Angels Gate features 5 nodes - where the majority of the nodes are located to the south of the map, There will be 1 / 2 blue tiberium spawners and 4 green tiberium spawners.
Angel's Gate, located in China, is GDI's last know yellow zone in the east; located near black zones (zones that formed unknown horrors lining cliffs with a reflective coat of tiberium). It has been 2 weeks since the intial TCN hub activation and tiberium has rapidly dissipated from the local water supply and the area located around the city.
The population; forced underground due to tiberium; live in hope that they will once see the overgrown surface where tiberium no longer reigns terror into the population, they have however been force to stay untill the surface is secured by GDI forces, the TCN had been activated for 2 weeks in this area (The landscape is slowly recovering) and now provides increasingly large amounts of power for the scrin tower.
Untill then Angel's gate has remained a popular choice as a refueling station for orbital convoys and start ships including the kodiak class orbital defence ships; in charge of protecting earth from threats such as the scrin.
Here is a preview of what to expect from this map:
