Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 5:12 pm Post subject:
Warning: Upcoming CAPTCHA change for guest posting.
Subject description: It might not be possible to post as guest during this transition. We'll do this move slowly...
In order to change our current CAPTCHA into something a little bit more humanly confortable, we'll slowly tweak our forum software. First of all, we'll change the visual confirmation for guest posting and then, for registering accounts. During this transition, it won't be possible to post as guest... and later, to register.
At the moment, I'm just announcing this move and studying the code required to do it. Once implementation and testing starts, we'll update this topic. I hope that at least, by the next week, guest posting should be using Are you a Human, but I can't make any promises into that.
Sorry for any inconvenience and I hope that your experience in this forum improves in the future.
Note: if during this time, the site goes blank when you make a post, try to refresh your screen and re-send your post. It should work fine once I fix my code . QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:02 pm Post subject:
Just to point out that, while it is easier to register in the forums now, with the new CAPTCHA system we are using, the amount of bots posting in the forum have increased.
So, I'll implement some kind of trap to slow down the bots, without using the old CAPTCHA system. I'm still thinking about it. Does anyone have any suggestions for it? QUICK_EDIT
How many people register a day? Mods could approve each new user or smth, if the number is low enough.
Frankly, the old system worked, but it was hard to decipher. Maybe just putting clearer intrustions, with an example, a quick way to refresh the capcha, and provide an email link (maybe to mods) to help people who cant get past it. They'd get their account within 24 hrs at least, which isn't intolerable. No?
*I don't remember, do you need email verification to register?
Can't you just add an additional logic question in the registration form? Even a simple math question could be enough to keep out the bots that are currently getting through. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
As I have previously pointed out, a simple semantic question requiring specialized knowledge regarding this forum's subject matter should do the trick.
Something as simple as "please write the 5 large letters in the forum header" could be enough. If you go for something like "What is the name of the prophet of the Brotherhood of Nod?", you should pretty much be set.
If it's a bot, it's coded to solve very particular kinds of machine-solvable problems. Give it something else, and it'll choke.
If it's a human (e.g. a rented Chinese), CAPTCHAs in general will fail. You can only hope that the subject matter of the security question is alien enough to him that the target is not worthwhile. _________________ via Matrix - direct link QUICK_EDIT
I actually don't think everyone will know how to answer that question. It might be better to just ask for the name of the site and accepting both "PPM" and "Project Perfect Mod" as an answer.
Or you could do something more general like "Type the number 5 in letters". _________________ QUICK_EDIT
The far superior solution would be redirecting those giving a stupid answer to a different forum. _________________ via Matrix - direct link QUICK_EDIT
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