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C&C95 w C.Ops Movie Errors? (Unpatched)
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Joined: 28 Oct 2014

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:30 am    Post subject:  C&C95 w C.Ops Movie Errors? (Unpatched)
Subject description: 2 errors every time a movie is triggered within the game. Seeking assistance.
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Hey PPM cats! Long time visitor, first time poster.

So, I've been having some minor issues running C&C95 w Covert Ops expansion. I'd love to see the look on people's faces when I tell them I'm running the game on an old laptop with Windows 2000.  Laughing

(You can skip this part, as it's just a personal account on the steps I took to get the game running on Windows2k)

I was having some trouble installing Covert Ops and went through GREAT LENGTHS trying to get it installed properly. For some reason, I installed all sorts of virtual machines and installing Windows 98 in order to install C.O. then found out that Win98 doesn't support any form of file transfer (from host to guest machine or vice versa), so I ended up installing it, then burning the install folder to a CD, transferring that to my Win2000 hard drive... all for no reason. I should have thought of it before, that using DOSbox (since Win2000 runs on NT instead of DOS, like Win98 does) would have been MUCH easier. But alas, I like to tinker with things, most times until I break them haha.

Just thought I'd explain all that for anyone that's interested in hearing about my endeavor and loyalty to the game lol.

(End of personal account)

Back to the matter at hand...

I've got C&C95 installed with compatibility options enabled and installed Covert Operations via DOSbox. Everything runs great aside from my CMOS battery being low on juice and having to mess with BIOS setting every time I turn it on to enable graphics stretching.

The problem is that every time a movie sequence is triggered, the screen goes black and I can hear 2 error messages popping up. It's a minor issue, since I can just press enter twice and the game resumes normally. I was just wondering if anyone has any information regarding this issue. I ran out of time last night playing a few missions before bed and realized I could try pressing Alt+Tab to see if the errors appear behind the game window.

Figured I'd start a post here since the forums look active still. I haven't installed Nyergud's 1.06c patch because it requires .NET Framework 2.0 and my old laptop's hard drive is only a tiny 5GB  Laughing

And in case you're wondering, I decided to install it in Windows2k to preserve the original experience of the game as I remember it years ago and Windows2k provides better compatibility with other games compared to Win98.

Anyways, I'll try to Alt+Tab out of the game to see if the error messages are visible and report back.

<3 C&C

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Lin Kuei Ominae

Joined: 16 Aug 2006
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

For the true TD feeling i use DosBox and run the DOS TD in it. works perfect, also on WinXP, Win7 and newer OS.

For the SVGA version, you should take a look at
Command & Conquer Gold: Project 1.06

IIRC Nyerguds also had a complete version, game files+ patch somewhere (1.2 GB download). So no installation hassle, just download-> copy-> paste-> play.

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