you fiddle with harvesters or if you captured an enemy refinery, they completely lose their pathing and no longer function normally. in particular GDI mission 14: RAGE, when I capture the enemy refineries, they immediately go about their business. once I recall them to preserve their health, then tell them to harvest again once I've cleared the way, they just refuse the command and sit in one spot. Once I drive them close enough, they suddenly realize "hey! there is tiberium here!" and do one run. then they sit in the refinery unsure what to do. This isn't the first instance of this occurring either. especially on missions that I have to reload multiple times. is this a common occurrence or is it just me?

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey there, encountered game-breaking bug on mission 6: Scavenger Hunt.

Demolition drones reach the tunnel and then immediately drive to this small area nearby and detonate for no reason, resulting in mission-critical unit lost. Tried reloading earlier saves but the same thing always happens.

It's a shame because it's a great campaign. I'm in a similar situation with the GDI campaign where I'm stuck on one mission, the Paradox Device, which is just plain tedious, honestly.

Thanks for continuing your work on TI!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hello, I encountered a bug in Twisted Insurrection skirmish mode, particularly in Twisted Dawn game mode.

NOD superweapon apocalypse missile did not work as intended, after I build temple of NOD, let the superweapon fully charged, then after I unleash it, nothing happens. The cooldown timer reset like usual but no missile appears, no damage, nothing.

Apocalypse missile works normally in the default game mode.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Councilor wrote:
NOD superweapon apocalypse missile did not work as intended, after I build temple of NOD, let the superweapon fully charged, then after I unleash it, nothing happens. The cooldown timer reset like usual but no missile appears, no damage, nothing.

I just tested an the apoc missile works fine in TD mode. Did you perhaps target it somewhere near the Temple? I've noticed if the target is very close, like within your base, the missile sequence fails.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 12:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hello There,

I have the "KABOOM" error and cannot launch the game on the last version but I can work the 0.8 just fine.

Here is my system info Win 10 Pro, i5-6500, 8 GB RAM, ATI RX380.

Can you help me out?


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 12:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

total crash out when trying to build Stingers on The Knoll map.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:05 pm    Post subject: Nod Mission 6: Scavenger Hunt Issues. Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hi, encountered game bug on mission 6: Scavenger Hunt.

Despite buying / ordering reinforcements they don't turn up after the they have finished building / recruiting. This makes it extremely hard to complete the mission with just what the game gives you.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:25 am    Post subject:  Mission 2 Bug Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

When playing GDI mission 2 at the end when the engineer is meant to blow up the bridge. In my game the engineer gets killed by the advancing nod forces before he blows up the bridge. So the mission does not end.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:42 pm    Post subject: Mission 2 A Friend In Need: BUT THEY WON'T BLOW THE BRIDGE Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Was playing mission 2 and got to the end with the convoy in the city. the

engineer that was supposed to blow the bridge is killed on the bridge and i'm

still stuck on cutscene mode where i cant control anything and can only watch

as the nod stream in through the city and destroy everything, causing a mission

failure as a result.

Is there anything i can do to get around this?

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Stingers are bugged, even when they exist on map it causes a game crash if they move or attack anything. not sure if it is just my game or if it is a common error. I've reinstalled several times to try and fix it but it's not working.

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Energy Commando

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 12:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

DoommasterAM wrote:
Stingers are bugged, even when they exist on map it causes a game crash if they move or attack anything. not sure if it is just my game or if it is a common error. I've reinstalled several times to try and fix it but it's not working.

Do you happen to have an EXCEPT.txt from the time of the crash? You can find them in your TI directory under Client > GameCrashLogs.


"And Cain went out from the presence of The Lord, and dwelt in the Land of Nod, east of Eden."

Aro wrote:
You sir. Are awesome.

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Joined: 09 Jan 2022

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

When I play skirmish as any Nod faction and have a Nod ally, they keep dropping nukes on my army.

GDI and Globotech allies don't do that. In fact they don't seem to be using superweapons at all.

I have no ide what is wrong.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

First of all, thanks for keeping your project alive! Playing this always rises up such feelings like an inspiration, nostalgia and pride that 2D related RTS is still interested by the people whenever you are a player or a developer)

Now, about an issues. Found them while playing at version I passed the campaigns at the earlier versions of the game, these issues were found with playing the skirmishes (a challenge of the golden stars earning :p).
-0. I don't remember whenever the game saving/loading in the skirmishes was possible or not in the earlier versions of the game, I'm glad that now it is possible (but loading the game saved prevents the golden star though). It makes sense to edit/make an addition in the 7th item of the FAQ about that people should keep in mind the menu which will be disappeared after the game is saved.
Next, AI is WAY not fair. I'm playing with (against) the hard AI. While it is a good ally especially in the online co-ops with it's unfairs, playing against a number of the unfair AIs is a hell. Found the next unfairs:
-1. almost always every faction have the unlimited (or way more than player has from the start, or replenishing for some gameplay time) money OR rather AI somehow spends the money less than player. That's a rare thing when I am seeing them run out of money and how they eventually using a tactic of the money saving as to sell the building when it is (getting) damaged badly. If you'd ask me, it is fair for the AI to have as same quantity of the start money as player have from the start and make sense to add the checkbox or even two checkboxes - "unlimited money" and/or "unlimited money for the AI only" or just fix that issue making it fair.
-2. AI have 'an unfair reinforcements' :/ The situation - AI have every it's Landing Pad occupied. AI is building the aircrafts (AI should be doing that one by one, right?.. Like a player do...). Since there is no a free landing zones, the ready aircrafts are incoming from some map edge. And AI someway may be getting 2-4 or more aircrafts of the same type at once! But further I noticed the next situation - there were a free AI's landing zones, all of them (I destroyed the planes on them). And then I saw how the same planes spawns on the each of the landing zone! I think that's also correct for the AI which units incoming from the more than 2 buildings of the vehicle factories (same behavior I saw on AI in the Red Alert 2). What for the >2 barracks, their behaviour may be similar too, but in times each barrack structure even has it's separated queue of the unit training, not a single queue for the all of the barracks AI has (player has a single queue). And in all of these cases (maybe except the barracks issue), I believe that AI spends the cost of just one unit! Solving this should maybe solve issue #1.
This issue includes such unfairs like that every faction can have a two Hero infantry and/or a two Hero vehicle, and more than 3 Wraiths or Apollo Bombers.
And when AI have a more than two of the Construction Yards, it will be placing buildings in the quantity equal to the quantity of the Construction Yards. Examples: 2CYs - 2 War Factories simultaneously; 3CYs - 3 Force Cannons simultaneously; and so on.
-3. GDI Phoenix Regiment AI is constructing Manta plane units which is not available for the player played for the same faction. Moreover, player which plays as GDI Falcon Division can not build Manta - the icon of it is dark as if you've reached a limit for it. And that's because the requirement/dependence for building Manta is a placed Helipad which belongs to GDI Phoenix Regiment while the unit itself will be constructed in/on the Helipad which belongs to GDI Falcon Division. Manta is available for the AI of each GDI faction.
Solving this issue also fixes the next - player who plays as a GDI Falcon Division faction, after the Landing Pad is constructed/placed, the "new construction options" voice notification is pronouncing each time any of the units is deployed/undeployed and in case of any building is placed.
-4. there is a limit of 3 for the Wraith and Apollo Bomber aircrafts, while no limits for the any other aircrafts. Banshee and Orca Fighter attacks precisely almost without misses and there is no limits for them to construct while the limited aicrafts such as Wraith and Apollo Bomber are hitting the moving targets badly. So the aircraft limits should be thought out - with or without limits.
-5. AI can construct units independence of the buildings required for that unit to be available. For example, the MCV was constructed while there are [power plant, barracks and vehicles factory] only constructed. I even saw MCV was constructed when there is a War Factory only left (and that AI eventually normally built a sterling base)!
-6. the situation. AI built a radar structure. There are some units available for to be trained since that structure is built. Other player destroyed that radar structure, but that AI is still producing those units (though it is required to have a radar structure built). That's true not only to the radar structure (that's only a one example). But moreover, that's true also for the player too. So, the built structures which do not produces units can be sold, and the units and structures which should be in dependence of those sold structures can be produced anyway.
-7. other situation. AI was constructing a radar structure. Meanwhile, other player destroyed the barracks structure (which is required for the radar structure be available), but instead of the radar structure construction is cancelled, that AI completes the construction time eventually placing the radar structure. Obviously that's true not only to the radar structure (that's only one of the examples).
-8. "No Silos" box unchecked but AI have no limits for the tiberium to gather, that AI do not construct the silos.
GloboTech's Silo accommodates ~4.5 full harvesters with green tib.
GDI's Silo accommodates ~8.5 full harvesters with green tib.
NOD's Tiberium Reactor accommodates ~2.5 full harvesters with green tib.
So I also consider that NOD factions should have NOD's Silo structure available for to be constructed despite the fact that their Tiberium Reactor structure is both a power reactor and a silo structure, because a Silo structure is quite faster to build than a Tiberium Reactor structure, and NOD's Silo accommodates more tiberium than their Tiberium Reactor structure.
-9. if to compare GDI/NOD AI to GloboTech AI, GloboTech AI is building just a few SAMs, I saw only one structure and that's a rare... two is very rare... well, however, at least it trains the Defenders... Once I saw AI builds a five SAMs, but there was no any Force Cannon, just a two Vulcan Turrets. So, that's a disbalance, a disbalance that leads to defence vulnerability.
-10*. GloboTech AI builds up to 3 Assembly Lines, up to 2 (3?..) Barracks, so moreover that makes their base more enormous (that faction have to build a power plant structures in a quantity of more than the other factions); NOD Genesis Legion AI builds up to 2 (3?..) Hall of Faith structures; sometimes GDI AI builds a 2 of the War Factories.
-11. GDI AI is unreasonably deploying the Phalanx Railgun vehicle which are going into the battle. There is no a flying units nearby as a reason. I suppose it is acting kinda' like a Goliath Tank. And the other thing is that when the deployed railgun vehicle is attacked by some ground attacker, it do not reacts/undeployes to strike them back, so it is vulnerable.
Well, all the deployed units other than Phalanx Railgun are vulnerable to aircrafts, and they also do not reacts to those attacks, so they let them kill themselves too.
-12. the harvesters are moving smartly, choosing the path which possible avoid the enemy units. But they are also avoiding the path with a hided/cloaked units as these units are visible (but in fact they are not) for that player/AI owner of those harvesters.
Another not smart behavior of a harvesters is when the Tiberium Refineries are placed nearby so one is top the cliff and one is down the same cliff - this case a harvesters on the cliff are not going to be empty in the nearest at the cliff Tiberium Refinery on the top of the cliff, those harvesters on the cliff will go to be empty to the just nearest Tiberium Refinery. And even blocking their path from the cliff is not the solution because in this case they just stops when full of tiberium and will be waiting in vain 'til the blocked path freed. So is it possible to edit their TibRef returnings script so it will be calculated by path length to the nearest?
-13. GDI AI sometimes builds Advanced Power Plants straight, instead of constructing a Power Plant and advancing it. Also GDI builds an Advanced Power Plants independence of the Technology Center placed and at the earlier tech levels.
-14. AI is surely capturing the Construction Yards. Where might be a times when after AI captured the Construction Yard, AI do not sells it, and then that AI builds a buildings in the distance near that captured Construction Yard. Then a situation might happen - other player destroys the Construction Yard captured by AI, but that AI still can build a structures in that area like there are still placed non-defence buildings around.
So the available area for construction buildings for that AI is not refreshing in dependence of the it's in-fact placed structures. Not only near the captured (and not sold) structures but also in it's base near the destroyed buildings.
-15. AI can place a defence structures on cliff's unpassible (to an units and to a player) square points, under a bridges and sometimes on a trees. Even a tiberium do not spreads to the square points where there is an under-bridge!
-16. as it also noted here, playing on some tech levels may be disbalanced. So, for example, at level5 NOD Genesis Legion have neither Hall of Faith nor depended on it defence structures and wall (nor barbed wire), and no any anti-air defence at all.
-17. AI is constructing some of the Hero units with the "No Hero Units" checkbox checked. I saw unholy allied GDI AI constructed 3 Behemoths.

Next, some notes not related to the AI unfaires.
-18. AI has such tactic like to train a lot of the engineers who will run to fix the (getting) damaged structure, mostly the Construction Yard. A good (and annoying) tactic for the AI, but I think it should be a bit improved because not all of the engineers trained for that reason are going to fix the structures. Maybe at least for the Construction Yard (to not be run out of the engineers which gone to fix the other "less important" buildings). In case that AI will have a limited money, maybe the quantity of the engineers to train should be reduced.
More annoying AI tactic would be it's tries to disable (making 'power offlines' with the eventual 'power onlines' when enemy gone) the defences which are do not seeing the enemies in their range of fire, or always offline and making online when the enemy is in their range of fire or a bit farther. That will surely make the GDI and GloboTech bases especially invulnerable to the tactic of striking to the power plants.
-19. AI planes flews away to the edges of the map. Maybe for the reason as to attack from there... but they are often staying there. Even if there are a water square points, they are some way landing to a water.
-20. AI planes which are in need of the landing pad but has no a free one available are staying on some places of the map, mostly far away from the (well defenced) base and have no reaction to the attackers (they just let the attackers to kill themselves). How about to let such planes to have the next tactic?: - if there is no a free landing pad then let them be awaiting (for when the pad will be constructed) near some random construction of the base. When the missing landing pad is constructed - all the run out of ammo planes will fly to that pad. Some plane reached the pad firstly, and there are other run out of ammo planes in need of the landing pad - they will fly to the random base structure again. Well, it is reasonable for the AI to build the same quantity of the landing pads as the quantity of the heavy bombers limit.
-21. looks like SAMs are not attacking the paratroopers. I was playing as GloboTech faction and seeing GloboTech AI plane is throwing them and my SAMs were not attacking them while my Lancers were. Next, I manually choosed the SAM nearby in the hope to click to attack by it, but nope, that SAM do not know what to do with the paratroopers. Other words, SAMs do not attack the paratroopers at all, either automatically or manually.
Also, the units which weapon is bad against the 'meat' infantry and which weapon is also anti-aircraft, these units are making as same damage to the paratroopers as to the 'meat' ground infantry. I mean these units have no additional damage bonus against the paratroopers while they are not landed (forgot the right word for that in English... I heard it only once how it calls, in some C&C in-game tutorial... maybe struggling...).
-22. GloboTech's medic is a range unit, but while standing it heals on the near distance, far to it's maximum.
-23*. NOD Genesis Legion's Viper Drone was never possible to fix as to repair it using repair vehicle, and that's in each release of the game. Is that alright? Also the undeployed Redeemer Drone and the Cyborg Reaper can not be repaired using a repair vehicle. I could understand why Cyborg Reaper may not be repairable with the vehicles (thought it can be repaired in the Service Depot), because it restores his... health... up to max by staying at a square point with a tiberium, but the other drones..
-24. when Marauder get a speed increasing bonus crate, Marauder gets a faster ground moving but the speed of flying do not increases. Actually, any aircraft units do not increases in their speed by getting that bonus from a bonus crate (to get it by aircraft, it have to be landed right at 1-2 square points from that crate, and get that crate by some ground unit). Is that an engine limit again?..
-25. when Marauder and Valkyrie attacks the moving units from the air, the being attacked units (which can not strike back cause of the non-presented anti-aircraft weapon) stops and let them kill themselves. Even that Phalanx Railgun do not deployes to strike back. I suppose that that behaviour is because those attacked units are "thinking" that the attackers are a ground units so they could strike them back, but actually not all of them can.
-26. Marauder and Valkyrie while flying are unrevealing the cloaked structures which are in the same square point they are in the moment of fly. Unrevealing the cloaked structures whenever it is 'ours', enemy's or ally's, while they should unreveal only the enemy's cloaked structure, if they ARE should be unrevealing this case at all. Or isn't it unsolvable cause of the engine limit?
-27. GDI AI builds a lot of Sensor Vehicles. Well, that's AI choice to build them, it at least good against infantry, but AI deploys them right after they stops near the War Factory. Sometimes there will be so many deployed Sensor Vehicles so the construction from the War Factory is stuck which eventually results to the related consequences for that GDI AI.
-28. while an issue #6 should be solved, there is an other issue related. Applying a 'power offline' function to the structures. Both the structures and the units has the placed structures dependencies to be them available for the construction/producing. Applying a 'power offline' function to the placed structures should disable (a faded icon) the availability as to construct/produce the structures/units which are depended on those 'offlined' placed structures. Like it is realised for example for barracks, vehicle factory, landing pad.
-29. player's defence structures do not automatically attacks enemy defence structures. Moreover, I'm not sure but I think I saw how player's (my) defence structures (Force Cannons) do not attacks the just deployed Phalanx Railgun right near 'their nose' (means not a 1 square point distance from a Force Cannon, that means there were a group of Phalanx Railguns, one of them deploys itself and my Force Cannons do not attack it then)! So please check whenever a defence structures automatically attack the all available deployed vehicles either.
-30. my Cyborg Paladin do not automatically attacked enemy defence structures. If that is correct also for some other (Hero) units, it should be fixed for them either.
Also a deployed Redeemer Drone do not automatically attacks enemy defence structures (at least a GDI's AA Turret), so check out how it goes with the deployed units too.
-31. GloboTech's Airstrip structure can not be cloaked. I suppose that's because of the ability of this structure to repair an aircraft which is landed at this Airstrip structure. And another thing of Airstrip repair ability I experienced is that the repairing is not endless. After some quantity of repairs it seems becomes 'exhausted' and there was no more repairs at it, and in the same time after that it successfully cloaked.
-32. when you have both Quake Generator and EMP Cannon support power structures built, you have only one icon of the support power related available which belongs to the structure which was built first. It should be fixed to AI if it has the issue with these structures both built either...
-33. when the Ion Storm is being processing, all of the hovering units can not hover until the weather will be good. But if both a player or an AI have an established round point of the vehicles factory then an incoming just constructed hovering unit will normally go to that set gathering point and will be hovering there as if there is no any Ion Storm being processing! And that hovering unit will be hovering there until it get an order to move somewhere.
Also, if the hovering unit get some move order while it was Ion Storm being processed, that hovering unit will not automatically execute that order after Ion Storm passes. But I think it should to.
-34. Infector is an anti-'meat'-infantry unit, but it also automatically attacks a 'metal' units, so those 'metal' units are obviously going to strike back, and mostly they are certainly strike back. Also that's bad thing for a stealth operations... So Infector's automatically (not manually) attacking targets should be re-thought.
Also, the units on the (destroyable and fixable by engineers) bridge some way have a great resistance to the Infector's sniper attacks. Is that alright?!
I experienced in battle that Infector unit but not a GDI's Sniper. If the 'meat'n'metal' infantry issue is correct for the Sniper too, then it's automatically (not manually either) attacking targets should be re-thought either. For AI too, so if the target is not a 'meat' infantry, do not attack it for no good.
-35. the walls firstly can be constructed near some distance from the non-defence structure. But if there is already a wall constructed nearby, it can be constructed to some distance from that constructed wall, so eventually it is possible to build a wall from one side of the map to the other side of the map, even to surround an away enemy base by them. A walls should be constructed near some distance from the non-defence structures only, and there must be no relation to the other walls location.
-36. there are limits both for the icons of structures to build and units to train/construct. If you have all five factions Construction Yards and would like to see everything available, you'll notice that with placing a units producing building which should make it's appropriate units available, you'll not hear a "New construction options" notification and the icons to construct those 'appropriate units' of that (and more next) units producing building are not added to the side panel list. So that limit should be expanded if possible. A structures icons of all five factions seems all in the list... but be aware!)
-37. GDI's Wasp APC accommodates eight persons while it is only five for an APCs of the other factions, and that's unfair. Shouldn't Wasp APC accommodate a place for a five persons either?
Drifter IFV has 4 seats, I think that's because it is a jeep type.
By the way, isn't Drifter IFV and Ratel IFV are conceived so the infantry inside will be automatically shooting like it is realised in such unit like a "Battle Fortress" vehicle from a Red Alert2: YR game? I'm sure that those IFVs are conceived NOT so infantry inside are transfering those IFV vehicles like THAT legendary IFV from the same RA2 game Very Happy
-38. NOD's Quake Generator structure generates both a destructible/a crashable by the tracks and an unpassible/indestructible rocks. AI tries to destroy the indestructible ones in vain, so some of AI's units are busy this vain action and those busy units doing stuck the passages. I suppose this can be fixed in two ways - make AI consider these indestructible rocks indestructible indeed so AI will not try to destroy such of them OR just make the indestructible rocks destructible.

-39. tiberium spreads carelessly to the trees and such trees becomes the "tiberium repariums" and etc. Also the original tiberium spreading "tiberium reparium" and etc. - the tiberium spreads also to that square point there is that grower itself. Is it possible to set that the tiberium can not be spreaded to the trees and the tiberium growers? Or is that how you see the things should be? And more of that related - tiberium spreads to the down side of some rock cliffs'es square points, which are unpassible but also in some of such points a bonus crates can be appeared (which can not be taken as those points are unpassible).
Other side of the coin, when a fungus from the sphincterous grower is in the same square point as trees, that fine and looks good when the picture is that the trees are not a hedge for a fungus.
-40. sometimes there are the unpassible point zones appears. I think they appears in the moment when the units being destroyed while they are moving. Is that an unsolvable engine bug?
-41. if to play with Ion Storms enabled, in the moment when the Ion Strom itself is starting processing, the currently played music track stops playing. After the Ion Strom passes, that stopped music track is playing from the beginning to it's end, and there is no music track next in the list, you will hear no music any further. Then after the new ('round' of) Ion Storm passes, that same ended music track is playing from it's beginning to it's end, next there is a mute and so on. So the unavailability of the musc track autoswitching after the Ion Storm passes should be fixed.
-42. TS has the countdowns for the superweapons and support powers in the down-right corner of the screen. I'm sure you are planning to add them for GloboTech/GDI/NOD superweapons and for Quake Generator and EMP Cannon, aren't you?.. Visible for all the players, no matter allies or enemies they are.

-43*. I think it will be good to add to the FAQ list the detailed information about the bonuses provided by the tech buildings captured.
-44. if the player has an invisible unit detector nearby the FireStorm "walls", that player will get the "cloaked unit detected" voice notifications loop (there are lot of other situations of the same notification loop, but I described the most obvious I consider). Is it possible to apply some kind of the next script - once the cloaked units detected->say a related notification, mark them on a radar, calculate a sum of the all cloaked units were detected at this moment; next time it will want to say a related notification - check whenever the cloaked units quantity is the same. If it is or it becomes less->just mark those cloaked units on the map, calculate a sum of the all cloaked units were detected at this moment; if that quantity becomes higher->say a related notification, mark them on a radar, calculate a sum of the all cloaked units were detected at this moment.
-45*. NOD Genesis Legion has a crashable by the tracks "Barbed Wire" only as for the wall, and that is instead of the wall. I think it is better to make "Barbed Wire" available for the construction for every faction while make NOD Sons of Kane faction's wall available for NOD Genesis Legion either.
Or maybe this way - "Barbed Wire" for both GDI and NOD, and a "Fence" to GloboTech, and make only something one available for the faction choosed - "Barbed Wire" is not available for GloboTech faction and "Fence" is not available for NOD and for GDI.
-46*. GloboTech has no gates. If you'll be fixing that, please, do not use their 'barrier' (like on map "Intoxication"), I think it is not suits to the white walls. Or otherwise alternative to use that "barrier" model together with the wall like on the map "Null Zone" it's left side around the structures there. Of course HPs of those items should match the GDI/NOD walls and gates.
-47*. since GDI's Wasp Apc is no longer has a EMP gun (and currently has some kind of web catcher for the non-mech infantry), this unit should be re-ensounded cause he is saying about EMP in it's two attacking responds.
...Or as a solution, it could have a two type of weapons - a web catcher for the 'meat' infantry and that mini-EMP for the 'metal' infantry. If the things I suggested in #66 will be realized and there will be more infantry vulnerable to EMP strikes, then Wasp APC could have a mini-EMP weapon which can hold any armored with electronics infantry for a while, while this mini-EMP weapon should not affect any vehicle, plane or structure. Well maybe a gate structure if you'll agree with a suggestion in issue #66 related to a gates.
And maybe the same applies to the Trapper Cycle from a Tech Factory since it has the same web catcher weapon.
-48*. AI do not builds a Service Depot structure, either GDI's or NOD's. I doubt that it will be repairing vehicles there, but the structure may be presented. And GloboTech's Service Depot is similar to the GDI's. A new 3D model perhaps?..
-49*. I don't know how do you guys call the NOD's 'base talker' (I somehow remember that for GDI in TS that was EVA), but that 'talker' is saying "Player one was defeated" independence of any player number. Should be re-ensounded/edited/cut a bit if possible for just "Player was defeated".
-50*. MCV icon to construct of the other faction captured is looking the same as the player's choosed faction. If you are playing as GDI - it will be GDI's yellow; if you are playing as NOD - it will be NOD's dark; if you are playing as GloboTech - it will be GloboTech's grey-blue. Shouldn't MCV icon to construct be different whatever faction player choosed?
-51*. GloboTech's Power Plant animation is not smooth - it is noticeable how it is repeated/looped over and over again while it should be continuous and not noticeable.
-52*. NOD's Quake Generator animation is not smooth - it is noticeable how it is repeated/looped over and over again while it should be continuous and not noticeable. Moreover, it have a building/selling animation of the NOD's radar structure from TS.
-53*. in GloboTech's Sensor Tower building animation, the top of the tower do not appears for too long.
-54*. in GDI Power Plant building animation it shows like it will be constructed advanced already. And so the animation it is being selling.
-55*. in GloboTech's Command Center selling animation it's satellite dish first disappears, then it appears, then it is sold.
-56*. I'm not sure, but I think enemy units do promoting, but the ranks of the enemy units are not shown to the player. How about to make it visible? Or is that how devs see the things again? Well, considering the crates pick up by the enemy units, these units are affected by the crates'es bonuses as player's units are.
-57*. a NOD Genesis Legion structure titled Airdrome has an additional scale (except the 'HP' scale) - what for it is?
-58*. uniting the NOD factions gives a two Machinist, a two Fist of NOD structures and just one MCV. I think it's better to set Hall of Faith OR Hand of NOD structure placed as a requirement for the Machinist, so that will 'unite" it for both of the factions. Machinist will income from the structure set as primary, like for the Unholy Allied NOD faction, so that Machinist unit could be from that faction for the both skirmish NOD factions; as for the Fist of NOD structures 'uniting' and MCVs... I see that currently each Fist of NOD structure provides different types of the vehicle units, and those types can not be produced in 'other' Fist of NOD they not belongs, even if to set that 'other' Fist of NOD primary. I think that to 'unite' the units to just one Fist of NOD structure, the appropriate type of units have to have the availability of once presence of the appropriate Construction Yard.
Dealing with the situation I described in issue #6, I think that scripts can keep in memory that, for example, radar was once placed, and so the units which have a placed radar structure as their training requirement are available for to be trained even if the radar structure was destroyed/sold. While issue #6 should be fixed, the idea of it can be used for solving MCVs and Fist of NOD structure 'uniting'. Like this:
NOD Genesis Legion vehicle units availability - once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + Fist of NOD structure placed (+other buildings like radar and/or Temple of NOD, etc.);
NOD Genesis Legion MCV availability - once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + Technology Center placed;
NOD Sons of Kane vehicle units availability - once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard + Fist of NOD structure placed (+other buildings like radar and/or Temple of NOD, etc.);
NOD Sons of Kane MCV availability - once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard + Technology Center placed.

If Construction Yard was destroyed, we still have the units availability because the placed Construction Yard itself is not a requirement for them, only that that Construction Yard was once available. And practically, for example, the player is playing as NOD Genesis Legion faction, the Construction Yard of the Sons of Kane enemy faction was captured and in the nearest moments was re-captured or destroyed - the player got the Sons of Kane faction units unlocked in it's Fist of NOD structure as Sons of Kane Construction Yard was once available.
About NOD MCV. Only one type of NOD MCV is always available, independence of either which Construction Yards player has, or which faction's Fist of NOD structure was produced that MCV. Ideally, any type of NOD MCV should be available for a player for to be constructed, BUT only one type of NOD MCV should be VISIBLE for to be constructed. I have a two suggestion to choose...
The first one is to re-thought the availability conditions for the constructions and the units when they will be available since there are both Construction Yards once availabilities presented. As an example, a theoretically edited condition for the Hall of Fame construction availability:
Hall of Fame construction availability - once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard OR {once presence of NOD Unholy Allied Construction Yard + Hand of NOD placed + Radar Facility placed}
And so on for the each structure/unit availability to re-thought. Totally, for this case of suggestion, the MCV unit construction availability will be like this:
NOD Genesis Legion MCV availability - once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + Technology Center placed +NOT once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard +NOT once presence of NOD Unholy Allied Construction Yard;
NOD Sons of Kane MCV availability - once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard + Technology Center placed +NOT once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard +NOT once presence of NOD Unholy Allied Construction Yard;
NOD Unholy Allied MCV availability - {{once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard} OR {once presence of NOD Unholy Allied Construction Yard}} + Technology Center placed.

The second suggestion here is... to make a fourth NOD MCV type :p And a fourth NOD Construction Yard type. BUT those MCV and Construction Yard are not from the Unholy Allied NOD faction! Because that faction has it's own conditions for the units and structures, and this way those conditions should be re-thought for the case of skirmish NOD factions uniting, like I described just above in the first suggestion.
In this suppose I mean those mentioned United Construction Yard and MCV should be belonged to the 4th NOD (United) faction which is not visible anywhere and exists only for the reason as to fix the issue of double structures/MCV icon. Then the conditions will be next:
NOD Genesis Legion MCV availability - once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + Technology Center placed +NOT once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard +NOT once presence of NOD United Construction Yard;
NOD Sons of Kane MCV availability - once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard + Technology Center placed +NOT once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard +NOT once presence of NOD United Construction Yard;
NOD United MCV availability - {{once presence of NOD Genesis Legion Construction Yard + once presence of NOD Sons of Kane Construction Yard} OR {once presence of NOD United Construction Yard}} + Technology Center placed.

So the player will be always seeing only one icon of NOD MCV. That united MCV should never appears as a bonus from the crate (I believe that anyway it is somehow/scriptally not possible to get the bonus crate's MCV of the other faction player not belongs; at least I never got that). Also in case of the united NOD Construction Yard the conditions for the vehicle units should also be in >OR< dependence with a once presence of NOD United Construction Yard.
Same ideas could be of use to unite the GDI factions either.
For the Engineer/Machinist unit it could be the only of them is available in dependence of the faction player choosed to play. For example, if player is playing as GDI, then NOD's Machinist and GloboTech's Engineer will be not available for to be trained for that player.
...and that's a pity that for NOD uniting there is a special unit unlocks... while there is nothing special for the GDI uniting... only for Globotech + GDI... Also there is nothing for Globotech + NOD; GDI + NOD... I wonder if there could be a super special unit (from a campaign against NOD... giant scorpio?... Some Mech?... 3 Venom Walkers?.. I forgot :p) unlocked (with a price 50k for example) if to capture all five factions and build their high-tech labs Very Happy
-59*. a person who wants to play a skirmish map have to deal with a location where that person's choosed faction base start point. Are you, dev guys, planning to add the choosable option of a random base start point location for each player? I imagine it realisation kinda' like this: there is a new column added titled smth like "Random position" with a choices Yes/No (default is Yes); that column I mean is near those columns titled PLAYER, SIDE, COLOR, TEAM; for those players where set 'Yes' - it will be a randomly setting position from the array of not-set positions (all positions minus manually set positions), and the manual start position setting is not available among the map points; for those players where set 'No' - the start positions should be set manually. Or else way...
...As an example, in Red Alert 2 skirmish if to not choose the player manually in the map point, then for that map point the player will be choosed randomly from the array of players of not-set positions. But here in TI skirmish, the situation with a points of not-set positions is different. If to do the next - on the 5-players map choosed to play, disable all AI, then enable all 4 AI so every player has no same faction, do not choose the start location of any, start playing, abort playing and repeat the map restartings - you'll see that even if there is no base start positions set manually for the players, the same players are in their same places each map restart. Moreover, all 5 players may be set to appear in all-in-one position point.
Is that even possible to realise? Or to make it possible, the engine itself should be reverse-engineered?
-60*. while issue #43 should be noted, there's also a related issue. When a player has a captured Tech Hospital structure and has a GloboTech's Assemble Line structure, then an Ambulance vehicle is available for a construction in the Assemble Line structure. Is that alright? Isn't Ambulance vehicle unit should be available to be constructed in any vehicles factory (and to be incoming from the factory selected as primary)?
-61*. if the base points are close enough, it is possible to make a swift capture strike with building an APC with a pare of engineers in it before there will be a serious defence organized. For both GDI factions and for NOD Genesis Legion an APC is available in a vehicle factory structure since a radar structure is built and placed. For NOD Sons of Kane a stealth APC unit requires a Technology Center also. But for GloboTech, an Armadillo APC is available right after the Assembly Line structure is built and placed. In the earlier version of the game, there was almost the same situation for GDI - there was a place for a two passengers in the Kazuar Walker unit, and currently that unit is not an infantry deliverer. So, the question - is that alright that Armadillo APC is available so early? I consider there should be a Sentinel unit available instead of the Armadillo APC, and Armadillo APC should be available at least after the Radar Facility structure is placed.
-62*. GloboTech's Stork Transport behavior is next - it attacks like an Orca Bomber with shooting and damaging like a one shot of a Gun Drone. When attacked by it target is destroyed, that plane is returning to a free Helipad for some reason. Stork Transport attacks endless, it have no charges to replenish, so it is taking a free Landing Pad for nothing. Should it have such other behavior as to attack some next target, like for example a Gunship Drone aircraft unit? And since GloboTech's (buggy structure) Airstrip is repairing a plane landed on it, Stork Transport's ability as to land on the Helipads may persist.
-63*. when it is a low power, all the animated structures (maybe except the Power Plants themselves, and to suppose that the Construction Yards are self-sufficient; not sure about the smokes from the Tiberium Refineries...) should be changed to the special offlined. The list of the structures which do not affected of that: GloboTech's Technology Center; GDI's Technology Center; NOD's Technology Center.
Also, when applying a 'power offline' function to a predisposed for that structures, the animation of those structures should be paused/changed to the special offlined in this case either. The list of the structures which do not affected of that: GloboTech's Technology Center, Command Center, Radar Facility, Firestorm Generator; GDI's Technology Center, War Factory, Barracks, Communications Center, Uplink Center, Service Depot; NOD's Technology Center, Hall of Faith, Hand of NOD, Fist of NOD, Radar Facility, Quake Generator, Tiberium Refinery, Temple of NOD, Stealth Generator, Service Depot, Airdrome, Helipad, SAM Bunker, Obelisk of Light, deployed Spider Turret, Laser Turret. Is that an engine limit again?..
(Also the captured Tech structures should be in view of that issue too)
And one more thing for the 'power offline' function to have in view - for the radar structures, the animation pause/change yes, and it also should disable a radar display, even with the 'Free Radar' option checked (when it is 'low power', radar display goes disabled even with the 'Radar Free' option checked).
-64*. when cleaning up by Talos Walker's missile weapon (maybe when it is in 3rd rank only, I'm not sure) a square point with a tiberium, that unit can not handle this task for some quite lot of missile charges! If to compare with a units of a similar weapon - a NOD's Tank Hunter handles that for 1-2 missile charges; a NOD's Intruder Cycle handles that for 1-2 missile charges (1-3 rockets to hit, it fires 2 rockets in one charge). So it appears that the 'almighty' Talos Walker shoots so weak rockets?)
That's just a notice. There are lot of the other units to clean up the field from a tiberium (for a structures to place and a units to deploy on the cleaned flat surface).
Also a 3rd rank Redeemer Drone can't clean up a square point from a tiberium.
-65. AI is smart enough to build a MCV when it has Construction Yard destroyed and still has it's vehicles factory structure placed on the map (and should has also a Technology Center structure placed). But sometimes that built MCV drove to some place where it has an obstacles to be deployed, and it's 'story' ends. Whenever it is attacked or else, it will be not deployed, not moved, and no other (smarter) MCV will be constructed. Thought, it WILL be deployed in the AI's final avenge script, when it sells all except one structures and goes to kick someone's... - this case that MCV comes to it's senses and that AI continues it's fighting strategy like from the beginning.
For example, in Red Alert 2 the constructed just incame MCV is moving like a king in a chess until it finds a place worthy of Kane where it is possible to be deployed (and I saw the same behavior here in TI too). Is it possible to edit MCV script to realise some related behavior? It should go to it's place where it is currently goes after it is constructed from the vehicles factory, and once it is there, let it 'move like a king in chess' until deploying. Even after it's search-for-deploy process was interrupted with the EMP strike.
-66*. about the units and structures which are vulnerable/invulnerable to EMP attacks.
The only infantry which are vulnerable to EMP are Cyborg Disciple, Cyborg Acolyte, Cyborg Templar and the NOD hero infantry Cyborg Paladin. I may note that all of them also have a resistance to a sniper attacks from a Sniper and an Infector. Any other infantry, including Infector, Perseus, Exo-Suit, Marauder and Valkyrie, are invulnerable to an EMP attacks.
Infector, Perseus, Exo-Suit, Marauder and Valkyrie have a resistance to a sniper attacks so they FAR can not be killed from a one shot which may be considered as they are wearing some power armors which got to be made from electronics. Infector is restoring his life when standing on a square point with a tiberium, so he is a cyborg too. My suggestion is to make the five listed above infantry vulnerable to EMP attacks.
Next, the invulnerable to EMP attacks vehicles are those which are a bearer of EMP weapon - that's Mammoth Walker and Monitor Drone (Manta is vulnerable and it is a plane). Also GloboTech's Talos Walker unit is not affected to the EMP strikes. I did not tested but I bet a secret unit Venom Walker is also invulnerable to EMP strikes. My suggestion to think about that Talos Walker and Venom Walker becomes vulnerable to EMP attacks.
Next, structures. When structures are affected to a EMP attack, it is not visualized anyhow such as some malfunctionuous sparkling (btw there is even a dangerous fungus 'tentacles' damaging animation exists for the structures but no any for EMP); in the moments of being EMP effected a structures may had an animation like in the moments of 'power offline'; and so if the moments of being EMP effected for the structures are comparable to a 'power offlines' to those structures, it should make affect to the units/structure availability which were depended on that or another structure being EMP affected, like a temporary unavailability of that or another structure/unit; if for example the barracks structure was attacked by EMP weapon and that player which is an owner of that barracks structure had some queue of units to tain in this barracks structure then that queue should be on hold (and when EMP effect passes then queue continues... or a player should continue that training queue manually).
A gates are invulnerable to EMP strikes. I suggest to make them vulnerable this way: if EMP strikes when it is closed - no one can pass through them til EMP effect passes; if EMP strikes when it is opened - it will be opened til EMP effect passes.
If a support power structure (except the Firestorm Generator) is affected to EMP and if there is no the same support power structures, then the appropriate support power should be temporarily unavailable/holt on until EMP effect passes; if a structure which is responsible for a superweapon power is affected to EMP, then the appropriate superweapon power should be temporarily unavailable/holt on until EMP effect passes; the affected to EMP support power structure should not shoot if the appropriate support power is activated; the availability zone of the support power to target should be in re-thought view/be taken into account while the appropriate support power structure is affected to EMP.
Shouldn't the affected to EMP Firestorm Walls be disabled until the EMP effect passes?
And a final suggestion related to a EMP attacks. I'm not sure but in the earlier versions of this game when a planes which were above the same square points where they are and those square points are affected by the area of a EMP attack, then those planes are instantly crashing. My suggestion is to make it this way: for a planes in the moments of landing/blast off only (just flying is too high for a EMP effect) and for Marauder and Valkyrie in any cases they are flying/landing/upscending - if they are under an EMP attack effect area then they will be crashed instantly.

-67. playing "Volcano" map, it is freezing after 15-25 minutes of the play. Something is causing the game to freeze at this map... maybe the creatures spawning?.. Other thing I tried is to kill that sphincterous fungus grower in the center of the map (thought that maybe this thing could be the case/trigger) but nope, game freezes anyway.
-68. playing "Outlying Locality" map as a rolled by 'Random' NOD Genesis Legion faction, I captured and re-rolled GloboTech's Construction Yard. Since some AI players were defeated, the survived 2 AI players switched their attacks from each other to just me. I had a ready for to be placed Tiberium Refinery (NOD's or GloboTech's, I forgot) and was a bit busy to place it by defending many sides but still AI found a breach, destroyed Hall of Faith and captured my both NOD's and GloboTech's Construction Yards together with Fist of NOD (those structures were too close to each other), and sold them at once. I constructed a two GloboTech's MCVs from the yet survived (was further destroyed too) Assemble Line, but when I deployed them... you can see on the 'LikeAStolenTechnology.png' .pcx->.png converted screenshot attached below that my structures list were just an unavailable NOD's structures! That situation needs to be investigated.
And do not worry, I avenged them using the survived Titan and Cyborg Acolytes Very Happy
Playing other time I see NOD Sons of Kane was building GloboTech's Power Plant either.
-69. GloboTech's Power Plant structure is available for at least GDI Phoenix Regiment faction. I was playing on the 6players map "Island City". The side was set 'Random' for me and for all hard AIs. That 'Random' rolled to 3 GDI Falcon Divisions including me, 2 GDI Phoenix Regiments and 1 NOD Genesis Legion. I was attacking GDI Phoenix Regiment base for a goal as to capture and roll out their Construction Yard. My tactic was just clean up the base with a 3rd-ranked Mammoth Walker striking to the Power Plants, (1) Barracks and (1) War Factory, so I did. And then the AI of that faction starts to place a GloboTech's Power Plants (see 'TheyDOAllied.jpg' screenshot attached below)! I retreated to see if it will build some else non-GDI structure but nope any other structures built by it were GDI's. Then I go to the next base of the same faction and the situation repeats. I think AI was building a GDI's Power Plants (and straightly Advanced Power Plants }:[)  until it have no War Factory (or together with a Barracks) structure. After that, it were placing either GloboTech's or GDI's Power Plants (advanced and not). Should be fixed I think. It's a bit more expensive but smaller and not advanceable.
What about my plan... I successfully rolled the captured CY as MCV to my base, deployed it there and... there was no GloboTech's Power Plant available for me, of course Very Happy
-70*. on the map "Heatstroke" there is a rock with a visible title "ROCK" which is a bit hard to destroy than other rocks (you can see the "RockStructure.jpg" screenshot including it attached below). While attacking that rock, it is possible to notice the sound of the getting damage structure, so I suppose that object is a structure. That's a trifle but if to replace that object in internal game files by just a usual rock of the same model, that should enlight the game size a little bit :p
-71. playing as a (randomly choosed) GloboTech faction I captured the GDI Phoenix Regiment Construction Yard. After that, some of the structures'es and unit's icons were transformed to some... ehm... 'person'. You can see the RedEye.jpg screenshot attached below which shows the transformed icons of which. I captured the Construction Yard in the first 3-5 minutes of the game if that matters. Also that face is on the Sniper's and EMP Cannon's icons.
In other game session I did the same with the NOD Genesis Legion's Construction Yard playing as a GloboTech faction. That 'person' icon replaced the icon of the Cyborg Paladin only.
Well, in other game session, I was playing as GDI Phoenix Regiment faction and captured NOD Genesis Legion's and GloboTech's Construction Yard structures (just right a fortunate to check the vise-versa factions (mentioned just above) captures) and build the different structures so got every possible structure/unit icon of those factions shown, and there were no any icon replaced by that 'person' icon (not even the Cyborg Paladin mentioned just above).
-72*. some units are good in defence, but something was always preventing for doing that. So, every (non-deployed of course) anti-aircraft units are sometimes pursuing the moving aircraft. They might be a good (not using power) standalone anti-aircraft defence if they could stay still (hold this position at this square point).
Other situation, any NOD's stealth units which are basely produced stealth (means not getting stealth getting an appropriate crate bonus) do not attack the units passing nearby. As an example, NOD Sons of Kane faction's Phantom Tank could be a so-so middle range defence comparable to Phalanx Railgun. It could be achievable using 'G' hotkey, but this case that kind of the units are not staying still. Is it possible to add the function related triggerable by some hotkey as to set the units be staying guarding and not moving?
Another usable function could be staying still and do not attack at all (freeze), like a behavior of a unit just landed by Carryall (or a behavior of a unit which awaits for a Carryall pickup). Both players and AI can spot such not-basely stealth units a bit hardly, and those units could avoid AI's reaction to an accident unwanted attack. For a stealth operations)
...well and maybe a function to select all of the units of one type like it is realised on the default key 'T' (selecting the units of one type across the screen), but to select all of the units of one type across the whole map. Sometimes the harvesters and the stealth units are hard to find where were they went.
-73*. when we are ordering to the group of units to move across some other ours unit, those 'other our units' are stepping aside if possible, and those units who are passing across are awaiting that there will be a pass organized for them. But also the group of units which are moving across a group of landed aircrafts, they are awaiting in vain because the aircrafts will not fly away to organize a pass for them, so some of the moving units are doing stuck. Is it possible to change the route calculation behavior for a units-to-move so it will be considering a landed aircrafts as an unpassible hedge (which is not in option as to eliminate it to pass)? And also taking a consider about the hedge-units which are in such 'modes of staying' as 'holding this position' or 'freezed', if these 'modes' will be realised of course.
-74*. NOD's 'talker' is a bit louder than other faction's 'talkers'. Shouldn't it be a a pare dbs quieter?

And, the last, a note about a faction from the game mode "Unholy Alliance".
-75*. NOD faction has no such units like a Mosquito plane, Stealth APC and a Cyborg Acolyte. Since Mosquito and Raptor are the same in the damage providing, that's ok that there is no that plane in this faction; but Cyborg Acolyte and Stealth APC may be presented. Is them were forgotten to be added?
A notice that Cyborg Acolyte is available in the two of the offline campaigns NOD Covert Operation right near the Cyborg Templar unit. Also, I could say that Cyborg Acolyte is a bit expensive version of the Cyborg Templar which weapon is also anti-aircraft. And vise-versa, Cyborg Templar may be available for to be constructed for the NOD Genesis Legion faction.
Also, if the attention will be paid to this issue, AI should be re-solved this way too. Currently AI of the Unholy Allied NOD faction do not produce Cyborg Acolyte (and Stealth APC) units; AI of the NOD Genesis Legion do not produce Cyborg Templar units. (AI which captures the Construction Yards of the both NOD factions somehow may produce the Eclipse Tanks)
The availability for these NOD units should be kept in mind while solving the issue #58.
The related is correct for the next GloboTech unit and structures either. You will not see a Sentinel unit and a Sentry Gun and a (non-Tech) Gun Turret structures available for this faction in the default skirmish game mode. GloboTech have nothing to be "unholy allied" with, so my opinion these unit and structures may be available independence of the skirmish game mode. For AI too then.

I think that's all I could remember and note) We need both a fair and a stable game so it could be proudly called "project perfect mod"!)
Since no one responded and every skirmish map is beaten for a golden star, I'm done with the issues filling.

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Last edited by Arch91 on Sun Dec 04, 2022 6:55 pm; edited 22 times in total

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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 18 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 1:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

First off, thank you to the team that made this mod...not only one of the coolest mods of all time, but probably the best RTS ever created.

I'm on version

The hard AI for skirmishes is extraordinarily brutal. I can beat it, but only without super weapons and support powers, and only on very linear maps, and I have to turn the game speed way down. On maps where the enemy can approach from more than one direction, it's much, much harder.

I have three small bug reports to submit.

1. AI has no limit for hero units. I'm struggling through an hour long skirmish against a hard AI. I'm holding my own, I see a force of three Behemoths approaching my base, I manage to destroy them all...and...hmm, there are five more headed my way if I scroll a bit more. This is not possible to win, haha. Same problem with the Perseus (I will see 2-3 at a time), the Talos Walker (2-3 at a time) and even the Mammoth Walker (2-3 at a time).

This bug is easy to reproduce. Create a game with 7 hard AI (especially GloboTech or GDI Falcon Division), spectate, turn the game speed up to max and just watch.

2. AI has no limit with regard to support power range. I will be playing a large map and still get hit with EMP and seismic wave in the center of my base. Meanwhile, if I build either, the range seems to be quite limited.

3. It doesn't seem like veinholes can be killed. Thus, on some maps it's impossible to deploy vehicles. The AI does try to kill them, and I've tried also, but doesn't seem possible.

Thank you again!

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

undergoesreprieve, I was playing the same version of course but skirmishes with supper_weapons/support_powers both disabled.
About your #3, I couldn't remember an 'official name' of that thing so called that 'the sphincterous grower' Very Happy But no, it can be destroyed/killed in every map, every campaign I ever play. Speaking roughly, a six of Skimmers will do it for about 10 charges. 20 max, I don't remember. Maybe it is vulnerable for some types of weapons... anyway, it is mortal, no doubts)
About your #2, as I noted, I was playing with support powers disabled, so I did not notice it in my bugs list. And that's an unfair issue, indeed.
About your #1. I'm quite sure that AI has that hero units limit... Look, watch as a spectate with 7 hard AIs as you described next time. Notice how many barracks/vehicle factories/ladning pads AI will be constructing. Notice that there are a similar units are incoming/producing from these unit-providing-facilities simultaneously. So how it goes?
For example, it's a GloboTech AI. It has a three barrack structures placed. It is producing the Perseus infantry unit. There is a limit of a 1 for that unit. Imagine that AI click a mouse button simultaneously in the three barrack structures. So it bypasses that limit, and since a three Perseus units are produced, that AI can not produce more Perseus units. Moreover, I'm sure that it produced that unit for a cost of ONE Perseus unit!!

About your notice that it is quite hard to play against AI. I'll both agree and not. It is interesting to play against the hard AI/II, those strikes avoiding the places where my units are staying... annoying but interesting) BUT AI is not fair! It spends less money producing more units so they are incoming, and incoming, and incoming... and you need a different type of defences to protect yourself...; it in some cases have no structure dependence for some units/structures; it can build near the once sold/destroyed buildings; and it can build defence structures on the cliff's unpassable parts, on(under) the bridges and sometimes in the trees.

It's quite hard to play 1x1 against a hard AI or against more quantity of AIs WHEN they all are attacking only me. I was playing 1x1 with a tactic of swift early capturing if could not beat that AI normally. Other maps with more than 2 player base points I was playing with a such tactic so AIs are attacking each other.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I can definitely see that...

If there are X unit producing structures, they all produce Y unit at the same time, even if it's a hero unit.

And I agree, I doubt it costs the AI player any money for these extra units (especially judging by how many units they create so quickly)

I wonder, is there a fix for this? It basically makes the game unplayable unfortunately.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 3:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

undergoesreprieve, well, I would not say that the game is that unplayable you mean. Yes, currently it is not easy to play 1:1 versus 1 Hard AI; it is merely impossible to win against 2 Hard AIs which are both against you. But it is more than enough to build a well-defended base while playing against many Hard AIs which are sruggling with each other. Anyway, it is still an AI, it's actions are quite predictable.
undergoesreprieve wrote:
If there are X unit producing structures, they all produce Y unit at the same time, even if it's a hero unit.
I wonder, is there a fix for this?

A fix certainly for this one would be a primary building selecting for the AI and the units will be incoming only from this primary vehicles_factory/barracks/landing_pad building, so the other same buildings will be persisting in game for that AI just as a reserve in case the primary buildings are destroyed. And a single vehicles/infantry/planes queue for the different vehicles_factories/barracks/landing_pads.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 12:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

For the most part I seem to be able to hold my own against a single hard AI. It is difficult to deal with the 3x dollar value disadvantage but I can usually manage it, haha.

The problem starts when the first hero unit shows up...along with two copies. Dealing with one mammoth walker is difficult, but three at once makes me rage quit, especially knowing there's a bug causing it.

I guess I wouldn't say "unplayable" just "unplayable as originally intended by the devs."

Speaking of which, who are the devs for TI? Is there any way I can help fix this bug?

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