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some ideas
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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

no dont think so:works like somesort of an signal disruptor,main idea there is to prevent targeting not protecting from damage.When enemy cant fire SW he cant damage yeah.


Last edited by Eagle 11 on Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

One more idea ive becomed:removing the airlift from all units and making transports normally buildable from airforce structure.Its such an shame to pay 500 for every time an unit must fly over and will prevent this crap tactic:You select all your ground vehicles when at enemy gates,hit call transport,one transport per unit comes.Now move your units so they cant get in,now the transports scatter in all winds mostly flying over the enemies air defenses making them go nuts,crazy! whilst their air defenses are targeting the 30-40 transports you can airstrike without suffering a single hit when you combine it with the ground force(thats endgame tactic,if you fail all your money is depleted hopelessly XD )


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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The airlift actually has its benefits. The transport spawns above your unit so you don't need to risk sending one halfway across the map.

Also I'm pretty sure air transports werent intended to be spammed and used to soak up damage. In fact if any unit in the game can do that to a large extent it's borderline OP.

Besides the transports have paper thin armour anyway


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Cyborg Cannon

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Valdez wrote:
srsyl? Didnt know the engine had that versatility to actually protect from specific damage types.

Well, you can prevent special powers /super weapons from firing if a specific objekt is inside the target area. Thats why the buzzer swarm cant be used on enemy infantry, it quite simpel to do.


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

please make a new skin for the GDI Pitbull it looks so silly lile a kids toy.

eem... what do you think about a Bunker Upgrade vor the Obelisk of Light?
then he could look like the old Obelisk of Light from TS

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 5:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Interesting idea, but wouldn't it be to OP? Like getting rocketsquads in there for AA?

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

yes or blackhand troopers

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

IMO if you really wanna go for bunkers it has to be individual upgrade, with cost and purchase time to prevent exploitation. Also, no more than 1 squad garrisonable inside.


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


- Bunker Upgrade for the Obelisk of Light
- New Cyborg Unit, The Templer *The Enlightened* (Special Abilitie: Charge Base Defense for the Obelisk of Light)
- New Unit: Chemical Squad (Tiberium Trooper)
- Nes Upgrade for the Cyborg Squad & The Avatar: Tiberium Laser (same as the Reaper Tripod)
- New Base Defense: Flame Turret (replace the Shredder Turret)
- New Skin for the Reaper Cyborg more modern like
- New Skin for the Cyborg Squad more modern like (maybe the Awakened)
- Add the Special Powers from Kanes Wrath


- New Skin for the Pitbull
- New Unit: The Zone Shatterer
- New Unit: The Hammerhead
- New Base Defense: The Ion Railgun (Heavy Base Defense)
- New Upgrade for the Firehawk: Bunker Buster Bombs (Anti-Infantrie Bombs)
- New Upgrade for The Juggernaut: Moloch Bunker Upgrade (Infanterie Bunker)
- Add the Special Powers from Kanes Wrath


- New Unit: The Cultists
- New Unit: Ravager
- New Skin for the Gun Walker
- New Skin for Devourer Tank
- New Skin for Drone Platform, Portal, Warp Sphere, Nerve Center, Stasis Chamber, Technology Assembler, Signal Transmitter
- Add the Special Powers from Kanes Wrath

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

tbh I prefer Existor's Cyborg designs. The Awakened and Enlightened looked sort of clunky and silly, sort of like what the C&C 4 GDI infantry look like now.

Also, why reskin the Scrin stuff?

p.s. just a hunch but I don't think Existor intends for his mod to have everything from KW.


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

the scrin units and buildings looks silly... it must look more like bugs/mutants

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

-=CHAOS=- wrote:
the scrin units and buildings looks silly... it must look more like bugs/mutants


I've never really seen an complaints on that regard. The Scrin btw aren't meant to completely look like bugs. Heck we've already got so many bug like infantry how much more bug-like could you possibly want...


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 12:51 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I think they are too buggy (No pun intended #Tongue) enough already, the Devourer and Tripod is a relief. Their structures fit them perfectly.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Destiny wrote:
Their structures fit them perfectly.

I have to say, the Scrin designs are much better than the rest of C&C3 #Tongue

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I do think the Zone Shatterer would be a good thing to add. A nice anti-infantry and anti-air complement for the Zone Trooper. I always liked using them together whenever I could get two factions together in KW.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I think you mean Zone Raider. Zone Shatterer is that sonic tank that floats.

I think carnius already has the Jumpjet troops to fulfill the role you mentioned.


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Valdez wrote:
I think you mean Zone Raider. Zone Shatterer is that sonic tank that floats.

I think carnius already has the Jumpjet troops to fulfill the role you mentioned.

Yeah, my bad, haven't played KW in a loooooong time (been playing TE instead).

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ive got a whole bunch of idea's(yes again #Tongue);For TE 1.5:
1-New Upgrade for Gdi:Fusion Drives:Speed of Tracked vehicles(namely Mammoth tank and Sonic Tank) increases by 'procent?%'
2-New Upgrade for Nod:Armor Plating:Increases armor of turret hubs by 50%(hubs appearance change to black-iron-clad graphically)
3a-(I dont know if this is makeable)Sidebased upgrades for Mutant Hovel:Medical Station upgrade for GDI:As it sounds,infantry can heal in the hovel and enables training of Zone Raider*;'Peace through Power' upgrade for Nod:Places a Propaganda Tower((works similar to Kane Statue in KW)<-Can change with something more useful),on Hovel and cuts training time of mutant units by 'procent?%' down;Assimilation Synapse upgrade for Scrin:Enables training of Cultists* and the hovel itself gets an mindcontrol weapon at top of it,can mindcontrol 1 enemy vehicle,squad or building nearby.These upgrades here are ownership based and units based on these upgrades shouldnt showup in the interface by other players.All upgrades alter the appearance of hovel graphically,especially the scrin one.
3b-*Zone Raider:Different from the KW one.Basically its an muscleus mutant wearing special GDI armor,its armed with Zone Trooper's Railgun in hand and has one grenade-pod(not two)at his shoulder,benefits from Powerpack and EMP-Grenade upgrades(attention:unable to detect stealth!),prequisites Armory,effective against Vehicle,Building,they come in squad of 4 or 3 not a whole horde
3c-*Cultist:Different from KW one.Theyre enslaved humans inable to mindcontrol.What theyre used for then?Theyre able to distract human mind though they cannot control it(works as an instant,long lasting Halluginogene Grenade weapon type through mental ways);they have 2 abilities:Mental Blast kills one infantry squad or damages them heavily if theyre cyborgs(including CC) instantly,second ability is same of Redeemer's 'Rage Generator' in KW;but in very small radius around the squad,unit prequisites Stasis Chamber.Comes in squad of 4 or 5 but not in a horde as in KW.
4-Bring back the mortar upgrade for Pitbull,make it researchable in the Hovel.
5-Make the Signature Generator of Venoms an passive ability that is activated after purchase of upgrade,not active ability just make it passive&give the upgrade an cost around 1500 or so.
6-Tiberium Spike for Gdi:This will use a different model from neutral one and could have another name too.It works as Scrin's 'Growth Accelerator' but in opposite direction:When its placed over an Tiberium-tree renders the field dead(not instantly,drains the field at an mediocre speed),in draining process provides additional income per crystal field added to its base income,works same as neutral one does,provides different income when placed on Green Tiberium-tree or Blue -crystal(income is anyway higher than neutral one),when sold or destroyed the tiberium spreads out again and the field becomes usable for harvesting.
7-Neutral War factory based on reinforcement bay,possible ?
8-Remodelling of Nod's ordinary Commando,how does she survive in Redzones with no proper protection ? And why must this unit be a 'she'
9-Make MCV's 'air transportable';remember TS,GDI's carryall could lift the MCV
And I want to ask:Cannot Orca's have the Minigun from beginning,i mean what imba is caused if they got it from beginning ? In addition the minigun is somewhat small to my eye,why not incease the size of it to an bigger calibre.
And this too:Do you think of remodelling Scrin's 'Growth Accelerator',it looks even weirder with newold Tiberium-trees and -crystals.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread



- Tunnel system *Building or Special Ability*
This is an entrance to the tunnel system of the Brotherhood *like the GLA in CnC Generals. Nod units can enter the tunnel system through any entrance and exit. Upon completion, two Militant Rocket Squad are from the tunnel and are available.

- Bunker
The bunker is there for defense, and in it there is room for 5 soldiers. He offers them protection from enemy fire.

- Propaganda tower
The propaganda tower heal friendly units that are in the area. Even defense facilities to be repaired.

Infantry Units:

- Hijacker
This unit can take quite useful enemy vehicles. If he stands still, it is well camouflaged for the opponent and barely recognizable.

- Confessor Cabal:
As a substitute for regular combat troops, this is the basic unit of the Black Hand. Their presence affects allied troops so inspiring that units receive their environment more firepower, higher shooting rate and less susceptibility to damage. The hallucinogenic effect grenades at enemies from attacking each other in the confusion and rage. They can also be equipped with particle emitters.

- Tiberium Trooper:
The Tiberium Trooper is the Kane's disciples as a support unit on the battlefield, their liquid Tiberium is being used to eliminate enemy infantry and occupied empty buildings. It can also slow down enemy vehicles and give it enough time allied units back up and destroying it. To be more effectively used to, you should upgrade this unit with cybernetic legs that make them run faster.

Ground Units:

- Mantis
With a whole load of ground-air missiles can target the mantis and destroy hostile air units quickly. The rockets can also be equipped with Tiberium cores, which makes its effect still a lot more devastating. As we feared a strengthening of other Nod splinter groups, he was outfitted with an unmasked device.

Special Ability:

- Cash Bounty
With the cash bounty to get credits for each destroyed enemy unit well written.

- Cloakingfield:
Infantry units within the effective radius will now be permanently visible.

- Power Signature Scan:
The works of the Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan, except that in this case all power plants are revealed on the map. Use from command center!

- Nuclear Rocket:
leaves a deadly nuclear mist in the target area


- Purifying Flame:
Improves the flamethrower weapons of flame tanks, Shredder Turrets and Black Hand by a blue flame, which is considerably more harm. Explored is the upgrade to the shrine of the secrets.



- Supply Drop Zone
When building a Suplly drop zone is obtained every few minutes by air units of money dropped.


- Combat Engineer:
This is a better engineer, who carries a gun for self-protection, with which he can defend himself well against other engineers.

- Zone Raider:
This woman force replaces the male zone trooper. On the back of a small rocket launcher provides the necessary minimum protection against aircraft. Instead of the young ladies with the railgun firing sound grenades, which cause a proper environmental damage. In addition, the Zone Raider hold out a little more and the famous jet pack is again at the start.

Ground Units:

- Zone Conqueror:
On this floating unit is a mobile sonic emitter, which however, can not fly over water. Although he is quite angriffsstark, but were made for significant concessions in terms of speed and armor. As extra options this special edition offers the Conqueror an ability to overload his weapon to fire a very strong sound beam. Thereafter, the Conqueror, however, is completely immobile for several seconds.

Special Ability:

- Sonic Repulsion Field:
By the sound field of a building can be protected from an occupation or demolition. Moreover, the building can withstand more damage.

- Supersonic Air Attack:
Similar to the Orca attack to launch several fighters attack. However, this destroys enemy air units in the target area.

- orbital strike:
Devastating attack from space, in which several shots are fired and destroy vehicles and buildings.


- Behemoth Upgrade for the Juggernaut:
This bunker upgrade for the Juggernaut can load different infantry units.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well =CHAOS= most of this ideas is from KW and generals and i dont consider KW as good source of ideas, also i dont want to create copy of kw. Still there are one thing i really like.

- Nuclear Rocket:
leaves a deadly nuclear mist in the target area

totally agree with that.

Eagle 11 wrote:
1-New Upgrade for Gdi:Fusion Drives:Speed of Tracked vehicles(namely Mammoth tank and Sonic Tank) increases by 'procent?%'
2-New Upgrade for Nod:Armor Plating:Increases armor of turret hubs by 50%(hubs appearance change to black-iron-clad graphically)
3a-(I dont know if this is makeable)Sidebased upgrades for Mutant Hovel:Medical Station upgrade for GDI:As it sounds,infantry can heal in the hovel and enables training of Zone Raider*;'Peace through Power' upgrade for Nod:Places a Propaganda Tower((works similar to Kane Statue in KW)<-Can change with something more useful),on Hovel and cuts training time of mutant units by 'procent?%' down;Assimilation Synapse upgrade for Scrin:Enables training of Cultists* and the hovel itself gets an mindcontrol weapon at top of it,can mindcontrol 1 enemy vehicle,squad or building nearby.These upgrades here are ownership based and units based on these upgrades shouldnt showup in the interface by other players.All upgrades alter the appearance of hovel graphically,especially the scrin one.
3b-*Zone Raider:Different from the KW one.Basically its an muscleus mutant wearing special GDI armor,its armed with Zone Trooper's Railgun in hand and has one grenade-pod(not two)at his shoulder,benefits from Powerpack and EMP-Grenade upgrades(attention:unable to detect stealth!),prequisites Armory,effective against Vehicle,Building,they come in squad of 4 or 3 not a whole horde
3c-*Cultist:Different from KW one.Theyre enslaved humans inable to mindcontrol.What theyre used for then?Theyre able to distract human mind though they cannot control it(works as an instant,long lasting Halluginogene Grenade weapon type through mental ways);they have 2 abilities:Mental Blast kills one infantry squad or damages them heavily if theyre cyborgs(including CC) instantly,second ability is same of Redeemer's 'Rage Generator' in KW;but in very small radius around the squad,unit prequisites Stasis Chamber.Comes in squad of 4 or 5 but not in a horde as in KW.
4-Bring back the mortar upgrade for Pitbull,make it researchable in the Hovel.
5-Make the Signature Generator of Venoms an passive ability that is activated after purchase of upgrade,not active ability just make it passive&give the upgrade an cost around 1500 or so.
6-Tiberium Spike for Gdi:This will use a different model from neutral one and could have another name too.It works as Scrin's 'Growth Accelerator' but in opposite direction:When its placed over an Tiberium-tree renders the field dead(not instantly,drains the field at an mediocre speed),in draining process provides additional income per crystal field added to its base income,works same as neutral one does,provides different income when placed on Green Tiberium-tree or Blue -crystal(income is anyway higher than neutral one),when sold or destroyed the tiberium spreads out again and the field becomes usable for harvesting.
7-Neutral War factory based on reinforcement bay,possible ?
8-Remodelling of Nod's ordinary Commando,how does she survive in Redzones with no proper protection ? And why must this unit be a 'she'
9-Make MCV's 'air transportable';remember TS,GDI's carryall could lift the MCV
And I want to ask:Cannot Orca's have the Minigun from beginning,i mean what imba is caused if they got it from beginning ? In addition the minigun is somewhat small to my eye,why not incease the size of it to an bigger calibre.
And this too:Do you think of remodelling Scrin's 'Growth Accelerator',it looks even weirder with newold Tiberium-trees and -crystals.

1 - 4 - not sure about this

5 - great idea, i will try to implement this if possible

6- maybe for nod, but nod got tiberium seed, in other hand gdi got extra reinforcements where you can get units for cheap price so that is istead of any money boost

7 - not sure

8- agreed, this will be done

9- IMO its not so needed, both surveyor and emissary got airlift ability which is for expansion purpose quite enough

Orca and minigun - maybe, this whole thing do not work as i wish, but i still want orca with minigun (since TD) maybe this will work better without upgrade

remodelling Scrin's 'Growth Accelerator -yes i should, just need good concept and lern how to create scrin build up animation - quite difficult

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

some ideas are from Generals xD

hm the special ability stuff would be a nice add to essence xD *me and my friends think so*

Eeeem... you could make that the Tiberium Silos produces 5$ each 5 Seconds like a tiberium Spike

aaah and i forgot that i hope the apcs could carry more than 1 inf squad^^

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 9:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I don't think the idea of having three Zone Troopers in an APC or Missile Squads is very nice, even though I want it too.

But Carnius, the Scrin are technologically advanced enough to just teleport their structures in, there's no need to make buildup animations for them...especially the Growth Accelerator which requires zero ground control to place. #Tongue

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

-=CHAOS=- wrote:

aaah and i forgot that i hope the apcs could carry more than 1 inf squad^^

They can't. There's issues with the coding. It's only in KW that said issues were fixed enabling for transports that hold more than 1 soldier (reckoner).


The white lady~!

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Valdez wrote:
-=CHAOS=- wrote:

aaah and i forgot that i hope the apcs could carry more than 1 inf squad^^

They can't. There's issues with the coding. It's only in KW that said issues were fixed enabling for transports that hold more than 1 soldier (reckoner).

"said issues":what these serious issues?If this cant be taken over from neutral-bunker,hovercraft in campaign or so,then its very serious prob. then ill forget about it.

3 more ideas by the way:
-Rocketlauncher and Bunker upgrade for GDI Harvester:These are 2 different upgrades bought individually on each harvester;first one adds(not changes the mg weapon)anti-air defense capabilities,second mounts 1 person additional bunker on Harv.
-about the Falcon:Its using nearly same chassis and idea as hover mrls so why not make 2 upgrades on hover mrls:Falcon upgrade:changes weapon to dual-grenadelauncher benefits from emp-grenades;Slinger upgrade:changes weapon to aa-battery(unit becomes pure aa) benefits from railguns
-im sure youll be unhappy after read but when you give railguns to AA battery and Titan carries railguns then why cant the aa battery fire to ground targets(look. usage of flakguns in WW2)after railgun upgrade.(yeah playbalance but feels a bit unreal)

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 11:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius already said KW isn't a good source of ideas already, Eagle 11.

And this. is. a. game.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Infantry that dies in tiberium should mutat into viseroids^^

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I don't know I did like the blue flames, but yeah. There is absolutly no reason to add anything from Kane's Wrath. I do agree with the Infantry dieing on Tiberium though.

I'm not sure if I've posted here before but Good Work on the mod. Keep it up.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ok I deleted the KW Stuff xD
But I've updated my list^^

General Ideas:

- Tiberium Silos produces 5$ each 10 Seconds like a tiberium Spike



- Tunnel system *Building or Special Ability*
This is an entrance to the tunnel system of the Brotherhood *like the GLA in CnC Generals. Nod units can enter the tunnel system through any entrance and exit. Upon completion, two Militant Rocket Squad are from the tunnel and are available.

- Bunker
The bunker is there for defense, and in it there is room for 5 soldiers. He offers them protection from enemy fire.

- Propaganda tower
The propaganda tower heal friendly units that are in the area. Even defense facilities to be repaired.

Infantry Units:

- Cyborg Reaper: the grenade launcher from the CR should kill infantry inside Bunkers an Buildings

- Hijacker
This unit can take quite useful enemy vehicles. If he stands still, it is well camouflaged for the opponent and barely recognizable.

- New Cyborg Unit, The Templer *The Enlightened* (Special Abilitie: Charge Base Defense for the Obelisk of Light)

- New Anti Infantry Unit: Chemical Squad (Tiberium Trooper)

Ground Units:

- New Base Defense: Flame Turret (maybe replace the Shredder Turret)

Special Ability:

- Cash Bounty
With the cash bounty to get credits for each destroyed enemy unit well written.

- Update: Cloakingfield:
Infantry units within the effective radius will now be permanently visible.

- Power Signature Scan: *good for Hit and Run Attacks*
The works of the Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan, except that in this case all power plants are revealed on the map. Use from command center!

- Mine Field: could reduce the recharge

- Nuclear Rocket: *i miss that* lol
leaves a deadly nuclear mist in the target area


- Purifying Flame:
Improves the flamethrower weapons of flame tanks, Shredder Turrets and Black Hand by a blue flame, which is considerably more harm. Explored is the upgrade to the shrine of the secrets.



- Supply Drop Zone
When building a Suplly drop zone is obtained every few minutes by air units of money dropped.

- New Base Defense: The Ion Railgun (Heavy Base Defense)


- Combat Engineer:
This is a better engineer, who carries a gun for self-protection, with which he can defend himself well against other engineers.

Ground Units:

- Zone Conqueror: *new version?*
On this floating unit is a mobile sonic emitter, which however, can not fly over water. Although he is quite angriffsstark, but were made for significant concessions in terms of speed and armor. As extra options this special edition offers the Conqueror an ability to overload his weapon to fire a very strong sound beam. Thereafter, the Conqueror, however, is completely immobile for several seconds.

Special Ability:

- orbital strike:
Devastating attack from space, in which several shots are fired and destroy vehicles and buildings.


- New Upgrade for the Firehawk: Bunker Buster Bombs (Anti-Infantrie Bombs)

- Behemoth Upgrade for the Juggernaut:
This bunker upgrade for the Juggernaut can load different infantry units.



- New Unit: The Cultists
- New Unit: Ravager

Ground Units:

- New Skin for Devourer Tank

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If you deleted the KW stuff why does your list still contain so many KW units

I really don't want to see any more stuff for units. Essence is already bloated with units, we don't need any more units or it's gonna end up like C&C 4 where every class has like 2-3 units that do the exact same thing, only available at different tiers.


The white lady~!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

its only 2 scrin units... the combat engineer could be an update off the old one.
the nod saboteur kann plant traps... what can the gdi ing?
Zone Conqueror could be a new heavy hover tank or a aa one.

the rest of the list are buildings and specials

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That list is infested with KW, names and idea-wise. The current Sonic Emitter is fine by itself.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

i saw only 4 that comes 100% from KW...

- Power Signature Scan: *good for Hit and Run Attacks*
The works of the Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan, except that in this case all power plants are revealed on the map. Use from command center!

- Purifying Flame:
Improves the flamethrower weapons of flame tanks, Shredder Turrets and Black Hand by a blue flame, which is considerably more harm. Explored is the upgrade to the shrine of the secrets.

- Zone Conqueror: *new version?*
On this floating unit is a mobile sonic emitter, which however, can not fly over water. Although he is quite angriffsstark, but were made for significant concessions in terms of speed and armor. As extra options this special edition offers the Conqueror an ability to overload his weapon to fire a very strong sound beam. Thereafter, the Conqueror, however, is completely immobile for several seconds.

- orbital strike:
Devastating attack from space, in which several shots are fired and destroy vehicles and buildings.

all other stuff cames from old cnc games like the chem trooper from cnc1,
or generals like the propaganda tower, the rest are upgrades and better versions from the orginal units.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You still have the Tiberium Trooper in mind when you suggest "Chem Trooper" I bet. Nod don't need more than one close range spray infanty.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Darkstorm wrote:
Nod don't need more than one close range spray infanty.

Indeed. Exactly what I said about not wanting this mod to turn out like C&C 4 where you have 2-3 units that basically do the same thing. In C&C 4 Nod does indeed have 2 spray infantry, the black hand and tiberium trooper, and they are BOTH essentially the same unit with the only difference that the Black Hand has one measly additional ability and the tiberium trooper is a bit more damaging or something.

CHAOS's suggestions involve things like a laser cyborg (enlightened) when the current cyborgs already have particle beam cyborgs. That's just plain unnecessary to add in stuff to do stuff that existing stuff already do and think that it's justifiable because the new stuff has one or 2 extra little abilities.


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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

1- Ermm... Is the Battlebase necessary anymore,i mean Outposts have repair drones now and fulfill the repair purpose,the 2 advantages of Battlebase are:
-Can defend itself
-Can packed to move again
What to get instead?redesign of the unit so it has more firepower & no repairing.Would become a 'portable bulwark' then.I meant to make it more functionable thing than it is already.Or mobile war factory as unique advantage for gdi side with buildlimit 1.
2-Will the Hijacker come back,idea for it:Mutant Engineer!special ability:Hijack Smile Because every unit has its own name it Technician,Mechanic or so...
3-What about giving buildlimit 1 to Chemical Plant(prequisite for CC,buildlimit not to secret shrine itself because cyborgs produced there too),Dropzone(builds Mk2),Signal Transmitter(preq. for 2 motherships & conqueror),this will make these structures more crucial and to be carefully place & defend.
4-If the Gdi engineer has to have an ability propose this:He will build an 'stationary detector drone' for ?cost where you desire.'stationary detector drone' has small LoS can detect stealth in small areal around itself but only of ground units.the unit Doesnt transform into the drone it places that thing seperately.the drone has near none(very little) health & is stealthed


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

No, don't touch the Battlebase. If anything, buff it's AA missile pod/stealth detection range. The Battlebase is in practically every way better than the Outposts. The keypoint is also that the Outpost's Repair Vehicle ability is broken.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

is if possible to gave the cobra/shadow team the same ability like the Juggernaut/sniper Team ???
or the ability from kw t mark a target for the cobra?
em...and what you think about a second ability for the cobra/Juggernaut that he can shoot clusterbomb mines in the target area?

can the obelisk of light power up another obelisk? like the prisma turret from ra2 ?

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

You can probably mod obelisks to behave like Beam Cannons and have convergent beams towards one single target. As for linking beams it may be trickier... could look into the Venom reflection beam ability for stuff to work with.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have an better idea for Nod Obelisks and it restores one versatile Nod ability #Tongue

What about include to the Nod obelisk the Venom reflection beam ability? Old TW Nod beam cannons can hit any aircraft if there is a Venom near in the area...

...then a Nod research (replacing the unusued Venom 100$ research at the Nod tech center) or a specific building upgrade (you need a button to use the ability and another to upgrade the selected building) can allow players to use Obelisk special ability to hit aircrafts if a Venom is in the area or hit very out-of-range air (or ground) units if you do a chain of Venoms.

This can offer multiple alternative uses if you are good at micromanagement and a bit of imagination. Graphically is coherent since is only an instant laser shot of only 1 defense weapon (and it has a long rate of fire) unlike the un-interrumpted TW Beam cannons weapon.

Is like restore the old Tiberian Sun:Firestorm Obelisk of Darkness of Cabal (If I haven't a bad memory it was an powerful anti-air laser defense ) but it isn't an active ability and if you consider necessary, you can add a cooldown timer (Obelisk weapon is powerful and is powerable, but personally, I would not include a cooldown timer due to the possible use limitations).

C&C:Reloaded > GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & TS terrain!
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Interesting idea FS-21, but problem is that this ability do not work with normal weapon otherwise i did not remove it from beam cannon, original beam cannon got no real weapons, his primary attack is actually ability. But i believe there must be way how to make it work together i just got no time for this before release.

CHAOS wrote:
is if possible to gave the cobra/shadow team the same ability like the Juggernaut/sniper Team ???
or the ability from kw t mark a target for the cobra?
em...and what you think about a second ability for the cobra/Juggernaut that he can shoot clusterbomb mines in the target area?

I dont like that idea give to nod same ability like gdi have

CHAOS wrote:
can the obelisk of light power up another obelisk? like the prisma turret from ra2 ?

No, i dont think this can be done

Eagle 11 wrote:
1- Ermm... Is the Battlebase necessary anymore,i mean Outposts have repair drones now and fulfill the repair purpose,the 2 advantages of Battlebase are:
-Can defend itself
-Can packed to move again
What to get instead?redesign of the unit so it has more firepower & no repairing.Would become a 'portable bulwark' then.I meant to make it more functionable thing than it is already.Or mobile war factory as unique advantage for gdi side with buildlimit 1.
2-Will the Hijacker come back,idea for it:Mutant Engineer!special ability:Hijack Smile Because every unit has its own name it Technician,Mechanic or so...
3-What about giving buildlimit 1 to Chemical Plant(prequisite for CC,buildlimit not to secret shrine itself because cyborgs produced there too),Dropzone(builds Mk2),Signal Transmitter(preq. for 2 motherships & conqueror),this will make these structures more crucial and to be carefully place & defend.
4-If the Gdi engineer has to have an ability propose this:He will build an 'stationary detector drone' for ?cost where you desire.'stationary detector drone' has small LoS can detect stealth in small areal around itself but only of ground units.the unit Doesnt transform into the drone it places that thing seperately.the drone has near none(very little) health & is stealthed

1.) well there is no reason to remove it, or remove its repair ability i think, but maybe it could be a bit better (stronger, firepower? not sure for now)

2) Maybe

3) I agree

4) This very interesting idea, needs to be tested though, but i like it

Valdes wrote:

Darkstorm wrote:
Nod don't need more than one close range spray infanty.

Indeed. Exactly what I said about not wanting this mod to turn out like C&C 4 where you have 2-3 units that basically do the same thing. In C&C 4 Nod does indeed have 2 spray infantry, the black hand and tiberium trooper, and they are BOTH essentially the same unit with the only difference that the Black Hand has one measly additional ability and the tiberium trooper is a bit more damaging or something.

CHAOS's suggestions involve things like a laser cyborg (enlightened) when the current cyborgs already have particle beam cyborgs. That's just plain unnecessary to add in stuff to do stuff that existing stuff already do and think that it's justifiable because the new stuff has one or 2 extra little abilities.

I agree. Tiberium essence got more than enough units already, i know that too, so there will be no more new units or at least no new ordinary units (sorry CHAOS that exclude all units you suggested). There is maybe some place left for something special, unique, but even that needs to be decided carefully.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

hm ok no new units.
but whats about the new buildings, upgrades and special abilitys?

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:58 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I had an idea,ability for Ghoststalker:
Stimpack(Same as in Starcraft:Loses health gains fast rof and damage for short time),on second thought,he is carrying unique 'experimental railgun' so it could be something about that energy weapons powersource.('backpack-reactor overcharge' #Tongue)


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:34 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If GDI can put Power Armored people in drop pods and strap railguns to giant walkers, tanks and base defenses I don't think a railgun here and there outside will make any difference.

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have 4 questions:
1- Can the Stalwarts have Energy Shields with upgrade ?
2- Can their 'Melee attack' changed into swapping between Melee and Ranged modes ?
3- Can they catjump on target enemy infantry when ordered to attack melee by default ? (They will have to charge energy before they can leap again)
4- Can they have energy blades so they can crush small vehicles(per upgrade or by ability)
These are only ideas.(yes i have played Alien vs Predator too much last days... Smile )


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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yeah well this isn't AVP.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

is possible to add Kodiak for GDI and Salamander for Nod?

they both is my favorite unit in c&c4 :p

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius wants to put the Kodiak in, but you'll have to give him ideas of what it'll do aside from being a Devvie clone.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

in my idea

Kodiak just fire only machine gun [yes just machine gun but it would be awesome if those are somekind like pulse/laser machine gun] from multiple turret around the ship this weapon can attack both air and ground and fire twin main cannon bombarding multiple target on ground as abilities.

Salamander is weaker than Kodiak can shoot ton of napalm rockets attack both air/ground target and have abilities spread the flame under it self to attack every ground unit in area

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Eagle 11
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I dont like the idea of implementing Montauk & Kodiak.
Both are mobile command centers carrying the commander and both are unarmed vessels in their original state.The Montauk is an longer Subterranean APC housing necessary things and crew for the commander + it doesnt belong to Brotherhood of Nod but to the Black Hand itself.Remember that Slavik was leader of the Black Hand,so this was his personal command vessel.(on second thought:If this mod will have subfactions at an future time it could be made as superior subterranean apc combining Devils Tongue Weapon and Reckoner transport capability with an extra unique ability that ive no thought of yet)
The Kodiak is an noncombat design,look at its fragile hull,its shape.Its obvious that she isnt designed for combat but to get the commander from one battle to another by flight speed & having the ability to distract the valuable commander back to Philadelphia Space-station in emergency evacuations.


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

just change the name to another that can help #Tongue

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