Forgotten base:
Forgotten convoy:
Forgotten defensive perimiter:
Forgotten mortar warriors taking out a vein monster from safe distance:
Forgotten vehicles wondering if it was a good idea to blow up that blue tiberium field:
Mortar warriors got all promoted after taking out (and capturing) a GDI base. Also, a ghost stalker and a medic wonder what could have caused such a large hole in the ground:
The old multiplayer color pink has been replaced with this (tan):
Also, multiplayer color purple has been adjusted to something that doesn't hurt eyes:
Hover lancers giving chase to a Nod harvester:
1st and 2nd generation mammoths working together:
Rocking em:
Just mopping up:
Job well done. No casualties either:
Updated GDI orca fighters...:
... and bombers:
Sneaky Nod forces emerging from a tunnel:
Like brothers - Devil's tongue and Grinder tank:
Cyborg invasion:
Miniguns can tear through buildings pretty fast:
Fire away:
Nod forces preparing to attack:
Some Nod forces taking a break, after all murdering innocent civilians is hard work:
Under attack by two enemies at the same time:
My enemy's enemy is my friend:
Looks like Nod came out victorious. Must have been those Hellfire MLRS, since it looked like GDI was going to win that one in the last screen: