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Repopulating map with tiberium life (**)
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Joined: 03 Sep 2009

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:43 pm    Post subject:  Repopulating map with tiberium life (**) Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Here's something that can be used to keep spawning limited number of tiberium life to a map. Usually the neutral tiberium lifeforms die sooner or later, with this new ones will appear to replace the dead ones. The trick will also keep their numbers in check by only spawning new ones when old ones die. And it adds a bit of randomization to the mix.

Start off by creating a taskforce with the creature(s) you want to spawn. For the random effect, I've added 3 taskforces (1 fiend, 1 floater, 1 visceroid). Then create a script(s) for each of them. The important part is that the script is never ending (use script action Jump to line #), otherwise the team will cease to exist. Next the teams for each one:

Note they all share the same Tag, Tib 1 Dead. So let's create that trigger.

When any of these creatures dies, 3 spawning triggers get enabled. One of them will activate first (spawning one of the creatures), while the other 2 get disabled. This is based on randomization. We need the spawn triggers (3 of them). Here's Spawn 1A defined (just clone this one and adjust it for the other two, namely changing the team that gets spawned):

When the creature dies, all 3 spawn triggers are enabled and the random delay will make one of them activate first. The activated one then spawns one of the three teams, and all the spawning triggers are disabled (until the spawned creature dies). The value in Random delay defines how long it will take for a replacement creature to appear (+-50% of the value). You can also make it more likely for one of the creatures to appear, e.g. by giving Tib 1A a lower Random delay than Tib 1B and Tib 1C.

This randomization technique can be used for alot of other stuff on maps as well, for example to define whether an ion storm starts or not, where the objective (e.g. an enemy commander) will appear, etc.

With these your map will keep respawning replacements for dead tiberium creatures (with the delay you wish). It will also be quite random since every time you could end up with a different creature. Even more random if you give each spawn trigger a different waypoint. Also this example was for only 1 creature, you should probably create more of them (it can lead to alot of triggers, so name them properly to keep it organized).

Key Words: #Tutorials #Mapping #TiberianSun #Firestorm #FinalSun 


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Lin Kuei Ominae

Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Moved to tutorials forum as this really is a good one.
Gave it 2 stars due to the many triggers (for an experienced mapper it would be only 1 or 0 stars though)

Though you should really get an FTP space on ppm and upload pictures there. External hosters are always bad for such things, due to their random deletion of files.

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Joined: 03 Sep 2009

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

lol I've been on this board 3 years and never noticed the Mapping Tutorials Factory subforum. Has it always been there? Only ever noticed Tutorials Factory and Mapping Discussion. Maybe Banshee or someone could upload the pics here?

Btw thought of a fun use for the randomization technique for a singleplayer mission. Your objective would be to kill a high ranking enemy. There are 3 limos and he is in one of them. When the map starts it's randomly chosen which one he is in, and you have no way of telling. Think it would add a fun element to the mission, you could get it right on the first go or have to take out all 3. Of course you could just reload if he wasn't in the limo you went after, but that would kind of ruin the fun.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

SuperJoe wrote:
lol I've been on this board 3 years and never noticed the Mapping Tutorials Factory subforum. Has it always been there?

It was created recently when it was announced that TiberiumWeb is going to die. The forum was created so all of Tibweb's mapping tutorials could be moved here.

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