Author: Wiziwig
Cliff errors are tricky lil buggers. Most begining mappers don't notice them, but as soon as they post them, someone notices.
This tutorial, allthough basic, will show you common cliff errors, and how to fix them.
Allrighty then, lets begin...
Common Cliff Error no. 1, Missing corners.
The most common cliff error, and the most common among new mappers, is the diagonal cliff error. (by diagonal, I mean the cliffs that go from west to east.)
This cliff error is due to not using the corner cliff pieces, which are listed below:
1)First off, lets have a look at the problem. As you can see, if viewed in Marble Madness, the cliff has a piece missing. We are soon to add that piece.
2)First off, select the 'southern corner cliff piece'. (the cliff piece that faces south):
3)Next, we're going to place that piece where it should be, right here:
4) (if you have problems with placing the cliff piece (eg. cliff piece keeps moving away from desired area), deselect everything (right click) and press 'd' on your keyboard. Everything will now be in '2D mode', and placing the corner cliff pieces should be easier (if your finnished with using 2D mode, deselect everything again and hit 'd' to switch back):
Now, if you have followed everything correctly, your cliff should look like this:
Also, when you are met with other cliff pieces that need the corner pieces, this is how you should use them:
Common Cliff Error no. 2, Overlapping Cliffs.
The second most common cliff error, is mostly due to people not having Marble Madness, and is also due to people using the 'auto cliff' tool alot.
Below will tell you how to spot them.
1)Okay, lets have a look at this:
Looks pretty normal eh? A bit blocky, but not bad. Well, lets take a closer look with Marble Madness...
As you can see, the cliff pieces are overlapping. Time to fix this...
Allrighty, lets have a look at the culprit...
These here are the most common to spot, and aren't that much of a nusince to fix.
These are a bit harder to spot, but are just as easy to fix.
These, IMO, are the hardest to spot, and are a nusience ingame aswell, as they screw up the shadows of the cliffs.
Now that you know what to spot, it should be rather easy to fix them.
Tips before I go:
*Allways check your map for cliffies before you post it. We're not here to find them for you!
*Use Marble Madness! It helps a lot when you're placing cliff pieces and checking for cliff errors.
Other than that, Good Luck, and have fun!