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Welcome to Wintermaul Wars X, an open source project!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 7:20 pm    Post subject:  Welcome to Wintermaul Wars X, an open source project! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Welcome to Wintermaul Wars X forum. Wintermaul Wars is a tower wars map, which means that you have to build attacker and build defenses to prevent the enemy attackers to reach a certain place. So, your objective is to make your enemies leak your attackers. Attackers increase the income which is the ammount of cash you receive every round.


Everything started with a map called Wintermaul TD made by Duke Wintermaul (@ USEast, I think). Although it was an "yet another TD map", it certainly got into Warcraft3 history as the most modified Warcarft 3 map ever. There are over 100 variations of it with names like Summermaul, Firemaul, Citymaul, Oceanmaul, Worldmaul, Simpsommaul, Pokemaul and many other mauls with the most ridiculous names ever... (I mean, sexmaul is really low).

But a guy known as WNxDavis-x made the most original modification of Wintermaul TD ever: Wintermaul Wars. Since then, many people modified it, even WNxDavis-x that had even released the version 3.0 of it when... Blizzard released the patch 1.10. This patch was incompatible with the trigger that makes the attackers appears in the map. This has pratically invalidated all previous versions of Wintermaul Wars... and the worse thing is that the version 3.0 started to crash when loading. Pissed off that I couldnt play Winter Wars anymore, I started to work alone in the Wintermaul Wars 0.7c (by ziutek), which was the most recent working version (which still had problems with the trigger that made attackers) starting the Wintermaul Wars X maps. You might be asking why of the "X". Here's the reasons:

1) My nickname on Battle.Net (Lordaeron) is General_X.
2) Although these versions will follow the original idea of winter wars, it will certainly hafve some differences between this and other winter wars.
3) Also based on my never released modification of Oceanmaul Twist called OceanMaul Twist X which, likewise Wintermaul Wars X, improves enemy movements and has an AI.

Some days later, a TFT version of Wintermaul Wars appears and it starts to get popular... and even some days later, my power supply caught fire and the internet ADSL from my home goes to the other PC. I didnt loose the internet access, but I became unable host games in Battle.Net. These factors surely took all the popularity that this map once had. Few days ago, I decided to return working on it to bring more Warcraft 3 fans for PPM, but I guess it's no longer a valid excuse... so, I'm just working on it for fun. If you wanna make your own version of it, feel free to do it. And if you want me to make new versions from your version, inform me all changes you did. This is an opensource project like any other maul map. And if possible, please host games with this map in BNet.


- Download the Latest Stable Version
- Download the Latest Beta
- AI Explanation - In case you want to modify the beta.

Final Notes:

I hope you enjoy this map. I'm gonna add all links to important topics as soon as they appear here...

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