Forsaken Hovel
The Forsaken Hovels are former military buildings that were abandoned at the end of the First Tiberium War, and later discovered and refurbished by the Forsaken. Due to their general lack of resources, the Forsaken are forced to make use of everything they can find, and so these barracks come in various shapes and sizes. One half of the hovel acts as the Forsaken's barracks, accommodating and training their militia. The other half acts as bestiary housing malformed lifeforms that they've managed to bend to their will.
- Function: Infantry Production
- Armour: Average
- Power Drain: 0
Forsaken Factory
These old factories have been recommissioned and retrofitted by the Forsaken to enable production of even their heaviest vehicles.
- Function: Vehicle Production
- Armour: Heavy
- Power Drain: 0
Forsaken Command Bunker
These fortified military structures are used as temporary command outposts by Forsaken warlords, officers and special forces.
- Function: Special
- Armour: Heavy
- Power Drain: 0
Forsaken Sentry Nest
These ramshackle bunkers are the Forsaken primary defensive structure.
- Function: Defense
- Primary Weapon: Vulcan Cannon
- Armour: Average
- Power Drain: 0
Scavenged Defenses
The Forsaken are also commonly seen utilising defences from the last war.
[ Forsaken Infantry ] - [ Forsaken Vehicles ] - [ Forsaken Aircraft ] - [ Forsaken Structures ]