Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:56 am Post subject:
Barrel Roll Taunt
I was trying to replicate the barrel roll taunt from Shockwave. I got a fatal error. It lost me at the part where they used "GLAWorkerFakeCommandSet" as a trigger.
Their method is very alien to me. They don't even use an animated W3D to make the plane barrel roll...Which is what I started to try to do once I failed at trying to duplicate their method.
Even this became frustrating, I couldn't apply the animation to the ATTACKING condition. I'm using the Raptor as a test subject. The closest I could get was to apply the animation to the JETEXHAUST condition. This makes them do a roll right after takeoff, which is good. But, I'd prefer if I could get them to do the barrel roll before or after an attack. Or at the command of a button like Shockwave did. Last edited by 206UE on Thu Sep 04, 2014 4:00 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
; ***DESIGN parameters ***
DisplayName = OBJECT:KingRaptor
EditorSorting = VEHICLE
Side = AmericaAirForceGeneral
TransportSlotCount = 0 ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable)
VisionRange = 200.0
ShroudClearingRange = 400
EnergyBonus = 0 ;defining this just incase
Object = AirF_AmericaAirfield
Conditions = None
Weapon = PRIMARY AirF_RaptorJetMissileWeapon
Weapon = PRIMARY AirF_RaptorJetLaserGuidedMissileWeapon
Conditions = None
Armor = AirplaneArmor
DamageFX = None
Armor = AirF_AmericaJetRaptorCountermeasuresAirPlaneArmorCouldIHavePossiblyWrittenALongerName
DamageFX = None
BuildCost = 1100
BuildTime = 20
ExperienceValue = 75 75 125 175 ;Experience point value at each level
ExperienceRequired = 0 100 200 400 ;Experience points needed to gain each level
IsTrainable = Yes ;Can gain experience
CrusherLevel = 1 ;What can I crush?: 1 = infantry, 2 = trees, 3 = vehicles
CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles
CommandSet = AmericaJetRaptorCommandSet
OutOfAmmoDamagePerSecond = 10% ; amount of damage to take per SEC (not per frame) when out of ammo
; note that it's expressed as a percent of max health, not an absolute
TakeoffDistForMaxLift = 0% ; larger numbers give more lift sooner when taking off
TakeoffPause = 500
MinHeight = 5
ParkingOffset = 3 ; scooch it a little forward so the tail doesn't hit the doors
ReturnToBaseIdleTime = 10000 ; if idle for this long, return to base, even if not out of ammo
Locomotor = SET_NORMAL RaptorJetLocomotor
Locomotor = SET_TAXIING BasicJetTaxiLocomotor
Behavior = FlammableUpdate ModuleTag_21
AflameDuration = 5000 ; If I catch fire, I'll burn for this long...
AflameDamageAmount = 3 ; taking this much damage...
AflameDamageDelay = 500 ; this often.
Behavior = ArmorUpgrade ModuleTag_Armor25
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCountermeasures
Behavior = CountermeasuresBehavior ModuleTag_26
TriggeredBy = Upgrade_AmericaCountermeasures
FlareTemplateName = CountermeasureFlare
FlareBoneBaseName = Flare ; Name of the base flare bone (Flare01, Flare02, Flare03)
VolleySize = 3 ; Number of flares launched per volley (requires bones)
VolleyArcAngle = 90.0 ; Max angle of flare relative to forward direction (with VolleySize of 1, flare will always goes straight back).
VolleyVelocityFactor = 1.0 ; Shoots out flares at a stronger velocity with a higher value.
DelayBetweenVolleys = 1000 ; Time between flare volleys
NumberOfVolleys = 3 ; Number of times the volleys will fire before reloading
ReloadTime = 0 ; After all volleys launched, then reloading must occur. If 0, then reloading occurs at airstrip only.
EvasionRate = 40% ; With active flares, the specified percentage will be diverted.
ReactionLaunchLatency = 0 ; Reaction between getting shot at and the firing of the first volley of countermeasures.
MissileDecoyDelay = 200 ; A reported missile that has been determined to hit a decoy will wait this long before acquiring countermeasures.
CommandButton Command_RaptorTaunt
Upgrade = Upgrade_GLAWorkerFakeCommandSet
TextLabel = CONTROLBAR:Taunt
ButtonImage = SATaunt
ButtonBorderType = ACTION ; Identifier for the User as to what kind of button this is
DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipTauntRaptor
PurchasedLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipTauntRaptor
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