Knight is the basic infantry wearing heavy armor and the hardest to kill infantries beneath the basic infantry.
Archer are the classic ranged infantry, mostly handled in the second row.
Halberdier If you having issues with cavalry or buildings, Halberdier's dismantle them quick! they deal also moderate damage against large crowds of infantry.
Paladin are very advanced in combat. . With their musket they are capable to dieal high damage against infantry and cavalry.
Juggernaut By far the most feared ground infantry. With the giant sledge hammer hes capable of taking down a whole block of enemy infantry in a 360° Circle around him, while just getting slightly touched. His specialized armor also makes him nearly invulnerable against projectile based weapons.
Scout are very fast and light equipped Cavalry, the Flail allows them to handle infantry with ease.
Medium Cavalry is a highly durable and cost effective unit which often is strong in large numbers or solo.
Heavy Cavalry pure powerhouses. The giant lances take advantage over every other ground unit. Also equipped with a set of daggers he can take down air-based encounters. The Super-Heavy Armor makes them nearly invulnerable.
Siege Engines
Siege Tower They are mostly used to transport up to 6 men safely near the enemy defenses. 3 Archers on top make sure air units don't get even a single advance. They also can handle Ground infantry well.
Ornithopter By plans left by Davinci, Dardanis engineers were capable of recreating an ancient aircraft and advanced it as combat operating unit.
Catapult are very good to against large crowds of ground based units and buildings. They throw multiple particles at once which highly increases their splash-rate.
Dragons Not much are left of them on the world. Dardanis breeder still managed to breed them safely in a stable environment. They are overkill when handled against large crowds. Due to their highly temperament they are likely to escape when critically damaged or go insane and begin rampaging.