Weapons Van
Affiliation: Dominion
Weapons: Pistol & Supply Cache
Role: Tactical Support Unit
Cost: 1200
Speed: Average
Armor: Average
Movement: Land
Requirements: War Factory & War Academy
Additional Info:
- Can Repair Itself
- Immune to Vehicle Sniping
- Becomes Cloakable at Elite.
Supply Field Effect:
+50% Firepower
+25% Armor
-25% Speed
+65% Firepower
+25% Armor
-25% Speed
As the More powerful Soviet Nations were left unable to support the Dominion. They had to resort to arming and providing support to their own troops. Even with less resources the Dominion were still able to scrap up with this. Weapons Vans are heavily reinforced Vans loaded with plenty of firearms and supplies. On the battlefield these units can be ordered to deploy allowing them to share their large cache of supplies to ground troops in the vicinity. After a while the effect does run out as troops must return to resupply. Should the Van be destroyed its cache of weapons will deliver one last resupply to their comrades. Drivers are also encouraged to join in on the fight even with their mediocre pistols which can still be somewhat fatal only to soft targets such as infantry.