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Colony Wars [REVISION 2]
Moderators: Generals Moderators, Global Moderators, OpenRA Moderators, Red Alert 2 Moderators, Tiberian Sun Moderators
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Defense Minister

Joined: 05 Oct 2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:37 am    Post subject:  Colony Wars [REVISION 2]
Subject description: Remade the Topic...
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Colony Wars is a Yuri's Revenge Mod which adds in a new fourth side to the Game, Tweaks the original three sides and adds in new units to each of the sides. The Mod will be using ARES.

The Soviet Empire is the main foe of the Allied Nations. The Soviets possess powerful weapons in their arsenal from nuclear weapons, to tesla technology even Cybernetics. Aside from this the Soviet Empire has many soldiers loyal to the cause of the Communist Powerhouse.


Hero Unit: Boris

Unique Tech:
Terror Drone (Vehicle)
Tesla Tank (Vehicle)
Rhino Heavy Tank (Vehicle)
Thunderbird (Aircraft)

A New Division that has joined the Soviet Forces. The Imperial Nations use their vast reserves of nuclear weapons to devastate the battlefield with radiation.

Hero Unit: Dragon Maiden

Unique Tech:
Desolator (Infantry)
Nuke Cannon (Vehicle)
Lion Medium Tank (Vehicle)
Phoenix (Aircraft)

A Unified order nations who are loyal to the Soviet Cause. The Dominion serve as the Soviets Demolitions Specialists, Access to powerful napalm weaponry,large reserve of explosives and almost limitless fanatics loyal to the Soviet Regime. The Confederation are more than able to lay waste to any force.

Hero Unit: Black Scorpion

Unique Tech:
Terrorist (Infantry)
Demolition Truck (Vehicle)
Viper Light Tank (Vehicle)
Hellion (Aircraft)


Soviet Headquarters
Cost: 3000
Role: Base Construction
Foundation: 3x3
Strength: 1000
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: N/A
Requirements: N/A

Tesla Reactor
Cost: 600
Role: Base Power
Foundation: 2x3
Strength: 750
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: 150
Requirements: Soviet Headquarters

Soviet Refinery
Cost: 2000
Role: Ore Processing Facility
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -50
Requirements: Soviet Tesla Reactor

Soviet Barracks
Cost: 500
Role: Infantry Production Facility
Foundation 2x2
Strength: 500
Armor: Standard Construction
Requirements: Soviet Tesla Reactor

Soviet War Factory
Cost: 2000
Role: Land Vehicle Production Facility
Foundation 5x3
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Requirements: Soviet Refinery

Radar Tower
Role: Radar Facility
Foundation 2x2
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -50
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Spy Plane – 4 Minutes
Send out a Spy Plane which will scout the selected area. Spy Planes are cloaked and have a durable frame. They are however still noisy as they originally were.

Repair Bay
Cost: 1000
Role: Repair Facility
Foundation 1x1
Stength: 800
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: -25
Weapon: Repair Arm
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

War Academy
Cost: 2000
Role: Advanced Tech Facility
Foundation 3x3
Strength: 500
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -100

Soviet Airstrip
Role: Aircraft Production Facility
Requirements: Soviet Radar Tower

Soviet Naval Yard
Cost: 1000
Role: Naval Vehicle Facility
Foundation 4x4
Strength: 1500
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: -20
Requirements: Soviet Refinery & Soviet Tesla Reactor

Nuclear Reactor
Cost: 1000
Role: Advanced Power Source
Strength: 1000
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: 2000
Requirements: Soviet War Academy

Industrial Plant
Cost: 2500
Role: Vehicle Production Support
Foundation 3x3
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -200
Requirements: Soviet War Academy


Tesla Wall

Cost: 500
Role: Walling
Foundation 1x1
Strength: 500
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: -25
Weapon: Tesla Surge
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Sentry Gun
Cost: 500
Role: Basic Ground Defense
Foundation 1x1
Strength: 400
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Weapon: Automized Vulcan Machine Guns
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Flak Cannon
Cost: 1000
Role: Anti-Air Defense
Foundation 1x1
Strength: 900
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -50
Weapon: Anti-Air Flak Cannon
Requirements: Soviet Barracks,Radar Tower

Tesla Coil
Cost: 1500
Role: Advanced Ground Defense
Foundation 1x1
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -75
Weapon 1: Tesla Bolt
Weapon 2: Super Tesla Bolt (When charged by Tesla Trooper or Tank)
Requirements: Tesla Reactor,Radar Tower,Headquarters

Battle Bunker
Cost: 500
Role: Support Structure
Foundation 2x2
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Weapon: (Infantry Garrisoned)
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Propaganda Tower
Cost: 2000
Role: Support Defense
Strength: 800
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -100
Weapon: Loudspeakers
Requirement: War Academy & Headquarters


Cost: 100
Role: Basic Infantry
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Assault Rifle
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Tesla Trooper
Cost: 500
Role: Assault Infantry
Speed: 3
Strength: 150
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon 1: Tesla Gauntlet
Weapon 2: Tesla Charger
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Radar Tower

Cyber Dog
Cost: 500
Role: Anti-Infantry,Detector,Scout,Anti-VehicleSupport
Speed: 5
Strength: 130
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon 1: EMP Emitter
Weapon 2: Teeth
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Cost: 600
Role: Base Maintenance
Speed: 4
Strength: 75
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Bomb Defusal Kit
Weapon 2: Building Blueprints
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Flak Trooper – [400] – Anti-Air/Anti-Infantry
Cost: 300
Role: Anti-Infantry & Anti-Air
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Flak Cannon
Weapon 2: N/A
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Crazy Ivan
Cost: 600
Role: Demolitions
Speed: 4
Strength: 150
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Sticky Bomb Launcher
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Radar Tower

Cost: 600
Role: Aerial Infantry
Speed: 9
Strength: 125
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Laser Pistols
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Radar Tower

Cost: 1500
Role: Espionage
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Disguise Kit
Weapon 2: Tesla Explosive Device
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Soviet War Academy

*Available only to the Imperial League

Cost: 600
Role: Anti-Infantry & Area Denial
Speed: 3
Strength: 150
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon 1: Rad Cannon
Weapon 2: Rad Emitter
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Radar Tower

*Available only to the Latin Dominion

Cost: 500
Role: Covert Demolitions
Speed: 6
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Disguise Kit
Weapon 2: Explosives
Requirements: Soviet Barracks & Soviet Radar Tower


Rhino Heavy Tank
*Available only to the USSR

Cost: 900
Role: Main Battle Tank
Speed: 5
Strength: 500
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Tesla Explosive Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

Lion Medium Tank
*Available only to the Imperial League

Cost: 800
Role: Main Battle Tank
Speed: 7
3Strength: 400
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Dual Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

Viper Light Tank
*Available only to the Latin Dominion

Cost: 700
Role: Main Battle Tank
Speed: 8
Strength: 300
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Heavy Machine Gun
Weapon 2: Single Passenger Firing Port
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

Flak Track
Cost: 500
Role: Anti-Air & Infantry Transport
Speed: 8
Strength: 180
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Flak Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

V3 Launcher
Cost: 800
Role: Ordnance Delivery Siege Unit
Speed: 4
Strength: 150
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon: V3 Missile Launcher
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

Terror Drone
*Available only to the USSR

Cost: 500
Role: Anti-Armor & Anti-Infantry
Speed: 10
Strength: 100
Armor: Robot Plating
Weapon 1: Sharp Blades
Weapon 2: Drilling Tool
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

Apocalypse Tank
Cost: 2000
Role: Heavy Assault Tank
Speed: 4
Strength: 800
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Dual Cannons
Weapon 2: Cluster Missile Launcher
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet War Academy

Cost: 3000
Role: Base Expansion
Speed: 4
Strength: 1000
Armor: Reinforced Plating
Weapon 1: Tesla Coil
Weapon 2: Flak Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet Repair Bay

Cobra Assault Tank
Cost: 1000
Role: Light Assault Tank
Speed: 8
Strength: 400
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Machine Gun
Weapon 2: Anti-Tank Missiles
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet Radar Tower

War Miner
Cost: 1200
Role: Resource Gatherer
Speed: 4
Strength: 1000
Armor: Reinforced Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Machine Gun
Weapon 2: Ore Harvester
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet Repair Bay

Demolition Truck
*Available only to the Latin Dominion

Cost: 1500
Role: Demolition Unit
Speed: 6
Strength: 300
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon: Napalm Explosives
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Radar Tower

Nuke Cannon
*Available only to the Imperial League

Cost: 1750
Role: Artillery Siege Unit
Speed: 4
Strength: 300
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon: Nuke Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet War Academy

Tesla Tank
*Available only to the USSR

Cost: 1500
Role: Medium Assault Tank
Speed: 6
Strength: 400
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Dual Tesla Coils
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet Radar Tower


Amphibious Transport
Cost: 1000
Role: Amphibious Transport
Speed: 6
Strength: 300
Armor: Standard Plating
Requirements: Soviet Naval Yard

Typhoon Attack Sub
Cost: 1000
Role: Basic Naval Unit
Weapon: Torpedo
Requirements: Soviet Naval Yard

Cost: 2000
Role: Ordnance Delivery Siege Unit
Speed: 4
Strength: 800
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Dreadnought Missile Launcher
Requirements: Soviet Naval Yard & Soviet War Academy

Sea Wolf
Cost: 600
Role: Anti-Air Unit
Speed: 8
Strength: 300
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Cluster Flak Missiles
Requirements: Soviet Naval Yard & Soviet Radar Tower

Sea Drone
Cost: 500
Role: Stealth Detector
Speed: 8
Strength: 150
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon 1: Micro Tesla Coil
Requirements: Soviet Naval Yard & Soviet War Academy


Siege Chopper
Cost: 1000
Role: Air Assault Unit & Ground Artillery Unit
Speed: 12
Strength: 300
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Machine Gun
Weapon 2: Artillery Cannon
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet War Academy

Kirov Airship
Cost: 3000
Role: Surface Bombardment Unit
Speed: 5
Strength: 2000
Armor: Reinforced Plating
Weapon: HE Bombardment Payload
Requirements: Soviet War Factory & Soviet War Academy

*Available only to the USSR

Cost: 1500
Weapon: Tesla Bombs
Requirements: Airstrip

*Available only to the Imperial League

Cost: 1500
Weapon: Nuclear Bombs
Requirements: Airstrip

*Available only to the Latin Dominion

Cost: 1500
Weapon: Napalm Bombs
Requirements: Airstrip


Tesla Vanguard
*Available to Soviets who infiltrate a Soviet War Academy

Cost: 1500
Role: Heavy Assault Infantry
Strength: 200
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon: Hand Tesla Artillery Cannon
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Magnet Vanguard
*Available to Soviets who infiltrate a Yuri Cabal Laboratory

Cost: 1500
Role: Heavy Assault Infantry
Speed: 3
Strength: 200
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon: Hand Magnetron Cannon
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Prism Vanguard
*Available to Soviets who infiltrate a Allied Tech Center

Cost: 1500
Role: Heavy Assault Infantry
Speed: 3
Strength: 200
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon: Hand Prism Cannon
Requirements: Soviet Barracks

Colossus Ant
*Available to Soviets who infiltrate a Colony Core Mound

Cost: 2000
Role: Heavy Assault Unit
Speed: 6
Strength: 1000
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Dual Cannons
Weapon 2: Cluster Missile Launcher
Requirements: Soviet War Factory

~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:48 am; edited 9 times in total

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Defense Minister

Joined: 05 Oct 2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Allied Nations have long been fighting with the Soviets. With their victory over Stalin in Great World War II, The Allied Nations have kept a close eye on the Soviet Nations. Now with Yuri's own forces to deal with and the Giant Ants returning they have once again must deal with restoring peace to the world.

The Western Alliance are Infantry Specialists, Fielding their own group of elite infantry, named the Airborne. They also have access to the Medic who can support allied infantry in the battlefield. Unlike the other 2 sides. Their Aircraft, the Raptor are deployed through an underground access way from their own unique building, the Control Center which functions as their Radar Facility and access to the Airborne Ability.

Hero Unit: Tanya

Unique Tech:

Medic (Infantry)
Airborne (Infantry)
Raptor (Aircraft)
Grizzly Medium Tank (Vehicle)


Hero Unit:Sakura

Unique Tech:

Black Eagle (Aircraft)
Tsunami Light Tank (Vehicle)
Spectre Gunship (Aircraft)


Hero Unit:

Unique Tech:

Redeemer (Infantry)
Tank Destroyer (Vehicle)
Harrier (Aircraft)
Panther Tank (Vehicle)


Command Center - [3000] - Key Base Structure

Power Plant
Cost: 800
Role: Base Power
Foundation: 2x2
Strength: 750
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: +200
Requirements: Allied Command Center

Power Plant Upgrade
Cost: 200
Role: Building Upgrade
Foundation: 1x1
Strength: N/A
Armor: N/A
Power: +100
Requirements: Allied Power Plant and Allied Tech Center

Allied Refinery
Cost: 2000
Role: Ore Processing Facility
Foundation: 4x3
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -50
Requirements: Allied Power Plant & Allied Command Center

Allied Barracks
Cost: 500
Role: Infantry Production Facility
Foundation: 3x2
Strength: 500
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -10
Requirements: Allied Power Plant & Allied Command Center

Allied War Factory
Cost: 2000
Role: Vehicle Production Facility
Foundation: 5x3
Strength: 1000
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -25
Requirements: Allied Refinery,Allied Barracks & Allied Command Center

Airforce Command HQ
Cost: 1000
Role: Radar Access & Aircraft Production Facility
Foundation: 3x2
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -50
Requirements: Allied Refinery & Allied Command Center

Naval Yard
Cost: 1000
Role: Naval Vehicle Production Facility
Foundation: 4x4
Strength: 1500
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -25
Weapon: Repair Arm
Requirements: Allied Refinery,Allied Power Plant & Allied Construction Yard

Tech Center
Cost: 2000
Role: Advanced Tech Facility
Foundation: 3x2
Strength: 500
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -100
Requirements: Allied War Factory, Allied Airforce Command HQ & Allied Command Center

Landing Pad
Cost: 500
Role: Aircraft Docking
Foundation: 2x2
Strength: 500
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Requirements: Allied Airforce Command HQ

Service Depot
Cost: 1200
Role: Unit Repair Facility
Foundation: 3x4
Strength: 800
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -25
Weapon: Repair Arm
Requirements: Allied War Factory

Allied Ore Purifier
Cost: 2500
Role: Resource Support Facility
Foundation: 3x3
Strength: 900
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: -200
Requirements: Allied Tech Center,Allied Refinery & Allied Command Center

Allied Control Center
*Available only to the Western Alliance

Cost: 1000
Role: Radar Access & Aircraft Production Facility
Foundation: 2x2
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: -50
Requirements: Allied Refinery & Allied Command Center


Bulwark Wall
Cost: 300
Role: Walling
Foundation: 1x1
Strength: 300
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Cost: 500
Role: Basic Ground Defense
Foundation: 1x1
Power: N/A
Weapon 1: Heavy Machine Gun
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Patriot Missile
Cost: 1000
Role: Anti-Air Defense
Foundation: 1x1
Power: -50
Weapon: Patriot Missile Launcher

Prism Tower
Cost: 1500
Role: Advanced Ground Defense
Foundation: 1x1
Power: -75
Weapon: High-Intensity Laser Emitter

Grand Cannon
Cost: 2000
Role: Advanced Ground Defense
Foundation: 2x2
Weapon: Artillery Cannon

GAP Generator
Cost: 1000
Role: Support Structure
Foundation: 1x1
Strength: 600
Armor: Wood
Power: -100
Weapon: Radar Scrambler
Requirements: Allied Command Center & Allied Tech Center


Cost: 200
Role: Basic Infantry
Speed: 4
Strength: 125
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Light SMG
Weapon 2: Light Machine Gun
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Guardian GI
Cost: 400
Role: Anti-Aircraft & Anti-Armor
Speed: 3
Strength: 150
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Engineer – [500]
Cost: 500
Role: Base Maintenance
Speed: 3
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Defusal Kit
Weapon 2: Building Blueprints
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Attack Dog
Cost: 200
Role: Anti-Infantry & Detector
Speed: 10
Strength: 100
Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapon : Teeth
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Cost: 1000
Role: Commando Infantry
Weapon 1: Heavy SMG
Weapon 2: C4 Charges
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Allied Airforce Command HQ

Cost: 600
Role: Aerial Assault Infantry
Weapon: Dual Light Machine Guns
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Allied Airforce Command HQ

Cost: 1000
Role: Espionage
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Disguise Kit
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Allied Tech Center

Chrono Legionnaire
Cost: 1500
Role: Assault Infantry
Weapon: Chrono Rifle
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Allied Tech Center

*Avaialble only to the Western Alliance

Cost: 500
Role: Infantry Support
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapon: First Aid Kit
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Airforce Command HQ

*Available only from Paradrop Ability by Western Alliance

Cost: (Deploy from Paradrop Ability)
Role: Assault Infantry
Speed: 4
Strength: 150
Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapon: Heavy Assault Rifle
Requirements: Airforce Command HQ

*Western Alliance Hero Unit

Cost: 1500
Role: Commando Infantry
Speed: 6
Strength: 200
Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapon 1: Double Pistols
Weapon 2: C4 Charges
Requirements: Allied Barracks & Allied Tech Center


Panther Tank
*Available only to the European Joint

Cost: 900
Role: Main Battle Tank
Speed: 5
Strength: 500
Armor: Standard Plating
Requirements: Allied War Factory

Grizzly Tank
*Available only to the Western Alliance

Cost: 800
Role: Main Battle Tank
Armor: Standard Plating
Requirements: Allied War Factory

Tsunami Light Tank
*Available only to the Eastern Front

Cost: 700
Role: Main Battle Tank
Speed: 8
Strength: 300
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1:
Weapon 2: Missile Launcher (Elite Only)

Cost: 600
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Missile Launcher
Weapon 2: Refit Turret System
Requirements: Allied War Factory

Mirage Tank
Cost: 1000
Role: Stealth Assault Tank
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Incendiary Cannon
Weapon 2: Mirage Generator
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center

Prism Tank
Cost: 1500
Role: Energy Siege Unit
Speed: 4
Strength: 150
Armor: Light Plating
Weapon: High-Intensity Laser Emitter
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center

Battle Fortress
Cost: 2000
Role: Mobile Infantry Bunker
Speed: 4
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon 1: Heavy Machine Gun
Weapon 2: Multi-User Firing Ports
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center

Armored MCV
Cost: 3000
Role: Base Expansion
Speed: 4
Strength: 1400
Armor: Reinforced Plating
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Service Depot

Chrono Miner
Cost: 1400
Role: Resource Gatherer
Strength: Reinforced Plating
Weapon: Ore Harvester
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Refinery

Tank Destroyer
*Available only to the European Joint

Cost: 1500
Role: Heavy Anti-Armor Tank
Weapon: Armor Piercing Cannon
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Airforce Command HQ


Amphibious Transport
Cost: 1000
Role: Amphibious Transport

Cost: 1000
Role: Basic Naval Unit
Weapon 1:
Weapon 2: Osprey Anti-Naval Aircraft
Requirements: Allied Naval Yard

Aegis Cruiser
Cost: 1200
Role: Anti-Air Unit
Weapon: Medus Missile Launcher
Requirements: Allied Naval Yard & Allied Tech Center

Aircraft Carrier
Cost: 2000
Role: Naval Airstrike Launcher
Weapon: Hornet-Type Assault Aircraft
Requirements: Allied Naval Yard & Allied Tech Center

Cost: 500
Role: Stealth Detection
Armor: Skin
Weapon: Sonic Emitter
Requirements: Allied Naval Yard & Allied Tech Center


*Available only th the European Joint

Cost: 1000
Role: Airstrike Unit
Requirements: Airforce Command HQ

*Available only to the Western Alliance
Cost: 1200
Role: Airstrike Unit
Requirements: Control Center

Black Eagle
*Available only to the Eastern Front

Cost: 1500
Role: Airstrike Unit
Requirements: Airforce Command HQ

Nighthawk Transport
Cost: 1000
Role: Aerial Infantry Transport
Requirements: Allied War Factory

Spectre Gunship
*Avaialable only to the Eastern Front

Cost: 2000
Role: Aerial Assault Unit
Speed: 10
Strength: 100
Armor: Reinforced Plating
Weapon: Spectre Cluster Missiles
Requirements: Allied War Factory & Allied Tech Center


Chrono Commando
*Available to Allies who infilitrate a Allied Tech Center

Cost: 1500
Role: Commando Infantry
Speed: 6
Strength: 100
Armor: Cloth
Weapon 1: Chrono SMG
Weapon 2: C4 Charges
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Tesla Commando
*Available to Allies who infiltrate a Soviet War Academy

Cost: 1500
Role: Commando Infantry
Speed: 3
Strength: 150
Armor: Plate Armor
Weapon 1: Tesla Gauntlet Mk II
Weapon 2: C4 Charges
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Psi Commando
*Available to Allies who infiltrate a Yuri Cabal Laboratory
Cost: 1500
Role: Commando Infantry
Speed: 4
Strength: 100
Armor: Flak Jacket
Weapon 1: Mind Control
Weapon 2: C4 Charges
Requirements: Allied Barracks

Chrono Ant
*Available to Allies who infiltrate a Colony Core Mound
Cost: 1750
Role: Heavy Assault Unit
Speed: 6
Strength: 600
Armor: Standard Plating
Weapon: Large Mandibles
Requirements: Allied War Factory

~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:31 am; edited 10 times in total

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Defense Minister

Joined: 05 Oct 2011

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


The Tainted Hands are Yuri's Chemical and Bio Weapon Specialists. The Tainted Hands have access to the Defiler Infantry who can shoot out acidic chemicals. And have Black Rose as their hero who uses Chemical Bullets & Grenades to leave enemy units under the effects of Chaos Gas.

Hero Unit: Black Rose

Unique Tech:
Defiler (Infantry)
Toxin Drone (Vehicle)
Berserker Medium Tank (Vehicle)

The Main Forces of Yuri. Yuri guides his loyal minions with his psychic powers and superior intellect. Armed with Yuri's Advanced Psychic Technology the Psychic enclave are masters of Mind Control.

Hero Unit: Yuri Prime

Unique Tech:
Deceiver (Infantry)
Immolator LightTank (Vehicle)


Hero Unit: Cabal Avatar

Unique Tech:
Stalker Heavy Tank (Vehicle)
Overlord (Aircraft)



Yuri Barracks

Bio Reactor

Yuri War Factory

Cabal Laboratory

Yuri Naval Yard



Citadel Wall

Flame Gun

Gatling Cannon

Magnet Obelisk

Tank Bunker

Psychic Tower





Mutant Dog/b]

[b]Psi Corp Trooper



*Available only to the Tainted Hands

*Available only to the Psychic Enclave

Yuri Prime
*Psychic Enclave Hero Unit

Black Rose
*Tainted Hands Hero Unit

Cabal Avatar
*Cabal Unity Hero Unit


Inferno Tank
*Available only to the Psychic Enclave

Berserker Tank
*Available only to the Tainted Hands

Stalker Tank
*Available only to the Cabal Unity

Gatling Tankt

Chaos Drone



Slave Miner

Yuri Hover MCV

Toxin Drone
*Available only to the Tainted Hands


Hover Transport – [900] – Amphibious Unit Transport
Brainwashed Pilots who drive Yuri’s own brand on the Amphibious Transport Unit. The Hover Transport is not any different to the Allied & Soviet variants aside from using Psychic Hover Technology instead.
*Aesthetic Enhancement – Uses a new sound when moving.

Giant Squid – [1000] – Naval Detector Unit
With Yuri leaving the Soviets. Yuri took with him his Giant Squids. the Squids still fulfill the same purpose they served back in the Red Army.
*Gameplay Enhancement – Removed the Grabbing Attack,But Has more health.

Boomer Submarine – [2000] – Naval Assault/Siege Unit
The Boomer Submarine has always been one of Yuri’s strange answer to a naval unit. Possessing a hull just too big for Giant Squids to wrap around with. Aside from this, the Boomer is armed with its Boomer Rockets & Torpedoes allowing it to provide support as a Siege & Assault Unit.

Sea Stinger – [800] – Naval Anti-Air Unit
Cruising swiftly underwater. The Sea Stinger is Yuri's answer to a Naval Anti-Air unit. Armed with a Gatling gun. The Sea Stinger rivals the Aegis Cruiser in terms of raw anti-air superiority. However due to the weight of the missiles. And to sacrifice speed. The Sea Stinger isn't heavily armored and can only take just enough blows to survive.


Floating Disk

Blast Disk

Overlord Platform


Chrono Corp

Psi Corp Elite

Tesla Corp

~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:37 am; edited 12 times in total

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 6:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Colony is the formalized Army of the Giant Ants. They have resurfaced and are back to seek vengeance against the humans. The Giant Ants play differently requiring no power. Their units in general are much more stronger but are expensive,most often providing dual-roles and tend to be very resillient.


Colony Mound
Role: Base Construction

Siphon Pillar
Cost: 1000
Role: Basic Power Source & Credit Generation Facility
Foundation: 1x1

Ore Mound
Role: Ore Processing Facility & Ore Refinement Facility
Foundation: 3x3
Power: N/A

Hive Cluster
Role: Radar & Tech Facility
Foundation: 2x2
Power: N/A
Requirements: Barracks

Support Power:
Hive Mind – Scan a large area to reveal that location on the radar. [4 minutes]

Outpost Hole
Role: Basic Unit Production Facility
Foundation: 2x2
Power: N/A
Requirements: Siphon Pillar

Assault Hole
Role: Advanced Unit Production Facility
Foundation: 3x3
Power: N/A
Requirements: Outpost Hole

Core Mound
Cost: 3000
Role: Advanced Tech Facility & Support Building
Foundation: 3x3
Armor: Reinforced Construction
Power: N/A
Requirements: Outpost Hole & Hive Cluster


Colony Wall
Cost: 50
Role: Walling
Foundation: 1x1
Strength: 100
Armor: Basic Construction
Power: N/A
Requirements: Outpost Hole

Spitfire Burrow
Cost: 1000
Role: Basic Ground Defense & Anti-Air Defense
Foundation: 2x2
Strength: 800
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Weapon: Spitfire Breath
Requirements: Outpost Hole

Crusher Burrow
Cost: 1800
Role: Advanced Ground Defense
Foundation: 2x2
Strength: 800
Armor: Standard Construction
Power: N/A
Weapon: Giant Boulders
Requirements: Hive Cluster


Scout Ant
Cost: 600
Role: Basic Infantry & Detector
Speed: 8
Weapon: Sharp Mandibles
Requirements: Outpost Hole

Worker Ant
Weapon: Digging Mandibles
Requirements: Outpost Hole

Changeling Ant
Role: Espionage
Weapon: Enhanced Intelligence
Weapon: Psychic Illussion
Requirements: Outpost Hole & Core Mound

Psionic Ant
Weapon: Mind Control
Weapon: Psychic Blast
Requirements: Hive Cluster


Soldier Ant
Cost: 1000
Role: Main Battle Unit
Weapon: Large Mandibles
Requirements: Assault Hole

Spitfire Ant
Cost: 800
Role: Anti-Air Unit
Weapon: Spitfire Breath
Requirements: Assault Hole

Harvester Ant
Role: Resource Gatherer
Weapon 1: Storage Sacks
Weapon 2: Large Mandibles

Crusher Ant
Role: Siege Unit
Weapon: Giant Boulders

Digger Ant
Cost: 3000
Role: Base Expansion
Weapon: Large Mandibles
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound

Tunneler Ant
Cost: 2000
Role: Assault Hole Expansion
Weapon: Large Mandibles
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound

Volt Ant
Cost: 1500
Role: Assault Unit
Weapon: Electrical Bolts
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound

Rad Ant/b]
Cost: 1500
Role: Assault Unit
Weapon: Radiation Vision
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound

[b]Beam Ant

Cost: 2000
Role: Hero Unit
Weapon: Heat Vision
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound


Kraken Ant
Cost: 1000
Role: Basic Naval,Detector & Stealth Unit
Weapon 1:
Weapon 2:
Requirements: Assault Hole & Hive Cluster

Leviathan Ant
Cost: 2000
Role: Amphibious Transport,Anti-Air & Advanced Siege Unit
Weapon: Advanced Fire Breath
Requirements: Assault Hole & Core Mound


Swarm Ant
Cost: 800
Role: Aerial Assault Uni
Weapon: Large Mandibles
Requirements: Outpost Hole & Hive Cluster

Brood Ant
*Created by another Unit


Zeus Ant
*Available to the Colony when they infiltrate a War Academy

Cost: 2000
Role: Heavy Assault Unit
Weapon: Electrified Large Mandibles
Requirements: Assault Hole

Hive Ant
*Available to the Colony when they infiltrate a Core Mound

Cost: 2000
Role: Heavy Siege Unit
Weapon: Brood Ants
Requirements: Assault Hole

Magnet Ant
*Available to the Colony when they infiltrate a Cabal Laboratory

Role: Heavy Assault Unit
Weapon: Magnetic Vision

Prism Ant
*Available to the Colony when they infiltrate a Tech Center

Cost: 2000
Weapon: Laser Vision

Warrior Ant
*Available to any side who infiltrate a Core Mound

Cost: 1500
Role: Assault Unit
Weapon: Larger Mandibles
Requirements: War Factory/Assault Hole


Chrono Sapper – [1500] – Demolitions Infantry
Available to any side who infiltrates a Allied Tech Center

Chrono Sappers are Allied Mercenaries who are trained in the handling of C4 and Dynamite Charges. Aside from this the Chrono sapper wear Chrono Packs similar to the Legioneer allowing them to warp quickly to their detonation and quickly warp away.

Psychic Adept – [1500] – Mind Control Infantry
Available to any side who infiltrates a Yuri Cabal Laboratory

Psi Corp Troopers who have gone & offered their skills as mercenaries. Psychic Adepts possess the same natural mind controlling powers as the Master Mind being able to take control of up to 5 enemy units but they must rest their minds slowly as this puts a lot of strain. When killed they perform a Psi Blast around them, killing any infantry and slightly damaging enemy vehicles around them.

Tesla Walker – [1500] – Heavy Assault Mech
Available to any side who infiltrates a Soviet War Academy

The Tesla Walker is an experimental advanced version of the Tesla Suit by the Soviet Union. The Tesla Walker instead of concentrating a single powerful bolt. Fires off multiple arcs of Electrical Bolts. The longer it fires the quicker and much longer the arc of the bolts become. Turning the weapon almost into an electrified machine gun.

Warrior Ant – [1500] – Assault Unit
Available to any side who infiltrates a Colony Core Mound

Domesticated or rogue Ants which have been captured or raised by the Humans/Colony. The Soldier Ant are loyal Ants that are more durable than most Soldier Ants. Thus being named Warrior Ants. The Warrior Ant retains much of the Soldier Ants power and mobility but has a harder carapace.


Mercenary Camp
Outposts Set scattered throughout the World. Mercenary Camps allow Commanders who capture them to allow production of Gunners & Marksmen. These Soldiers offer their skills for the right amount of money.
*Allows Production of Gunner & Marksmen

Arms Dealer
Yet another Outpost built by corporations. The Arms Dealer allows Commanders who capture it to produce these Mercenary Vehicles.
*Allows Production of Marauder Tank,Combat Jeep & Mine Layer.


Gunner – [400] – Assault Infantry
Trained Riflemen who offer up their services to Factions who control a Mercenary Camp. The Gunner are dual-purpose infantry who are also armed with Grenades to allow them to take out armored targets. For infantry they use powerful Machine Guns. Gunner's are trained to fight on both land and sea much like the Allied SEALs are.

Marksman – [1000] – Assault Infantry
These sharp-eyed soldiers, much like Gunners are soldiers who offer up their services for Factions who control a Mercenary Camp. Marksmen are armed with a High Caliber Rifle that allows them to take out Infantry. Much like the Gunner they are armed with Grenades to handle Enemy Armor, Aside from this, These Mercenaries are armed with a Cloaking Device & C4 Charges. Like the Allied SEALs, Marksmen are able to fight in both land and sea.

Marauder Tank – [900] – Anti-Air/Assault Unit
Available at the Arms Dealer. Marauder Tanks can be purchased by Factions who control an Arms Dealer. While being only as strong as Lasher Tanks. Marauder Tanks are outfitted with the same Cannon used by Rhino Tanks and Missile Launchers used by the IFV. Allowing it to serve as both an Anti-Air and Assault Unit.

Combat Jeep – [600] – Anti-Infantry/Infantry Transport
Jeeps built for combat. The Combat Jeep is armed with a Mounted Machine Gun that allows it to support combat infantry targets. Up to 2 Infantry can ride inside to provide support inside or while awaiting to arrive in their destination.

Mine Layer – [3000] – Support Unit
Used heavily by the Allies & Soviets in the previous War. Mine Layers are specialized units which can deploy Mines. On it's own the Mine Layer can only defend itself by running over infantry.

~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:16 am; edited 7 times in total

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 7:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

A War against Mother Nature i think?


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Pics or didn't happen.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Faction Flag of the Tainted Hands...

(Next ones will have their dates added, this one is a compilation of everything i've added so far)
*Chrono Ivan renamed to Chrono Sapper and given a new weapon. (Cameo Replaced)
*Floating Disk Laser recolored to Green to make it's InfDeath more or less the same (Vanilla Laser was purple)
*Terrorists can now disguise like Spies and use C4 for destroying enemy buildings, They still use their old weapon as a DeathWeapon.
*Mastermind,Apocalypse & Prism Tank now have a CreateSound much like the Kirov Airship.
*Attack Dog Tweaks:
Allied Attack Dog is now Faster and has bigger Sight Range
Soviet Attack Dog uses new SHP, uses Plate Armor and is immune to Radiation. (Cameo WIP, Public Asset SHP)
All Attack Dogs have had their attack range doubled.

Yuri Mutant Dog added into Unit List (Replaces YADOG) and can mutate enemy infantry into Brutes, is also immune to Poison. (Public Asset + New Cameo)
*Soviet Hind now uses a complete VXL & HVA, Can carry 8 Infantry and is OpenTopped (No Cameo Yet)
*All ConYards now have Defenses
(PrimaryWeapon= Tesla Coil,Prism Tower,Magnet Cannon) (SecondaryWeapon= Flak Cannon,Patriot Missile,Gatling Cannon)
*Patriot Missile now fires 2 Missiles but deals slightly less damage now
*New Yuri Unit Added:Defiler(No Cameo & Voice yet)
*Yuri Initiates have been Tweaked: 100 increase in Cost, Weapons fire slower but are stronger
*Moved Squid to Yuri Side
*Howitzer Voxel improved in color(WIP), Renamed to Nuke Cannon, Gets a new Weapon. (Has Cameo,Voices are WIP)
*New Unit: Tesla Commando (Public Assets)
*Magnetron Tweak:Hovers Now,Can Crush Infantry and has Improved Armor. Can now attack enemy Infantry.

~ Excelsior ~

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Cyber Dogs are now completed. Very Happy

Sea Drone's are now Working (Only missing Cameo)

~ Excelsior ~

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Darn you MO for inspiring me...

Each of the Original Sides now has a unique Main Battle Tank, The Allies,Soviets & Yuri all have unique Airstrike Units as well:

Grizzly (Average Tank, not too fragile as a Tsunami but not too tough as the Panther)
Panther Tank (Toughest Main Battle Tank although quite slow)
Tsunami Tank (Uses Water State to allow amphibious mode)

Rhino (Graphical Updates namely a new Voxel, and Projectiles use Electric Animations and made into the Toughest Soviet Main Battle Tank)

Lion (Double-Barreled Tank with Decent Armor, Shoots Radiation Shells at Elite)

Viper (Light Tank with a Firing Port for one Infantry and Splash Shots, At Elite the attacks have a wider splash area)

Immolator (Initiate on Wheels, Comparable to the Grizzly in Armor)
Berserker (Causes a weaker version of the Chaos Gas on the unit they are attacking while also damaging them, Best Armor among the Yuri Main Battle Tanks)
Stalker (Shots fired can EMP targeted unit for a very short duration, The Light Tank and can Hover over Water)

Allied Aircraft:
Sparrow (Fastest Aircraft)
Raptor (Lots of Missiles)
Black Eagle (Stealth Aircraft)

Soviet Aircraft, Heavy Bomber Style Aircraft
Thunderbird (Missiles do electric damage and can EMP mechanical units)

Phoenix (Missiles Leaves behind Radiation)

Hellion (Missiles have a wider splash area)

Yuri Aircraft:
Blast Disk (Undetectable on the Radar, Comparable to a Rocketeer or Cosmonaut, Fastest Aircraft but lightest Armor)

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Imperial Nations Icon on their Loading Screen.

Should be obvious enough that their "Default Color" is Yellow.

Comprised of several Eastern Nations that have allied with the Soviets. Mainly China & North Korea.

The Imperial Nations specialize on Nuclear Technology. Examples include their Double Barreled Main Battle Tank which gains Radiation Attack at Elite. The Desolator,Hellion Nuke Bomber & the Dreaded Nuke Cannon.

The Imperial Nations were the inventors of the Propaganda Tower Building, which has spread to full use by all Soviet Factions.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Minor Updates...

Guardian GI is now a true Anti-Air/Armor Infantry (Sidewinder SHP by Dark Elf)

Western Alliance Airborne is now added and working in-game. (Spawned from Airborne Superweapon)

Panther Tank now added as the MBT of the European Joint (Crusader Tank Voxel by Mig Eater)

Inferno Tank now working as Enlightened MBT (Uses Placeholder Voxels)

Cabal Avatar and Yuri Prime are now only trainable to their each Respective Sub-Side.

Propaganda Tower now has a SHP (Credits to Cranium for making SHP)

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Pyro Sniper

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:18 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Any ingames we can see?

Tore wrote:
Oh noes Nod32 must have found some GDI32 in the art.ini file!

3ds Topic

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 2:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Minor Updates:
Tank Destroyer has been improved, Their attacks do considerably more damage now to all targets and they have far more health now, but shoots much slower now and are more expensive.

Some Basic Info on the MBT's and what they have in Common and they're stats:

All Light Tanks have 300 Strength & 7 Speed

Inferno Tank - Strongest Damage & has Omnifire but has the shortest range and slowest among the light tanks.

Tsunami Tank - Average Attack, Can Cross Waters

Viper Tank - Weakest Attack (Machine Gun) but has an OpenTopped Slot for 1 Infantry
*Note that the Viper Tank at Elite gains a vastly superior weapon becoming a Napalm Cannon

Medium Tanks have 400 Strength & 6 Speed

Berserker Tank - It's Shells can kill enemy infantry much in the same way as the virus.

Grizzly Tank - The Grizzly Tank has the longest Range of the Tanks.

Lion Tank - Strongest of the Medium Tanks, Uses Double Barrels
*At Elite it's rounds leave behind radiation.

Heavy Tanks have 500 Strength & 5 Speed

Stalker Tank - Weakest Attack but stuns an enemy vehicle on hit.

Panther Tank - Another Balanced Tank...

Rhino - Strongest Tank attack but has the slowest attack as well.

First screenshot shows the tweaked voxel of the Mastermind In-Game now using a Glass Dome.

Second Screenshot shows the Nuke Cannon In-Game, Uses a Heavily modified version of the unused Howitzer Voxel.

Final one shows a full screenshot of some Panther Tanks Assaulting an Enemy Base, with some Prism Tanks.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

One of the Eastern Front's Unique Tech, The Spectre Gunship. The Spectre Gunship is created from the War Factory. Available to the Eastern Front when they have built a Tech Center. These new units are armed with powerful Spectre Cluster Missiles that are able to both fire at ground and air targets.

A development of the VTOL System, the Spectre has no need to dock at landing strips unlike the other aircrafts giving it an edge. Aside from the mentioned abilities, the Spectre is quite mobile, however all these come at an expensive price of 2000 Credits. The Results speak for themselves however and a full fleet of Spectre Gunships can lay waste to an enemy base.

P.S. This unit also uses one of my workaround ideas on flying vehicletypes. Where you give it a XXXXtur with no object inside allowing it to look normal and allow it to fire without having problems.

Another New unit, this time to the Yuri Tainted Hands Side is the Toxin Drone. Much like the redesigned Chaos Drone, the Toxin Drone is armed with a Multi-Barelled Cannon that lets it fire Gas Canisters. In the Toxin Drone's variant they shoot instead Poisonous Gases that damages enemy units in its vicinity. Naturally this Unit is immune to the effects of poison,mind control & radiation.

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Jem, there is one small issue with that Panther of yours... it still has the issue that the two tracks on the sides have different length. IMO you should fix that.

"If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hmmm not sure by what you mean with the tracks. The Voxel itself is already clean as it is. :V

Ask Mig Eater on whats wrong with it...

A Tweaked Version of the one here in PPM, the Elite Medals for Hero Units.

From Left to Right (Allied - Soviet - Yuri)

Hero Units will have the Single Chevron as a start, The Triple Chevron on Veteran and the Medals as Elite.

And with help from Mental Omega 2.0 and approval from Speeder...

The New Soviet Engineer Cameo.
Very Happy

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Graion Dilach
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I don't ask Mig, it's something which makes no sense and that's why I fixed it on my own version. Jem, seriously just compare the left and the right side of that tank.

"If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Aaaah I see what you mean now. Fixed it.

Made some new units as well...

Eastern Front Hero Unit

Sakura (the Rocket Diva)
*Currently uses a smaller Rocketeer SHP as her placeholder.

Sakura is a famous Asian Pop Star who decided to join the Allies in the war against the Soviets,Yuri & the Colony.

Thanks to the Eastern Nations advancements in rocket technology. Which she uses often uses in her own concerts. Sakura is a powerful anti-armor unit. Much like the Rocketeer, terrain is no problem for her. Armed with her own unique weapons. Dubbed the "Diva" Rocket System. The Diva Rocket System allows her to launch cluster rockets to destroy her enemies. Sakura is more than able to take out units.

The Yuri Magnetron has been modified, for one thing it now can deploy. When undeployed its Magnetic Cannon can crush and destroy enemy targets. When Deployed it switches the Cannon to pull up enemy vehicles. When deployed it also has a somewhat better defense. The deployed form can work as a powerful combination alongside gatling units or can be used as support when deployed beside Psychic Towers.

And the European Joint Hero, Apollo

Owing to the European Joint's Specialization on Armored Units, Apollo comes in 2 Versions. One is his Infantry Version and another is his Vehicle Version. By default he is available as a Vehicle unit and is trainable as the Infantry on Meat Grinder Mode. He is naturally more expensive when trained as a vehicle ($2000) as opposed to the usual cost ($1500).

His Vehicle Version, he rides the new experimental Prism Cycle, This light and fast vehicle is armed with Dual Prism Cannons. Much like the Prism Tank's Version, the Cycle's is both very efficient for taking out infantry & buildings. Vehicles can take more punishment though much like the Prism Tanks own lasers. While the Cycle Cannons cannot cause Shrapnel it more than compensates with the faster rate of fire. when the cycle is destroyed Apollo jumps out of his bike switching him to his infantry form.

As an Infantry, Apollo is armed with a Prism Rifle, although slightly weaker than the Prism Tank or his Bike's the Prism Rifle is still more than effective as its Bigger Counterparts.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Light cycles, eh...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yep, stealth pun... Laughing

Well the European Joint have the Germans and the Germans have Einsteins.. so yeah. And I wanted them to have a different role for each side.

Tanya = Best at Infantry (Headshot with Dual Pistols)
Apollo = Best at Buildings (Prism Lasers)
Sakura = Best at Armored Units (Cluster Missiles)

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

are there any ant heros? >.>


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ickus wrote:
are there any ant heros? >.>

Their Hero Unit uses a focusing Laser. (Ants burning people up with Focused Heat Rays...) Since Gatling Logic can't support infantrytype for now its a vehicletype.

Uses a weapon similar to the "Realistic Lasers" one. Still finding a clean version of the Heat Ray sound effect from War of the Worlds.

Their Hero Unit can attack both ground and air units with its Laser, can crush enemy vehicles.

Until I get help or start learning 3d Modeling i'm sorta stuck with finishing the Ants. Sad

All the units are already drafted out, they're just missing graphics.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ah. I see kind of ironic they use a "laser" like weapon. like revenge after all these eons for being burnt by magnifying glasses!

Why not use the RA1 ants? I did a similiar kind of mod but for TS, long ago. but lost the mixes in the great HD crash. Crying or Very sad


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I will, right now they're basic infantry uses the RA1 ant.

Until I get into 3d or get help they're really stuck right now.

I've sorta updated their descriptions now...

Also tweaked the Build Up route:

Walls only require the respective sides Construction Yard
(Headquarters - Command Center - Citadel - Colony Mound)

Base Powers are still the same in build order...
(Tesla Reactor - Power Plant - Bio Reactor - Siphon Pillar)
*The Siphon Pillar is placed here to fulfill the role of "Power Source" for the Colony. The Siphon Pillar also doubles as a support structure generating small amounts of credits similar to the Oil Derrick but obviously much less potent.

Refineries still require a power source but are now no longer needed for expanding into the Tech Tree as much.
(Soviet Refinery - Allied Refinery - Slave Miner - Ore Mound)
*The Ore Mound functions similarly to the allied & soviet refinery but also doubles as a support structure by functioning similarly to the Ore Purifier.

To access the Radar each side must build the Power source.
(Radar Tower - Airforce Command HQ - Psychic Radar - Hive Cluster)

To access the Barracks you only need to build the Power Source.
*Colony Version is called Outpost Hole

To access the War Factory you only need to build the Power Source.
*Colony Version is called the Assault Hole, The Assault Hole can also be built from a unit called the Tunneller Ant which when deployed is lost but provides a new Assault Hole at.

To access the Naval Yard you only need to build the Power Source.
*Colony do not have a Naval Yard, instead theyre naval units are built directly from their War Factory (Assault Hole).

Basic Ground Defenses only require the Barracks
(Sentry Gun - Pillbox - Nova Gun)
*The Colony Spitfire Burrow counts also as an Anti-Air Defense but is categorized here.
*The Battle Bunker is grouped here as well.
*The Tank Bunker is grouped here as well.

Anti-Air & Advanced Ground Defenses require the Radar
(Flak Cannon - Patriot Missile - Gatling Cannon)
(Tesla Coil - Prism Tower - Magnet Obelisk)
*The Colony only has the Crusher Burrow
*The Grand Cannon is grouped here as well.

Support Defense Structures require their Battle Labs
(Propaganda Tower - GAP Generator - Psychic Tower)

To access Support Structures you need varying ones depending on each side, but all require the Battle Lab. although you should have this buildings out already anyway...
Ore Purifier (Ore Refinery)
Cloning Vats (Barracks... obviously)
Industrial Plant (War Factory)

Service Depots only require the War Factory
(Repair Arm - Service Depot - Grinder)

To access the Battle Lab of each side one must only need a Barracks and their Radar.
(War Academy - Tech Center - Cabal Laboratory - Core Mound)
*The Core Mound also doubles as an Industrial Plant

~ Excelsior ~

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Some expansion on Psychic Units... in Colony Wars Psychic Warfare has slightly been altered.

Psychic Blasts are now able to damage vehicles, This also means certain units that couldn't promote can do so now. Namely these are the new changes:

[Unit Name] ----- [Rookie] ----- [Elite]
Psi Corp Trooper - 1 Unit ------- 3 Units
Psi Commando ---- 1 Unit ------- 3 Units
Chrono Corp ------ 1 Unit ------- 3 Units
Psi Corp Elite ------ 3 Units ------ 5 Units
Psychic Adept ----- 3 Unit ------- 5 Units
Yuri Prime --------- 3 Units ------ 5 Units
Mastermind -------- 3 Units ------ 5 Units

Psi Corp Troopers are the basic mind control they have the shortest range in mind control.

Psi Commando are much like the Psi Corp Trooper but they however have a way to deal with Buildings, although that usually means they must approach them directly.

Chrono Corp are basically Psi Corp Troopers with teleportation.

Psi Corp Elite are Stolen Units available to Yuri when they infiltrate a Cabal Laboratory. Psychic Adepts have much better range than the basic Psi Corp Trooper.

Psychic Adepts are a Stolen Tech Unit available to any side who has infiltrated the Cabal Laboratory. Psychic Adepts are almost like Snipers surpassing the range of most Defenses. However much like Snipers they have very slow attack speed making them vulnerable after mind controlling.

Psi Corp Troopers,Chrono Corp & Psychic Adepts Psi Wave have a smaller blast radius but Yuri Prime & the Mastermind obviously have a larger radius.

Yuri Prime hasn't changed much, he however has the largest Psi Wave allowing him to deal damage much more easily. For Buildings he still has the ability to mind control them.

Mastermind, The Mastermind is now able to crush enemy vehicles, not counting other large vehicles. The Mastermind also utilizes the same larger Psi Wave that Yuri Prime uses. The Mastermind also explodes firing off one last Psi Wave when it is destroyed.

Deceivers are a unique unit only available to the Psychic Enclave. Deceivers are trained so hard that they can only perform a mind control only once but the effects are permanent. Deceivers are quick moving infantry who run quickly into the battlefield to mind control key enemy units. They are however still unarmored and have little health from all their intense training.

If you've checked out my recent posts I've finally finished my Tsunami Tank.

... As stated the Tsunami Tank is the only MBT with an anti-air weapon and much like its RA3 version can cross the water.

And some development on the Stolen Tech Units, namely the Tesla Corp.

Tesla Corp are elite psychic soldiers granted to Yuri when he infiltrates a Soviet War Academy. Unlike other Psychic Soldiers, Tesla Corp are trained to generate electrical bolts to attack their enemies.

They have much better range than the Tesla Trooper and their mastery over electricity has slightly energized their movement rate. However Tesla Corp still lack the armor. Although much better than a Psi Corps Trooper.

They can deploy to release a powerful Electric Blast. The Blast both damages and causes an EMP effect for a short while for enemies unlucky enough to be within the blast.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:11 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Development Update:

Yuri's Magnetrons have been moved up to requiring their Cabal Laboratory. Although this isn't for nothing. The Magnetron now has two modes. Undeployed its Magnet Cannon is purely for damage. While deployed it switches to the Magnetic Tractor Beam. The Magnet Blasts are weaker than Prism Lasers though but can outrange any defense aside from the mighty Grand Cannon.

Yuri's Ground Defense the Nova Pylon. Nova Pylons house a cybernetic brain that lets loose a powerful psychic blast to destroy enemy targets within its reach. This allows it to attack multiple targets. While this is indeed powerful. The Pylon has a much slower rate of fire due to the brain inside needing to rest for a moment.

The Latin Dominion's Hero Unit, Rivera:

Rivera is a covert ops Commando, armed with dual combat knives and explosives. Rivera can hide in plain sight thanks to his training in stealth. Able to kill enemy infantry instantly and can plant Remote Dynamite Bombs much like Crazy Ivan can on enemy vehicles and buildings. All while staying hidden. His only glaring weakness are the various dog units which can sniff him out and kill him before he can take them out with his knives.

Yuri's Spy Infantry:

The Infiltrator are daring men who serve Yuri by gathering enemy information. While the Soviet Agent has the Tesla Bomb and the Allied Spy has the improved survivability. Infiltrators have instead a Cloaking Device & a EMP Probe. The Infiltrator can plant EMP Probes which can disable enemy vehicles along the way.

* The Allied Spy has better speed and is uncrushable.

* The Soviet Agent has a Deadly Tesla Bomb which activates upon death or by command.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Cabal Unity Logo.

Serving as Yuri's Eyes and Ears as well as his Main Branch on Technological Research. The Cabal Unity have access to various sets of weaponry that is both powerful and deadly.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Should post this to show the new units I've been working on, Haven't updated the list since last month. And to quell the sudden outbursts of suddenly new units.

Sides Sheet

*Replaces Patriot Missile for Eastern Front*
Shuriken Battery - Anti-Aircraft Defense that spawns Anti-Aircraft Aircrafts. The Aircrafts can also attack ground targets.

*Shared Defense for Eastern Front & Western Alliance (Replaced by Grand Cannon for European Joint)
Guardian Turret - Smaller,Weaker but cheaper version of the Grand Cannon in a nutshell.

*Replaces Pillbox for Western Alliance
Camo Pillbox - Cloaked Ground Defense, has slightly better attack than the Regular Pillbox.

*Replaces Vulcan Gun (Sentry Gun) for Latin Dominion
Flame Gun - Shoots Fireballs, much stronger than the Vulcan but much slower.

*Replaces Flak Cannon for Imperial League
Twin Cannon - Flak Cannon with 2 Barrels, more powerful.

*Replaces Tesla Coil for USSR
Super Coil - More Powerful Tesla Coil, Shoots Red Bolts instead. When Overcharged its bolts deal shrapnel as well as the regular effect.

*Replaces Nova Pylon for Tainted Hand
Plague Gun - A gun that shoots a devious ray, the ray causes infantry to explode into toxic gas, and shoots corrosive chemicals at vehicles.

*Replaces Psychic Tower for Psychic Enclave
Psychic Pillar - An even more powerful version of the Psychic Tower (The Psychic Tower is limited to 3-5 Mind Controls) The Psychic Pillar has a limit of 5-8 Mind Controls.

*Building Upgrade only available to Cabal Unity
Magnet Pinnacle - A Building upgrade to the Magnet Obelisk which increases the damage,ROF and range of the Magnet Obelisk.

Naval Units:
*Replaces Typhoon Attack Sub for Latin Dominion
Predator Wavespeeder - A modified Watercraft. The Predator is basically a jet ski armed with torpedoes. The Predator is perfect for hit and run tactics and is arguably much cheaper.

*Replaces Sea Scorpion for Imperial League
Sea Wolf - The Hydrofoil from the Original Concept Art of Red Alert 2. Fires cluster missiles in slightly quick bursts. Slightly slower than the Sea Scorpion but has better Armor

*Replaces Dreadnought for USSR
Akula Missile Sub - The Akula Missile Sub fires Cruise Missiles like the Boomer, however unlike the Boomer, the Akula doesn't need to rise from the water to fire its missiles and is also very durable.

Hydrofoil - Slightly Faster but has less Armor
Hovercraft - Is Armed with a Machine Gun
Hover Transport - Has the best Armor

*Replaces Aegis Cruiser for Eastern Front
Shuriken Cruiser - Like the Shuriken Battery but as a Naval Unit

*Replaces Destroyer for Western Alliance
Claymore Destroyer - Similar to the Gunboat in Red Alert 1, it uses Anti-Tank Bombs to attack submarine-type units and has a powerful Cannon for fighting ground/non-submarine units.

*Replaces Aircraft Carrier for European Joint
Hercules Battleship - Its similar to the Cruiser from Red Alert 1, updated to Red Alert 2 Graphics.

Reaper Gatling Sub - New Official Anti-Air Unit for Yuri's Navy

~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 6:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Gates are now fully working on the Human Sides (The Ants do not use Gates)

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~ Excelsior ~

Last edited by Atomic_Noodles on Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I really like the Tsunami Tank. Looks smooth mate.


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That is a very well defended Barracks!


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Redesigned Amphibious Transports:

The Allied Hydrofoil boasts the best mobility among the Amphibious Transports. Although its Armor isn't much to be proud of.

The Soviet Armored Lander is another example of Soviet Construction. Heavily Armored but slower as well.

Yuri's Hover Transport is powered by the same magnetic levitation technology on his other units. The Hover Transport is naturally immune to mind control (Due to the already mind-controlled pilot)

The Claymore Destroyer is the Western Alliance's own take on the main naval unit. Replacing the regular Destroyer for their navy. The Claymore Destroyer is more than equally matched with its lesser brother. However it is armed with Depth Charge Bombs instead of relying on the Osprey VTOL Aircraft.

The Camo Pillbox is a Western Alliance Unique Building. Replacing regular pillboxes. These upgraded versions make a return from the previous war. The Camo Pillbox is able to Cloak, is also more durable and more heavily armed than its regular counterpart.

Guardian Turrets are Powerful Fixed Cannons that are available to the Western Alliance & Eastern Front (As the European Joint relies on their more powerful Grand Cannon). Guardian Turrets have no minimum range,are both effective against infantry and vehicles and fire faster. Unlike the Grand Cannon however it has shorter range which is due to its smaller design.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I love the transports and the Claymore Destroyer. Good Job thumbs up!


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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Credits to Stingerr for the original Voxel, Just replaced the colors.

The New Apocalypse Tank Voxel and Cameo. Apocalypse Tanks are the toughest Tanks in the Game, as well as sporting Dual Barrels & Anti-Air Missiles the Apocalypse can easily crush most vehicles due to its sheer size.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Where did you get the NS gate? Can send it and it's art entry to me at <snip>?

One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's just the SN gate flipped, note how the shadow is wrong.


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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I can see it's flipped, but didn't notice the shadow.
Even if it's flipped, how is that going to help me make a NS gate out of a EW one? OS SHP Builder doesn't have a frame flipper.
Does it?

One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done. #Tongue

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Love the mod, keep going with it, it's too bad walls can't have an animation for those tesla walls, but still, nice.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

4StarGeneral wrote:
Love the mod, keep going with it, it's too bad walls can't have an animation for those tesla walls, but still, nice.

It's okay I've found a way to have the walls stay static. (Web Walls) It's kinda nostalgic seeing my older stuff and ideas.

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