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Multigunner Turret
Affiliation: Eastern Front
Weapon: Anti-Personnel MLRS/Multi-User Gun System
Role: Mobile Defense Platform
Cost: 1000
Speed: Very Slow
Armor: Standard Construction
Movement: Amphibious
Requirements: Boot Camp
Additional Info:
- Will Power Down when all Power Source Buildings are shut off.
- Can Gain Experience
- Repairs Itself
The Eastern Front never stopped to surprise the Allied Nations on their advanced technology. The Multigunner Turret is a example of their more advanced knowledge. The Multigunner functions similarly to their mobile IFV Unit. Multigunner's are Warped in by remote chronosphere devices from the Main Factories in Eastern Front Nations leading to the much more expensive cost of sending out these defense systems. The Multigunner's sheer versatility makes it so the Eastern Front need not rely on the Pillbox & Patriot Missile system. Being able to run off its own micro-generator. Multigunner Turrets are also able to run autonomously and can travel beyond the range of the Commander's Base. Being Mobile, They can also be positioned into Water Areas and can be programmed to patrol.