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From Fame to Horror
Moderators: Zero18
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Joined: 10 Dec 2012
Location: I'm too busy conquering the world!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 8:38 pm    Post subject:  From Fame to Horror Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Aurore, a famous french woman who used to work as modelling for fashion show. When she walked to the front stage, the French would scream in excitiment, even some of them fainted or fanning themselves. Aurore made on to the newspaper monthly that shows off her style and one on one interview about her style and fashion. She remained to have a large wealth of income during the starting of economy recession.  She was able to own a huge array of luxury for herself and her owner.

In 2020 when Word War 3 has erupted into full-blown large scale war, the French economy collapsed and their government had to draft their men to war against the Soviet Union.  Soon there was not enough men and the French Politicians are too selfish to send themselves to the war so they drafted French women to war to increase the manpower.

On one day, Aurore opened up her mailbox and grabbed the letters with her, went inside her house.  She casually browsed through it until a letter came up with stamp of French Government.  Anxiously, she opened it carefully and read it. She was so shocked and dropped the letter onto the ground. She tried to fight back her tears, wiped it off her face and she decided to attempt to kill herself by taking a large dose of sleeping pills and mix it with alcohol.

She was so depressed that she had been drafted to the war, she couldn't understand why it had to be her. After first dose of sleeping pill, she drank alcohol, but it was not enough to commit suicide.  God, she thought.  Goddammit,  why it has to be me? She took another dose of sleeping pill and swallowed it followed by a pint of heavy vodka. Jesus christ, she continued to think. I can't do that, I don't have the courage to do that. And she fell asleep on the kitchen floor.

She didn't woke up for at least few months, she was in coma. When she woke up, she tried to figure out where she is until senses had came to her that she is in hospital. What a foolish mistake I made, Aurore thought to herself. She sat and pondered about her actions to herself until the door opened, and it was nurse who brought Aurora ' finance.  The finance nodded as the nurse smiled and left the room alone to Aurore and her finance.  

"Aurore, you okay?" Asked her finance.  "No, I found out that I had been drafted into war," replied Aurore.  "Yeah, I saw it when I found out you were lying on the floor. You can't do anything like that again, stop trying to kill yourself." Aurore looked at her finance ' eyes and said,"But I'm scared." Her finance hugged her, "It is fine, by the way I have made an appointment for your AA meeting this Friday." Aurore was shocked and in dismay. "What!? Why are you doing that to me? Goddamnit! I don't need it, I can handle it myself." Screamed Aurore. The nurse entered the room and asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh nothing, it is not a big deal," said Aurore. "Okay," replied the Nurse as she left the room. "Screw you," said Aurore, angrily. "Hey, you need to get things straight first. I will pick you up tomorrow for your first AA meeting. See ya later honey," said her finance and he left her in the room. Aurore stood up and walked to the caged window. She looked around for hidden cameras around her room, found two hidden cameras. She knew that she had to get it down somehow.

She didn't want to go to AA meeting because she knew it would be a waste of her time and money.  So on one night, she put wet toilet paper onto the cameras and made sure it stick. While she makes her escape through banging and unscrewing the screws with her discolored nails. She managed to unlock the cage window and quietly set it aside. She leaned forward to see what's out there and the ground is very far below. She looked to the right and there is a stairs that leads to the ground. So she crawled out and the nurse entered the room. "Oh Aurore! Stop! Please no!" Screamed the nurse.

Aurore became paranoid and accidentally slipped off the ledge and fell to the ground. She was impacted so hard that she broke her left hip. She struggled to stand up and made her way out. Police and paramedics looked around to find her, but they couldn't find her at all. Aurore hid from the French society, took care of herself and mend her broken hip.

But that didn't last long as she hoped it would be. She was found in the store, walking with a wooden cane until a French police came to her about the wooden cane and why she didn't went to hospital. Aurore tried to lie at the first time but she realized it was too late, so she confessed. The police was surprised at how long Aurore has been avoiding going to war, but he had to do his duty. So he took Aurore with him inside the police car and dropped her off at a barracks.

Aurore soon began to regret for not lying to the police. She was confirmed by the secretary as a soldier. She was escorted to the surgery room for hip replacement surgery. She rested in the recovering room for few weeks and had to get used to moving again.  When she became well able, she was enrolled in basic combat training where she had to learn how to do push ups, pull ups, running the tracks, climbing and jumping the ropes.

Then she was enrolled in intermediate combat training where they practice hand to hand combat with punching bags. "Hey, I know you. You are that gigantic mole face lady on the newspaper?" Said the female grunt. "What? I have gigantic mole?" Said Aurore. "Too bad, your finance dumped you because you have so many problems. Ha!" Sneered the female grunt. "Hey, I have idea! Let's push this wimp bitch around!" And the three female grunts pushed and bullied Aurore. When they left her and went outside. Aurore quietly cried to herself, she never had been oppressed before. She knew she should had killed herself long time ago.

She struggled with harassment, but she kept on training herself and promoted to elite combat training where the grunts who are exceptionally skilled and are given the best weapons of all. She was the last one to pick the weapon,  all of the good weapons like assault rifle, submachine guns, even sniper rifle all gone.  Only thing that left is Rocket Launcher. This shit is too heavy for me to carry all day. What the actual ztype?  She thought to herself.

She was wrong when she picked it up, it is very light! Oh wow, she thought. "Alright grunts! To the firing range! Hut! Hut! No slacking! Keep moving you weak - ass grunts!" Commanded the instructor.  Aurore stood and aimed at the holographic target. She charged up the rocket launcher and it fired plasma that destroyed the target like it was nothing.  Neat! She thought to herself. She switched the mode of her rocket launcher and 9 targets pops up. She launched the plasma and it spread, hitting all the targets. Wow, she looked so surprised. She knew it is something she finally didn't regret now.

She assisted with local french forces in quelling the riots and never seen such a horror in her entire life. She experienced the thrill of war for 4 years until she was promoted as commando and was introduced to the French top commander where they will be providing support to Aurore from radar and space view.

Aurore is AA, but avoided it and almost killed herself many times but failed. She is a commando for France which she served for at least 14 years.

Mod Leader and founder of World Domination

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