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Feedback on v1.4
Moderators: Carnius
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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:40 am    Post subject:  Feedback on v1.4 Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You played the mod so here is the place for your bug reports and suggestions.

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm... just gonna go ahead and copy+paste the stuff I wrote on that other thread:


The main menu logo would be better with a transparent BG. Something like this watermark:

The new orange-brown and khaki are too dark. Use brighter colours so that they are more visible on radar. The purple is almost perfect, just a bit brighter for radar visibility...

If its not too much to ask, would it be ok to remove the green smoke coming from GDI and Nod harvesters? I once suggested similar thing to Stygs for TWA. The harvesters look weird emitting those large clouds of smoke (look at the Scrin one it has no funny smoke)

Excellent music choice, using the calmer TS tracks for ambient and the more fast-paced ones for combat.

Rename the hospital to "Field infirmary" A hospital makes me think of a huge building.

The Goliath seems a bit puny, like the C&C 4 APCs. Try making its body a bit longer. Gun turret also looks rather big relative to body size.

The Falcon IMO feels like it overlaps with the Titan a lot, in fact now I use Falcons much more since they cost less and are more mobile. Also the Falcon's body looks rather flat.

There is a bug with Falcon locomotor, it cannot crush fences. It moves like infantry, unable to go through fences.


Nice job on the new Black Hand visors. Subtle but good.

IMO I don't really like the new Cobra that needs to deploy. If you really want to have a deploy mode at least give it still the ability to attack while moving, but with less range and damage, while deploying increases the range and firepower. Also the deployed version needs a firing radius aroudn it like defences.


Awesome Razorback. Definitely nicer than the creepy crawlie that was the Gun Walker.

Conqueror and Defiler doesn't seem to be healable by Corruptors. Razorback's ok it's healable.

The Conqueror's laser muzzle flash is too small for its enormous beam. From many angles you can easily see the beam cutoff because the muzzle flash doesn't cover it

I'll add more feedback after I play a bit more.

- Jumpjet trooper has muzzle firing issues when landed, the muzzle flash appears on the wrong spot.

- Devestator warships don't seem to travel within range if you order them to attack something out of range.


The white lady~!

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Joined: 19 Nov 2009

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

In 3 v 3 Nod harvesters will stop harvesting. Scrin Planetary Assault Ships will stop using lightning sometimes and then won't use it for the rest of the game.
GDI railgun AA upgrade was a neat idea,but it cannot stop Planetary Assault ships little aircraft. Does alot of damage but is too slow to fire.

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The rank of Ghoststalker isnt shown over its healthbar ingame but is showed in the sidebar normally.
Sometimes the Jumpjet ignores simply to land down.(dunno why,how etc.,i say land here,he doesnt and gets killed by enemy AA #Tongue;but this happens to Shadow teams too,so could be an EA bug)
When Titans walking in a row,sometime one falls behind and stays there(ignores the given go to order by hisself,but why ?;this happened too in vanilla C&C,especially by Nod Flametanks,so its nearly obvious of being an EA bug)
Ive got an idea again:Make AA Battery Quad-Cannon,any imba if firecraft doubled ?


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Devestator warships don't seem to travel within range if you order them to attack something out of range.

I confirm this bug, I had my Devastators just float still when told to attack something afar.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Awesome Carnius, just...awesome. You are the man. Your logic AND lore is actually good too, like the GDI Refinery and Tiberium ones. #Tongue Well it must be hard, don't worry yourself about all the minor details like blunders. If not you could always hire someone to help with the minor stuff.

Hmm...Planet Killer Mothership doesn't really sound right...a Catalyst Mothership would be better. #Tongue

Although will Airfields/Air Towers/Gravity Stabilizers get the ability to get the repair drones/nano field to concentrate on one unit? It'll be faster to repair that flying guy you're trying to get into battle ASAP.

Hopefully the music pack could be included in a seperate download in the future, for [insert reason here].

The EMP/Shockwave weapons could 'deactivate' the Decoy Army holograms after repeated hits, if you get my meaning...although if it matters to gameplay so much then it's fine.

For the Jumpjetter take your time figuring out the coding, we can't rush ya.

I think the Assault Mothership's Anti-Matter projectiles could be a bit larger, and more...'bloom-ier'/brighter, maybe a bit more splash too.


Tiberium Integration on the Disintergrator is the Tiberium Hive image, not the Tiberium Integration (The one with the Disintergrators on it) one.

The Assault Mothership doesn't glow/shine when under the effects of an Ion Storm (Yeah I know you're having problems with the shader-thingy) ...IDK about having it to recharge as being intended, but the description text says 'Warship' instead of 'Mothership'.

The Power Packs icon doesn't display on the Jumpjetters.

The Repair Vehicle button on the Outpost is broken and won't repair the targeted object.

The AA gun doesn't appear in the Railguns upgrade text.

Medic squad's symbol is the Disc Thrower's symbol (The grenade...unless you've not made theirs yet)

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Eagle 11
Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Oh ive forgot to say:The Repair button of the new Nod Mobile Repair is unclickable when deployed(is greyed out),and that button doesnt appear when mobile so cant say "repair that first" to it.


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Joined: 14 Nov 2009

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Repair Drones from the Nod Outpost (deployed Emissary) muss be changed, you use the repair Drones from the GDI.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Destiny wrote:

I think the Assault Mothership's Anti-Matter projectiles could be a bit larger, and more...'bloom-ier'/brighter, maybe a bit more splash too.

Stygs had some pretty good ones based on a suggestion I told him for TWA some time ago.

It was to take the Juggernaut's projectiles and colour them purple and use them on the Devastator Warship. It was pretty nice.

Anyway I think I found another text bug. The Black Hand Elite upgrade still gives a "Upgrade Complete: Confessor" message when purchased.


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Been replaying the campaigns and they seem much harder with Essence, for some reason. However on the mission where you must capture Killian, you can simply deploy a couple of artillery and destroy the Temple of Nod from your own base. If I were you I'd run through all the missions and alter them for your mod, as well as add some surprises if you feel up for it.

As I said in the download topic, artilleries are way too effective against vehicles.

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Plasma Trooper

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Great has always.
The sheer volume of GDI preset drop support powers is bordering on stupid.

The Conqueror's seed tiberium ability is dumb.
In a standard 5 harvester 2 refinery setup the unit essentially 'pays' for itself, within a couple of minutes.
While I can only base the next statement on the Kane's Wrath epic dynamic, a reasonably good player can keep his epic unit alive for a while (especially considering that you can phase then retreat the Conqueror).

So you could have a situation were a good player keeps his Conqueror alive long enough, so that when he builds the next one the seed ability is ready again.
It could mean that the Conqueror is too cost effective.

Nod are great though... no epic units. Twisted Evil

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That is lost of bugs, i see that patch is needed. I just wonder how i get that bug with devastator i just changed the projectiles nothing else, but nevermind i will see to this is fixed in patch.

Omegabolt wrote:
Been replaying the campaigns and they seem much harder with Essence, for some reason. However on the mission where you must capture Killian, you can simply deploy a couple of artillery and destroy the Temple of Nod from your own base. If I were you I'd run through all the missions and alter them for your mod, as well as add some surprises if you feel up for it.

I believe there is no way how to edit campaign or does anyone know how to do it?

Madin wrote:
The sheer volume of GDI preset drop support powers is bordering on stupid.

Ok ... and why? Said "something is stupid" doesn´t really tells anything.

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Joined: 26 Dec 2009

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 9:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I really do not know how this mod eluded me for so long? I found the link for it on
With only playing two skirmishes I must say that THIS IS THE WAY I ENVISIONED CNC3TW!!!!!! Very Happy Very Happy
Now I do not claim to be a modder.. not even close but I am SERIOUSLY interested in it. but this mod KICKS @$$, I would like to know how long you have been working on this mod.

GREAT JOB to You and your Team!!!!!! Wink

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm not very sure but the Signature Generator icon doesn't appear on the Venoms. I'm playing through the campaign so this bug may only be restricted it, not in Skirmish.

Also the Defiler or the Conqueror doesn't get healed from Corruptors (Can't really remember which).

Can the Assault Mothership gain a couple of turrets or two, for point defense? Weaker lasers or projectiles naturally.

The Stormriders the Assault Mothership spawns don't seem to be affected by Ion Storms, nor do they glow/shine. They also fly very far out too. Do their kills/damage contribute to leveling up the Assault Mothership?

The Assault Mothership's Ion Storm ability doesn't last indefinitely and has to recharge...unlike the PAC.

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Last edited by Destiny on Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


-Cloaking field... could cloak infantry to
-Basilisk beam cannon... plz make it a little bit smaller this unit is to large we think *me and a friend*

add-Templer *new unit*... Heavy Cyborg *only 1 not a Squad* he can charge the Obelisk of Light... weak against infantry and air units.
maybe the Awakended or Enlightened?


-Goliath Heavy Apc... make the wheels a little bit smaller it looks strange with this big wheels

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Plasma Trooper

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius wrote:
That is lost of bugs, i see that patch is needed. I just wonder how i get that bug with devastator i just changed the projectiles nothing else, but nevermind i will see to this is fixed in patch.

Omegabolt wrote:
Been replaying the campaigns and they seem much harder with Essence, for some reason. However on the mission where you must capture Killian, you can simply deploy a couple of artillery and destroy the Temple of Nod from your own base. If I were you I'd run through all the missions and alter them for your mod, as well as add some surprises if you feel up for it.

I believe there is no way how to edit campaign or does anyone know how to do it?

Madin wrote:
The sheer volume of GDI preset drop support powers is bordering on stupid.

Ok ... and why? Said "something is stupid" doesn´t really tells anything.

Including the Drop bay powers, there are around 7 different support drops. It seems over the top to me, but over-the-top, seems to be the direction the mods heading anyway.
It's still very well done.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's not likely you'll have enough money to use them all at once in a given situation. Hey, they're not called Global Defense Initiative for nothing.

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White Wolf
Vehicle Drone

Joined: 20 Dec 2008
Location: Front line between GDI and Nod...and EA

PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Gentlemen, I have my assessment for you, which will be added to as I look over our latest release:

Good job, guys!

Advise: Let's release the soundtrack used for the game music! There is a remix to Act On Instinct contained in this release which I'd love to get my hands on! What is it called, and where did it appear? It's the first time I'm hearing it.


-first off, great job with the idea of including the logo of our team and Tiberian Sun and Tiberian Dawn music. That will carry over well
-love the Goliath APC. It is more in-tuned with GDI's transports of Tiberian Sun
-good job on increasing the rounds-per-salvo of the Hover MLRS
-brilliant! The Raider Buggy is finally enclosed and the driver isn't exposed!
-Thank God! The GDI Tiberium Refinery collection pool is no longer exposed to open air!
-Good job on the Forgotten!
-love the random units generated through crates! How about we add some traps, too? Like an explosive, or radar disruptor?


-I don't know how many times I can say this: If the Construction Yard isn't producing a radar, then "Enables radar" needs to be removed from the Construction Yard description! I keep removing it, and someone keeps putting it back in!
-whatever we did to the Armory to disable its healing ability or whatever, all of the upgrade components (such as the red medical container) are present even before the given upgrade is researched
-is there any way to change the GDI Medic squad's symbol to a red cross instead of a grenade, and have that symbol appear over the squad as a whole rather than each individual member?
-the Field Hospital eats medics, i.e., it can't be packed up. This may not be a bad thing.
-the Jumpjet Infantryman's larger gun does not fire. What is it, by the way?
-nice that we got the Falcon to fire rounds out of both barrels, but can we get it to fire 2 quick rounds and then reload, like the RPG Tower?
-some grammatical errors which I apparently missed or were reapplied still exist
-Medics no longer heal while in a mobile "un-deployed" state. We must restore this!
-I'm not too wild about the way the GDI Goliath has its passenger doors positioned in between the wheels instead of the rear. The last APC to do that sort of the thing was the Russian BTR-90, and it's notorious for getting passengers crushed between the wheels
-the silhouette of the Jump Jet Infantryman (when holding down the mouse wheel to initiate a directional move) broadcasts a smoke trail and heat distortion from the silhouette's base on the ground
-Hmm. The Jump Jet Infantryman gets repaired from vehicle facilities, not healed from medics. While he's got alot of armor on, he is still an infantryman, a biological human, and thus should be healed.
-another thing about the Jump Jet Infantryman: I love his idle movement, but he executes it took frequently. I was once saluted 3 times straight in 5 seconds by him.
-Ghostalker's rail gun seems to fire too fast for the amount of damage it can do, plus the muzzle flash is still being broadcast from the center of the model, not the gun muzzle
-when I put my mutants in Tiberium, I get a "Tiberium exposure detected" warning...because the Mutant Marauder squad is being injured by Tiberium, not healed by it!
-The random crate drop for the Goliath APC returns a standard original GDI APC from Tiberium Wars, not a Goliath, even though the unit is named "Goliath APC"
-the random crate drop for the Nod Scorpion Yank Mk. II returns an original Scorpion Tank from Tiberium Wars, but the unit is named "Scorpion Tank Mk. II"
-consider adding some forward momentum after the Falcon and Hover MLRS touch down from the jump jet booster jump.
-the GDI Commando jump jet pack recharge time is too fast. I can see players spamming the jet pack to avoid enemy pursuers and fire. The charge pack can recharge almost completely for the duration of the flight, ready the moment the commando hits the ground.
-Mammoth Tank missile rack reloading sequence takes too long in between shots

EA Apologizes

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 3:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I think the Conqueror's Tiberium Radiation radius has to be increased...badly. #Tongue

Oh and the Medic's too. They keep getting shunted around and move out of range and all that stuff.

You can't build stuff in an Ion Storm, even in TW. It's kinda annoying to have to deactivate the PAC and power down the Storm Columns when you're trying to build stuff, and doing not having Ion Storms is bad, very bad. Is it possible to allow those on your team/yourself to...?

I couldn't complete the Scrin campaign with the Assault Mothership for some reason, but that's not the point. Can it's turrets be made not to be fire-linked and capable of engaging different targets? A self-repair boost would be nice too.

...and all the aforementioned bug fixes and feedbacks.

And also White Wolf, the Jumpjet's smoke trail with the formation move (left and right click) is a feature, not a bug. It occurs with units naturally, like the Stormrider. Try spinning round and round with it and you'll see what I mean.

And another bug.
Phantom ability text is 'Emissary' for deployment and 'Pack up the Battle Base/Rig' for unpacking respectively.

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

-Signature Generator icon doesnt appear at interface after purchase by Venom
-Mutant Rocketeers have an airlift ability but all other mutants dont have & its greyed out,unusable anyway,its to be removed
-You cant order subterranean attack to an normally targetable spot when fog of war or water is between that spot and original position of the unit BUT you can order subterranean attack on tiberium field or any infantry squad in that 'by fog of war or water unreachable rendered' spot.(I can capture&upload this if u couldnt understand,just say if so)
-Mutant Riflemen take damage in Tiberium let alone healing
-Nod Artillery doesnt autofire on targets inrange automatically unless set to 'agressive' mode
-Shrine of Secrets cant be ordered in which mode units will emerge(defensive,stand ground etc.)
-An AI flaw:Hard GDI Rusher AI doesnt use Minigun upgrade for Orca.
-The supercool new-old tracks didnt play on custom maps.


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Sniper Team also doesn't fire upon targets unless in Aggressive mode as well, I do hope they're allowed to.

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Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:58 am    Post subject: My Input Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

First off this is the only version ive played and ive gotta say all in all its my favourite mod of all time the Particle FX work is brilliant, great unit changes, structure functions, upgrades etc, only things i can say are not bugs but just things that i think personally need changing

the tiberium crystals are nice but i think they need a dencer field maybe more to a group and the blue crystals look out of place but cant put my finger on what i think is the problem, maybe the blue is too bright.

i think the mammoth mark II AND the cyborg commando's weapons are too weak and they have insufficiant HP you shit yourself when you first see the MKII coming your way, but when it gets there its just not intimidating, because of its firepower, remember in TS:Firestorm when the cabal core mech was released? i wanna feel that kind of intimidation again. and remember when a CyCommando and maybe 3 sub apcs full of cyborgs could destroy a base in seconds.

I imagine you have planned to change the nuke to a multi-missile (or cluster) and plan to add the chemical missile, because IMO the catalyst missile sucks ass.

these are the only changes i can currently think of to bring up, because everything else i can think of is most probably WIP anyways such as new terrain etc.

The mod is brilliant, voted for it on MODdb for mod of the year. great work

Soader, Drum N Bass!!!!

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Joined: 19 Nov 2009

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Personally I would like to see a different epic for Nod other than the cyborg commando. Both Scrin and GDI have epics that are intimidating. You can actually see them in action when they are among a bunch of units. The Cyborg Commando just gets lost among the larger units and you can't really see it do anything.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

It's near impossible to spot when mixed with units, making it even deadlier.

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

ripper wrote:
Personally I would like to see a different epic for Nod other than the cyborg commando. Both Scrin and GDI have epics that are intimidating. You can actually see them in action when they are among a bunch of units. The Cyborg Commando just gets lost among the larger units and you can't really see it do anything.

WTF ! CC is completely op in the hands of an skilled player Wink I love to destroy entire bases with him Smile and besides you MUST build Aircraft when you face nod if you want to win for there is the CC now,building Aircraft is no more optional it has become necessity as it was in TS.

Level the CC up then he can take 2 Mk2 by hisself with full health,really ehm maybe i used cannonfodder but nothing more.

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Cyborg Soldier

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:53 pm    Post subject:   Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Is my favorite C&C3 mod Very Happy

Another little bug I found:
- Phantom repair drones try to repair damaged Cyborg squads but the drones not do nothing. Nod's outpost repair drones do nothing to try to repair the Cyborg squads (if they are repaired in the war factory these should be repaired in that building and phantom)

C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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Eagle 11
Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

FS-21 wrote:
Is my favorite C&C3 mod Very Happy

Another little bug I found:
- Phantom repair drones try to repair damaged Cyborg squads but the drones not do nothing. Nod's outpost repair drones do nothing to try to repair the Cyborg squads (if they are repaired in the war factory these should be repaired in that building and phantom)

Cyborgs are healed in Secret Shrine(or Shrine of Secrets,whatever the hell its name is),also this is another bug
Two more "issues":
-Nod's APC cant be airlifted,dont know if its a bug though(seems logically reasonable for it can use subterranean attack instead)
-Both in Vanilla TW and mod you can order your infantry to enter an ally's APC & cant get it out there anymore because you dont own the APC & ally cant do too because squad doesnt belong to him.Serious issue.

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Cyborg Soldier

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Eagle 11 wrote:
FS-21 wrote:
Is my favorite C&C3 mod Very Happy

Another little bug I found:
- Phantom repair drones try to repair damaged Cyborg squads but the drones not do nothing. Nod's outpost repair drones do nothing to try to repair the Cyborg squads (if they are repaired in the war factory these should be repaired in that building and phantom)

Cyborgs are healed in Secret Shrine(or Shrine of Secrets,whatever the hell its name is),also this is another bug
Two more "issues":
-Nod's APC cant be airlifted,dont know if its a bug though(seems logically reasonable for it can use subterranean attack instead)
-Both in Vanilla TW and mod you can order your infantry to enter an ally's APC & cant get it out there anymore because you dont own the APC & ally cant do too because squad doesnt belong to him.Serious issue.

No, sorry but you are wrong. You are mixing the repair/heal of units with the addition of lost units of a squad. Read from the readme.txt:

All cyborgs is now healed by nod repair drones

And this is under the description of the version 1.4

C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

NIKON wrote:
I would like to know how long you have been working on this mod.

Since summer 2008. I´v also learned modeling only for purpose of this mod. In fact it all starts with dream to resurrect mammoth mark II in 3d (which is now quite perfect i believe) when i achieve that more stuff subsequently fallow until it become mod this size.

destiny wrote:

Can the Assault Mothership gain a couple of turrets or two, for point defense? Weaker lasers or projectiles naturally.

Mothership summons stromriders for self defence, anything more might be too much.

white wolf wrote:
the Jumpjet Infantryman's larger gun does not fire. What is it, by the way?

its not gun actually, its just ammo rack, miniguns have ridiculous ammo requirements so it feels more realistic now and it balance jetpack too.

white wolf wrote:
I'm not too wild about the way the GDI Goliath has its passenger doors positioned in between the wheels instead of the rear. The last APC to do that sort of the thing was the Russian BTR-90, and it's notorious for getting passengers crushed between the wheels

Agreed, in fact i was about to remodel its back part that way, but i run of time before Christmas.

white wolf wrote:
The random crate drop for the Goliath APC returns a standard original GDI APC from Tiberium Wars, not a Goliath, even though the unit is named "Goliath APC"
-the random crate drop for the Nod Scorpion Yank Mk. II returns an original Scorpion Tank from Tiberium Wars, but the unit is named "Scorpion Tank Mk. II

That is correct, i want to somewhat use these old units at least in crates for those who miss them so much and for game variety, the "labels" are wrong then.

soader wrote:

I imagine you have planned to change the nuke to a multi-missile (or cluster)

In fact no, i like nuke much more.

eagle 11 wrote:

ripper wrote:
Personally I would like to see a different epic for Nod other than the cyborg commando. Both Scrin and GDI have epics that are intimidating. You can actually see them in action when they are among a bunch of units. The Cyborg Commando just gets lost among the larger units and you can't really see it do anything.

WTF ! CC is completely op in the hands of an skilled player Wink I love to destroy entire bases with him Smile and besides you MUST build Aircraft when you face nod if you want to win for there is the CC now,building Aircraft is no more optional it has become necessity as it was in TS.

Level the CC up then he can take 2 Mk2 by hisself with full health,really ehm maybe i used cannonfodder but nothing more.

Then it works exactly as i have planed. CC is not for challenging others epics but opens different tactic which others cant do. This makes nod unique which is only good for game variety.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Another bug when I was playing in Skirmish: You can't build stuff near of a Allied Scrin ConYard, only if your allies are GDI or Nod

C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

FS-21 wrote:
Another bug when I was playing in Skirmish: You can't build stuff near of a Allied Scrin ConYard, only if your allies are GDI or Nod

You can buildoff allys conyard only when he is same race in skirmish,its not a bug was so in vanilla TW

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Eagle 11
Rocket Infantry

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

its not a bug but an issue:Secret Shrine ceases production when energy offline for its research building by default.
and Dropship Command ceases production when energy offline


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

1. Minigun upgrade should be cheaper. Now when we have jj infantry, the most suitable price for that is 1500-2000.
2. Discthrowers - discs scatter again. Was it due to balance or not? (Strange that nobody noticed). Anyway now they not so effective against infantry as in 1.3.
3. As you know, mutant leader dies on tiberium.
4. Why did you reduce Orca bomber and titan's armour? Bombers now die very fast. And titan is absolutely equal to dig in scorpion (as you remember in TS titan won the same battle).
5. You know, now in battlefield too many unit crates. Sometimes it's not needed to build your own:) So please reduce their amount.
6. And please don't forget restore call 4 transport ability for commando and medics. (You know in some GDI campaign missions that ability strongly needed for harvesters because of terrain; think about it:))

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Personally I'd rather be able to buy V-35s again over getting Call for Transport for them. #Tongue

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White Wolf
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PostPosted: Sat May 08, 2010 8:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey, guys. From what I've seen on various forums, Tiberium Essence is a hit! Hell, out of 12,000 mods on ModDb, Tiberium Essence is ranked 47! That's no small achievement, people!

I wanted to drop in real fast and mention something I've noticed.

We have an issue with the Jumpjet Infantrymen not firing on targets automatically when they come into range. Likewise, at times, the JJI will fly directly over a target before engaging it, and the JJI has difficulty engaging targets near environment objects, like buildings. In that case, even if the JJI can "see" the target (i.e., if the target is near a very low building like a gas station), the JJI will not fire on it.

Might want to look at the Orca fighter scripts to see how they process targets in that sense.

There's also the issue about infantry in buildings positioned near player-built walls, and the infantry not firing on targets beyond the walls, even if the building is taller than said wall. Very annoying in a city fight.

Oh, right. I'll need that text document again before the next release, as usual. I see some things I missed to include.

BTW, whatever happened to the Intel documents on the weapons we implemented, like the ones on the Mammoth Mk. II?

I'll be home for the summer in a few hours, so I'll be able to drop in more often now that I won't be working as much.

Again, well done everyone. We've really come up with a gemstone.

EA Apologizes

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PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2010 3:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

All the bugs you listed have been noted and hopefuly fixed/tweaked for the 1.5 release. Smile

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hey guys #Tongue

Okay so awesome mod been doing a lot of 1 vs 1 and 3 people ffa with my friends,gotta say incredibly fun mod been at it for a few months Very Happy

A balance suggestion to maybe decrease damage increase for razorbacks after that tiberium upgrade.

Razorback with tiberium upgrade kills bombers super fast and well any other light aircraft such as venom' completely nullifies the jump jet infantry since it instant kills them all so a mid to late game you have Devastator Warships + razorbacks and late game Devastator Warships razorbacks and Planetary Assault Carriers move toward you,they out-range any anti air you could send at them and razorbacks almost instantly kill any air units u send at them very expensive to counter such a combo Very Happy

Oh and if you guys still play id love to find some people,myself and two of my friends make 3 players so we could use a fourth for some 2 vs 2 or ffa if find few extra might be able to do a small tournament or something Very Happy

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