Type: Unmanned combat vehicle
Armament: "Chaos" hallucinogen sprayer
Armour Class: Light
Speed: Fast
Cost: $800
Purpose: Chemical-based support
Requires: Vehicle Plant
Additional Info
- explodes violently on destruction
- immune to mind-control
- immune to toxins
- immune to radiation
The Chimera make heavy use of chemical warfare and one such product is a hallucinogen codenamed "Chaos". This hallucinogen causes anyone who inhales it to experience a short hallucinogenic moment where everything they see is beyond explanation. What causes them to go berserk are the images of horrifying personifications of their fears, who are in actuality their own comrades. The hallucinogen's panic inducing effect causes them to fight back violently, quickly (and unwittingly) killing their own men. Small robotic buggy-like drones are used to deliver "Chaos" into the battlefield, capable of spaying it in large quantities. The Chimera are now researching into better delivery methods and it is rumoured that they are currently producing an even more potent hallucinogen which is reportedly weaponized from a mysterious paranoia-inducing disease found in a remote rural village somewhere in Japan...
credit: Bu7Loos
Trivia: That last part in the description? Oyashiro-sama is coming for you...