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Ideas Discussion
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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 23 Sep 2003

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 7:35 am    Post subject:  Ideas Discussion Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yay! First official thread! I'd just like to point out that Final Countdown is really just a placeholder untill we think of a real name.

Well, First off, we decide what the theme is?

Are we going to divide Soviet, Allied, and Yuri into two sides each? Like we discussed before? That seems the most logical, we could almost give each side its own superweapon too, and its easy to make units for each side since they have a "preffered" Tech.

That could also mean we could think of three more heros as well if we wanted.

Generally, we decided we wanted this to be an expansion sorta thing, so we have to keep that good old RA2 Feel. However, the worst thing i think we can do is add in units that make other units obsolete. Such as giving the allies a "Heavy Tank" which is just the same as the Grizzly, but has better firepower, armor, blah blah.......Thats just pointless, and I don't like that.

Secondly, how far are we going? Are we adding in new loading screens and all that good stuff, or do you want the general MOD part with just the units and buildings and such?

I think the first thing we should aim for is just to sort out each side, then the changes we want, and then apply them......Thats before we do anything, no AI, no balancing, lets just get EVERYTHING sorted out.

I lean more towards the 6 sides. I think it'd be interesting to give it sort of a "generals" feel, where each side is run by its Heros.

For Example; The Soviets have divided up thier forces. One "faction" is the more Tesla based side. While the 2nd faction is say...a more Radiation and Fire based side.

Rather than calling them countries, they can just be different factions under the rule of the Soviets I suppose. It would be simple to do, and different.

I think it'd be a lot of fun, how it'd SORT of feel like there would be 6 different sides, rather than just 3 with a couple of changes here and there.

Thats my thought, let me know what you're thinking NIck and whoever else is here

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003
Location: In a big clock room, waiting for the FINAL COUNTDOWN

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

These ideas are all finalized as of now. 6 factions, 3 countries, 2 factions per 1 country. Each country specializes in-- well you have already said what. We will begin brainstorming new units apart from the ones we have so far...

Juggernaught(Napalm launching heavily-armored infantry, soviet)
Malfunction(Yuri replacement for the virus for one faction only, flips over vehicles with his gold disruptor shells)
Tornado Superweapon(sucks nearby units in and decimates buildings)

Some new ideas are:
tesla bomber- electrocutes enemies with floods of tesla electricity, dropping bombs that send ultra-conductive chain-lightning around its explosion radius. #Mad
some new units that can fortify buildings-self explanatory
howitzer artillery- quite well-used in many mods, but i know everyone loves the tiberian sun artillery and its great strategic weapon, so this one will be a deploying one and work just like the nod artillery
all the unused ideas from westwood-like the hind transport, corkscrew transport etc, except some of them change/tweaked
dominator genetic formulation- an experimental genetically spliced creature created by the genetic mutation scientists of one of the yuri factions. if it finds a host, it can inhabit it and control its mind and body to do its bidding.

more to come- i forgot a lot of the better ideas at the moment... feedback everyone!


Final Countdown
The Final Countdown is now taking place as factions from all over the world rise up to fight for the world once again! There will be no mercy as new technologies and leaders emerge on the battlefield...

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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 23 Sep 2003

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 12:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Awesome, the 6 sides are a great idea.

I was thinking for the Chrono Allies, just as an idea, we could give them two superweapons, they'd get the American Paradrop and the Normal Paradrop (maybe, dunno if you wanna get rid of it)......However we make it "Chrono reinforcements". The Chrono Allies have nearly perfected time travel, so one Chrono reinforcement could be from the past, it could bring in a couple T-Rex's or something(Since it has to be an Infantry right?). The other one, could be the future Chrono Reinforcements, where it brings in a whole bunch of Cyborgs or some kinda unit from Tiberium Sun?

Just a thought, not all sides need a Weapon that does lotsa damage or something...Very Happy

I like the howitzer, It is a different element into the game which hasn't really been used a whole lot..A good deployable seige weapon.

I still like the idea of the Tesla Storm tank, and have some kinda shabby Concept art for what it could look like.....We could just make the sucker use the "Effiel" bolt or some sort of variation of that.

Btw, what do you think of my comet idea I proposed in DZ forums? Doable? Lame? lemme know

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003
Location: In a big clock room, waiting for the FINAL COUNTDOWN

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 1:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

i actually have a really cool idea for what the tesla siege tank should look like, based on the original tesla tank. post your concept art here if you can, and i don't have access to a scanner so i'll try drawing it by editing an actual pic of the tesla tank voxel.

some new ideas:
a submarine transport-self-explanatory, with stuff like canbeach=yes so infantry can load into it
Prism mine- every faction will have its own minelayer, with each its own type of mine. the prism-technology-based allied faction will have a mine that does this: when hit, it launches up a small (preferably voxel) rocket that has small prism-laser batteries attatched to it. the batteries detach and fire down a rain of lasers as the rocket blows up in the air.
Burrowing mutant- for the genetic mutation yuri faction, a unit that has a moderately damaging gun out of the ground, but when deployed, burrows, and if enemy units come nearby, it grabs them and pulls them underground.
CIA Agents and Spies- the only bad thing about yuri's revenge was how the spies were put only on one team. the allies will get cia agents, using the secret service agent image and voices from the game, and the soviets will have the ra2 soviet spy(normal spy with russian voices). for yuri, i'm not sure yet, but we could make the genetic dominator dude also a spy(that would make up for his disguise, and he could cloak?)

Once again, tell me what you think.

Final Countdown
The Final Countdown is now taking place as factions from all over the world rise up to fight for the world once again! There will be no mercy as new technologies and leaders emerge on the battlefield...

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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 23 Sep 2003

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

lol, I suppose i'll tell you what i think of your ideas, even though you never tell me what you think of mine! lol

Anyways, without a DOUBT we gotta have that Submarine Transport......Thats so simple, yet so genius!! Without a doubt we are adding that.

The Prism thing, i don't quite understand, you'll have to send me the code or something so I can understand it, sorry. Sounds interesting though.

Mutant sounds pretty cool, i'd like that I think...How do you code the "pulling down" thing?

Okay, one of the heroes I think could be an ultimate sniper.....Try giving the nuke explosion SOUND to a sniper, make his reload a lot longer, and have him able to take out takes, maybe just lightly and medium armored, tanks in one shot. Also, could give him a cloaking device, however when he shoots, it takes a long time for him to cloak again....Just an idea. It sounds cool to hear this loud gun shot that just destroys tanks.

Also, im not sure if this is possible......I "think" you can only give the Mirage Tank disguise to Vehicle units right? Well, I think it'd be cool if one of the allied side had a Mirage Pill box......When you build it, you build a dummy building, that gives a free unit, that has the image of a modified pillbox, give it no locomotor......Would that work? I think it'd be cool to use them. Just when an opponent drops some infantry behind your seemingly un guarded rear of your base, trees start blasting away Very Happy.....

Also, are we doing anything with the lame ass Grand Cannon? I'd rather not have that thing in the game. The Prism tank is also kinda crappy, but it can be dealt with...But the GC is just so lame I think.

Thats it for now really.....Keep working on finding that Tornado graphic if you can, i'm trying to finish up the Juggernaut. Do you want me to make another Juggernaut, one with say the Flak Troopers bazooka? Lemme know.

So the Six Factions are as follows?
Allies are now split between Chrono/Prism Tech and More Traditional/Stealth and Armored Tech?

Soviets are split between Radiation and......What? Tesla?

Yuri is easiest...he's split between the Mind control/Pyschic stuff....and the other faction is more about Mutation/Genetics?

Once we finalize this, i'll make seperate threads for each of them, so we can sort out the ideas by factions/Sides.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 7:55 pm    Post subject: FEED ME!!! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Give me concept art, so that I may proceed to pouring out half-assed vxls!!! Laughing Laughing Laughing

The Village Ideot

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Location: In a big clock room, waiting for the FINAL COUNTDOWN

PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 10:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yes, zarzoz, all the ideas are good, and yes, the factions will be organzied as you have explained.

What i mean by the prism mine is, when touched, a normal mine would usually just explode. this mine will launch a rocket into the air, that once it reaches a certain altitude, fires a shower of lasers down(works like the multimissile except instead of missiles it shoots lasers!).

to zero point: Half-assed?!?

Final Countdown
The Final Countdown is now taking place as factions from all over the world rise up to fight for the world once again! There will be no mercy as new technologies and leaders emerge on the battlefield...

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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 11:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Half-assed is just a slang Wink

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003
Location: In a big clock room, waiting for the FINAL COUNTDOWN

PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 11:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ahh, yes, thank you for clearing that up.

Final Countdown
The Final Countdown is now taking place as factions from all over the world rise up to fight for the world once again! There will be no mercy as new technologies and leaders emerge on the battlefield...

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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 23 Sep 2003

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Love the idea of the prism mine thing! Sounds great, and we know who thats going to haha.

Anyways, you mentioned about having art for the Tesla Storm Tank, so if you can Nick, get those up and maybe Zero can start putting stuff together.

This is just an off the wall idea, what if we had something like a resized Terror Drone, called the Dread Drone.......It could be a lot slower of course, but big, tough, able to crush vehicles like the Battle Fortress, however it can be a transport as well, transporting units. For the Tesla side, who are without the "Flak" track.

And uh, yeah thats it for now, glad PPM is back Very Happy

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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

glad PPM is back

- PPM was just offline for 2 hours. We've moved to Update your links Wink.

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Vehicle Driver

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

*clears throat* Concept art, please? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Oh, you wanna see my work, huh? Give me something to do, and you shall see it. Laughing

The Village Ideot

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Joined: 24 Sep 2003
Location: In a big clock room, waiting for the FINAL COUNTDOWN

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

IIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmmmmm BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaackkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what's new?????

P.S. Sorry, I have beeen extreeemely busy!

Final Countdown
The Final Countdown is now taking place as factions from all over the world rise up to fight for the world once again! There will be no mercy as new technologies and leaders emerge on the battlefield...

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