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Colony Structures
Moderators: Atomic_Noodles
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Defense Minister

Joined: 05 Oct 2011

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:42 pm    Post subject:  Colony Structures
Subject description: All your base are belong to bugs
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Unlike conventional armies. the Colony Structures do not rely on Power and tend to provide more than one effect for their army. However this does make their structures more expensive than the other sides.

Colony Mound
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Base Construction
Cost: 3000 (From Purchase of Digger Ant)
Power Cost: N/A
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Requirements: Deploy from Digger Ant

Siphon Pillar
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Support Structure
Cost: 1000
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Colony Mound
Additional Information:
- Generates 60 Credits per minute.
- Has a build limit of 5

These ominous looking pillars provide a vital asset to the Colony. Draining up valuable resources from the earth itself. Siphon Pillars help increase the menial task of gathering resources for a colony base.

Outpost Hole
Affilliation: Colony
Role: "Infantry Production"
Cost: 800
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Colony Mound

Ore Pit
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Resource Drop-Off
Cost: 2500
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Colony Mound
Additional Information:
-Increases Ore Returns by 25%

Even the Colony relies on processing ore. The Ore pit seems to fulfill the same purpose as the Ore Refinery. Ore is processed more easily by the Giant ants and so they are able to get more credits from their harvesters.

Assault Hole
Affilliation: Colony
Role: "Vehicle Production Facility"
Cost: 3000
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Colony Mound & Outpost Hole

Hive Cluster
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Radar,Tier 2 Ant Mutations
Cost: 1500
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Outpost Hole & Siphon Pillar
Support Powers:

Tunnel Ambush
Using their vast tunnel networks underground. Summon up a group of Giant Ants to appear anywhere on the map. The Group consists of 5 Scout Ants, 3 Soldier Ants & 2 Spit Fire Ants.

Hive Sight
For a short while. You will be able to see the whole map. This effect cannot pierce through GAP Generator Shrouds however.

Core Mound
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Advanced Mutation
Cost: 5000
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Assault Hole & Hive Cluster
Additional Information:
- Infantry & Vehicles cost 25% less when built
- Has a build limit of 1

Affilliation: Colony
Role: Base Support
Cost: 1500
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Assault Hole
Additional Information
- Infantry & Vehicles will regenerate faster
- An Extra Colony Infantry will be produced

Colony Wall
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Walling
Cost: 50
Power Cost: N/A
Armor: Basic Construction
Requirements: Outpost Hole
Additional Information:
- Burrows can be built over them

Nothing more than compact dirt, the Colony Wall still serves as an excellent obstacle for infantry. Vehicles... Not so much.

Affilliation: Colony
Role: Defense Structure
Cost: 300
Power Cost: N/A
Requirements: Outpost Hole
Additional Information:
- Can be built over Colony Walls

Living underground has given the Colony Ants a surprising benefit of being able to construct these burrows all over their bases. On its own, the Burrow is nothing more than a hole in the ground. However the Colony can command 3 different Ants to watch over selected burrows. Ranging from the Scout,Spitfire & Crusher Burrows.

Scout Burrow
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Basic Defense
Cost: 200
Power Cost:
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Requirements: Outpost Hole
Additional Information:
- Can Detect Cloaked or Disguised Infantry
- Can gain experience

A Burrow occupied by Scout Ants. Much like their infantry versions. Scout Burrows provide a large sight radius and also is able to detect disguised or hidden units. Should the burrow be destroyed, Scout Ants can quickly clamber out to fight themselves.

Spitfire Burrow
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Advanced Defense
Cost: 700
Power Cost: N/A
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Requirements: Hive Cluster
Additional Information:
- Can gain experience

A Burrow occupied by Spitfire Ants. The Spitfire Burrow is the Colony's only Structural Anti-Air Defense. Providing the same lethality as their Spitfire Ants. Due to their sheer size, Spitfire Ants seem to not be able to escape when the Burrow is destroyed.

Crusher Burrow
Affilliation: Colony
Role: Anti-Armor,Advanced Defense
Cost: 1300
Power Cost: N/A
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Requirements: Hive Cluster
Additional Information:
- Can gain experience

The most lethal of the Burrow Defenses. The Crusher Burrow have their eponymous Crusher ants as guards. Able to fire out large boulders as they normally can. The Crusher Burrow like the Spitfire Burrow cannot eject their Ants due to them being too large and are mostly killed during explosion.

~ Excelsior ~

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