Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:43 pm Post subject:
some ideas
hi, im just writing some ideas about the game. they arent suggestions, just some ideas to debate:
increase possible max fps to 60 (default can be still 30)
-less interface lag
-i know that fps is tied to gamespeed, and i think increasing the gamespeed wont hurt
single (infantry) unit command
-imo better tweaking abilitites for balance, since 1 unit will do the same as amount of damage at half hp
( currently the rocket squad that got hit by a sniper just deals 50% dmg of a squad, which got its hp down to half from tiberium dmg, still getting the same half hp bar)
nod cyborgs can lose their legs and crawl again, so no more squad break-ups
-possible problems: - nod squad leader upgrade
Mammoth tank:
-please make rockets a ”special ability”
that way it wont fire out all of its 4 rockets to 1 militant squad member, while venoms are approaching
that way th mammy wont lose its capabilities, u just need to take care of them a little more
- directional armor: what if u would make that the tank would get less damage from the front and the sides, but more from the rear, top, and bottom. That way it would be more powerful for its function, but still counterable easily by aircraft, mines, flanking/stealth attack. Overall by this 2 changes the tank would be a bit more than an ”attack move and see vhat happens” vehicle.
- the attack could be an area of damage type, so it would be useful against hordes of infantry, but still counterable by single or scattered units
-increase rocket resistance by 15%-20% max to fulfill its main role better.
-ive seen in another thread, that some1 posted a pic. Of the bf2142 apc. I really like the outlooking, and i would like to see its ability used too. (replacing the ”drop at location” ability. The drop pods can be the crates from the game with lengthened vertically, with inverted colors)
Commando’s/Zone trooper’s jumpjets:
-make them instntly jump and being able to shoot after 0.5 sec (1 sec in real life) after hitting the ground.
Currently there is just no reason for using this, the amount of time they are exposed to attacks when starting to jump just makes it better to not to jump at all and die. (at least thet way they can shoot a couple of more bullets)
-make the commando a bit more durable against everything, or be upgradable by both the composite armor/power packs upgrade
rocket squad:
-add a toggleable mode in which it would do more damage to aircraft, but wouldnt be able to target anything on the ground
-make their gattling cannon do an aoe damage, but much less damage. They shouldnt pinpoint rocketmen (their counter). It would keep its effectiveness against vehicles and buildings.
+Transport unit, that can transport every unit (except MKII)
and make transport ability cost 100$ or be free. Its not used currently.
Emp grenade upgrade for grenadiers, and possibly for the commando
-fanatics. Are they really used? I dont know many occasions.
So i think an upgrade would be good for militants to be able to be converted into fanatics. Like the mcv->con yard ->mcv and so on. Now it would be just militant -> fanatic->militant etc. Needs tweaking for balange thou.
Raider buggy
-higher rocket resistance. They are the counters for rocketmen, orcas, reapers, disintegrators.
+a forcefield shield unit, what causes every unit (even enemies if let inside) taking 20% less damage in the radius.(now nod could fight better in a standing battle)
fake structures: they would be exactly the same as the original, except functioning
-with nice use of the fake structures and stealth generators nod culd be a nasty enemy.
Cyborg units affected by emp, but only losing 20-40% movement and attack speed, and being more vulnerable
-could u make a unit, lokking like ta tentacle, moving a litthe under the surface of the ground. It would be like a terror drone but it would make enemy units more vulnarable. (force firing on it while on ur tank would kill th unit) or the unit could be combined with other tier 1 and 2 vehicles and increase their health
Primal (the mysterious unit that moves every cnc fan’s mind, what would it be …)
- make it hoover over the land as the harcester. (so categorized as a ground vehicle)
- its attack would be an ion storm ina n area around him, but more powerful. It would damage allied units too (if possible)
some personal opinions to the end: titans, and the MkII are too big. I know that in the cutscenes they were even bigger, but it causes problems with pathfinding, and they are ridiculous compared to the other units.
Rail effect. Could u make it faster? And smaller.
Wolverine looks sooo awesome.
Dont change the looking of the mammoth tank. Its good as it is. (some other people proposed this)
Changing the squad mechanic into single infantry is an overhaul which would require a ton of gameplay rebalancing. I don't think Carnius would want to devote that much effort.
Wolverine doing AOE damage might make spammed Wolverines a little too good at killling infantry.
Yes the fanatic has its uses. It's pretty fast and hard to stop even by anti infantry weapons like flames.
Making the transport ability super cheap or free is as goodas giving wings to all your ground vehicles. Why move on the ground when you can just air-taxi from place to place?
Your Scrin ideas are rather vague and might need further elaboration, if possible with concept art. The Primal's ion storm is something that the PAC already can do so having another unit for that is quite redundant. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Changing the squad mechanic into single infantry is an overhaul which would require a ton of gameplay rebalancing. I don't think Carnius would want to devote that much effort. .
i can understand this. I thought it would be only like setting the squad member’s number to 1, tweak the member(s)’s hp and dmg as [old hp/dmg]*[squad number]=[new hp/dmg]
Valdez wrote:
Wolverine doing AOE damage might make spammed Wolverines a little too good at killling infantry.
i dont think so. It will make it better at killing only spammed infantry. The aoe shouldnt be big (about 2/3 or 1/2 of a zone trooper jumpjet ability’s mark), since the bullet spread isnt much. I didnt write but the damage should be reduced to 1/2 or 3/4 (if not it would be severely op then, but this way they will have a different role than riflemen)
Valdez wrote:
Making the transport ability super cheap or free is as goodas giving wings to all your ground vehicles. Why move on the ground when you can just air-taxi from place to place?
air transport has its weaknesses too. 1. they cannot attack (except the apc’s in garrisoned units) 2. transports are more vulnerable. A couple of venoms can easily finish off some of ur vehicles, which they would even hurt really on the ground. 3. pick-up/drop down time: they are vulnerable but still cant attack
This ability would make the battlefield more dynamic, faster, and imo would make the game more fun. The air-taxi thing would really apply to engies tho (walls are useful against them).
Valdez wrote:
The Primal's ion storm is something that the PAC already can do so having another unit for that is quite redundant.
yes, u r right. Then i think the attack should be an area of effect damage (to the ground units only), which would grow in size or attack power if u use it longer. So it wont wtfPwn all tier 1-2 units, but still a vialble counter to t3/high hp units. (the sparkling from damaged avatars and the waves from tiberium gas effect can be used here as effects, i think only hue adjustments are needed) QUICK_EDIT
air transport has its weaknesses too. 1. they cannot attack (except the apc’s in garrisoned units) 2. transports are more vulnerable. A couple of venoms can easily finish off some of ur vehicles, which they would even hurt really on the ground. 3. pick-up/drop down time: they are vulnerable but still cant attack
This ability would make the battlefield more dynamic, faster, and imo would make the game more fun. The air-taxi thing would really apply to engies tho (walls are useful against them).
It'd be too exploitable if it were free. Like I said you'd be tempted all the time to airlift. Since it's free and there's no cooldown. Look even the Orca Strike with its crap damage and cooldown still costs money...
bali wrote:
Then i think the attack should be an area of effect damage
Isn't that Devestator's role already?
bali wrote:
which would grow in size or attack power if u use it longer.
The units could just flee. If you shift to attack their new position, the damage resets to minimum. Not very viable IMO.
Right now Scrin arsenal is already pretty well-rounded. Even if you ask me I cannot think of any further units to give them. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:33 pm Post subject:
Supersonic aircraft
There is a support power in the Kane's wrath in which you call tree supersonic planes that kill aircraft. Also it was on one of maps in singleplayer. You could use it to make new unit. Like aurora from generals it could be invulnerable until it attacks. Its rocket effect should be same but it could be made to damage aircraft a lot and ground units and buildings a lot. But also make it expensive and low recharge, and only 1 or 2 rockets.
Also there is a hovercraft in tiberium wars. It could be used well.
And for the medic you should give him ability to make a tent and heal infantry and restore lost squad members. Like in red alert 3. But make tent much bigger.
Also you could use a chasm from slingshot in kane's wrath. Just a vehicle without weapons, and then when you buy it you can upgrade it to have rocket launcher like hover mlrs (strong vs vehicles, aircraft crappy vs infantry and bulidings.) and to use standard quad cannon but enable it to shot on ground units (good vs infantry and aircraft but crappy vs buildings and vehicles).
And one thing DON'T put ajumpjet abillity on hover vehicles in tib. essence for 1.4. it is a bit bad.
There is a support power in the Kane's wrath in which you call tree supersonic planes that kill aircraft. Also it was on one of maps in singleplayer. You could use it to make new unit. Like aurora from generals it could be invulnerable until it attacks. Its rocket effect should be same but it could be made to damage aircraft a lot and ground units and buildings a lot. But also make it expensive and low recharge, and only 1 or 2 rockets.
Err, this aircraft is nothing i want to have in my mod, imho is a bit cheap in design and even lack proper GDI color scheme. Anyway, GDI got firehawk which when equiped with stratofighter upgrade works almost the same way like aurora bomber.
ilic stefan wrote:
Also there is a hovercraft in tiberium wars. It could be used well.
I have no use for howercraft now, there is so little chance in this game to actually use it for transporting unit over water.
ilic stefan wrote:
And for the medic you should give him ability to make a tent and heal infantry and restore lost squad members. Like in red alert 3. But make tent much bigger.
i dont have RA3 so i dont know about it, but sound like good idea.
ilic stefan wrote:
Also you could use a chasm from slingshot in kane's wrath. Just a vehicle without weapons, and then when you buy it you can upgrade it to have rocket launcher like hover mlrs (strong vs vehicles, aircraft crappy vs infantry and bulidings.) and to use standard quad cannon but enable it to shot on ground units (good vs infantry and aircraft but crappy vs buildings and vehicles).
No, gdi got plenty of vehicles already, they really do not need any more.
ilic stefan wrote:
And one thing DON'T put ajumpjet abillity on hover vehicles in tib. essence for 1.4. it is a bit bad.
That doesnt tells me much. Can you say why its bad?
anyway this ability might be temporally until i find better way how to make hover units passing over impassable terrain and looking good by doing so.
Still i think its quite cool. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:03 am Post subject:
About aircraft
Ok. About jumpjet it looks unnatural or unrela. I dont know how to explain it well. Like whole vehicle jumps in the air. Make it to have a speed boost and to jump but not to high. Like driving over it.
For medic you could see on you tube on what am I thinking.
And for supersonic figther I think also that gdi have many units but just 3 battle aircraft. It should be at least 4-5.
Now something about new ideas.
First of all your jumpjet trooper or how do you call it is cool. I realy like it, and it reminds me on red alert 2 rocketer.
I got also one idea which I think that you wont like a bit. Create EMP tank which fires emp rockets, but make it buldable only when you captured emp center. And when you build it an aircraft drops it in front of emp center. It should be like a hover mlrs but with globe on bolts or something to represent its emp abilities.
You should fix that scrin infantry you made. When they use special abbility they just come close and come back dealing good damage. Make them to jump like wolwerine in x-men and stab the vehicle or infantry.
Also the alien mothership is way to powerfull for gdi. For nod not because they have cyborg reaper, but gdi doesn't make an answer on this. Make it weaker or modify gdi units to damage mothership more.
And I have noticed one flaw not in your mod but in kw. Hover untis cannot cros water. I didnt tested that on your mod but if you didnt enabled it you should.
For scrin I got an idea for support power. Power to make an ion storm but like in ts. All aircraft cannot fly, even theirs and radar is jammed but their other unts gain 20% or whatever on firepower or something.
Also when I saw falcon it gived my an idea. Why dont you make it like you buy falcon and then when it is built you choose between two upgrades which cost none but are permanent, rpg tower good for vehicles or you can choose quad cannon for taking out infantry and aircraft.
This is enough. I'll notify you about some new errors if I find them and about my new ideas.
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:30 am Post subject:
Re: About aircraft
Carnius mentioned GDI already has a lot of units, and IMO it's not just GDI but Nod as well.
When I play TE I usually don't even touch half of the stuff in the arsenal, that's how oversaturated this mod is with units. In fact I strongly feel that stuff like the jumpjet soldiers could have easily been a rifleman upgrade to have a jetpack flight mode rather than a totally separate unit because now there's 2 "riflemen" in GDI's arsenal who appear to have only superficial differences. Same for medic, being unable to resurrect dead squad members makes him useless, etc.
I honestly think the game doesn't need any more units. Carnius has practically covered every possible combat role, and from this stage onward all that's really left is balancing and polish. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:13 pm Post subject:
What about creating new superweapons and making 2 for each fraction,for example:Mass Teleporter(actually Chronosphere from Red Alert universe,adapted to Tiberian Universe) for GDI,Shield Generator for NOD(actually the Iron Curtain from Red Alert universe,adapted to Tiberian Universe,Iron Curtain generates an impenetrable shield over units in targeted area making them invulnerable for short time),Psychic Dominator for Scrin(from Red Alert 2 Yuris Revenge;It has a small 3x3 square(must be changed) in the middle of the effect which turns all units in that area to your control PERMANENTLY) QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:50 am Post subject:
One simple suggestion:Make the APC carry 2 units,not 1,in Kanes Wrath NOD gets an APC carrying 2 infantry,it dont hurts balance and when its 3 it hurts yes(but give 2 slots for GDI and NOD;in Kanes Wrath NODs APC can carry 2 whilst GDI's one continues to carry only one passenger)
And an idea:In Kanes Wrath GDI Steel Talons side gets an Repair APC,its gun has been replaced with a repair crane,it functions as an mobile repair unit as is in older c&c games,it repairs per tick same principe but repairs too low damage in Kanes Wrath;give an mobile repair unit for GDI too with reasonable repair rate.
Question:Will the EMP tank come back,is it planned? QUICK_EDIT
I think there's a bug with squad behaviour that causes problems for 2 squads entering a transport in C&C 3, which prevents modders from working with multi-passenger transport. Check with Carnius or any other seasoned modder.
GDI's field repairs are handled by the rig/battle base. A repair vehicle would make the battle base less useful.
The Nod Buggy already has EMP _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:37 pm Post subject:
I know you say:Shit again!Doesnt he stop! but just read:
In RA2(unfortunately its unused in other C&C titles) if you could capture the enemy's Tech Center you could build an special infantry unit(examples:When Allied gets Soviet tech:Commando with mind Control and C4;Allied gets Allied:Teleport Commando;when Soviet Gets Allied: Teleport Terrorist(Crazy Ivan namely);Soviet gets Soviet:Was it Yuri Prime or sowhat,uups forgotten)
In the fact the unit is not an new one,its an ordinary one with extra property and passing skin.Even if it could be madeable the point is what would the advanced Scrin learn from the primitive humans?
Idea 2:In Ts:Fs there was an flying giant tiberium animal(was like an flying squid),attacking with gas,i mean it would make an good flame tank for the mutant side,its purpose would be similar to the Scrin Corruptor,or an sort of black hand infantry for the mutant side.
Suggestion:Could the Engineers have sprint ability so theyll run or increase their speeds a bit,theyre soo slow.other infantry run just ahead of him leaving him far back.
Idea 3:in campaign missions the Gdi has an campaign structure named Tech Center or so(my game is in German language)different from the ordinary Tech center,it would make an excellent hospital model if retextured properly and make another tech building for the multiplayer(function classic hospital:infantry auto-heals when captured)
Question for you guys seem to know it:Why isnt the Reinforcement bay tech building unused in multiplayer maps?In Generals:Zero Hour such an structure was present,when captured provided one predefined additional unit per 1:30 min or so.(For GDI Medium Tank for NOD Scorpion and for Scrin Devourer tank could be good) _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Regarding the auto-healing infantry idea it is as useless as the medic idea.
Because auto healing does not bring back dead squad members. Unless of course you think it's ok for guys to appear out of thin air like the GLA mob
The idea of RA2 bonus tech units is probably too complicated to handle. Plus remember adding in more units just for the sake of there being more units is not a good idea. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Primal (the mysterious unit that moves every cnc fan’s mind, what would it be …)
- make it hoover over the land as the harcester. (so categorized as a ground vehicle)
- its attack would be an ion storm ina n area around him, but more powerful. It would damage allied units too (if possible)
It's a creature, leader of the Scrin forces and/or race. QUICK_EDIT
My hypothesis is based on a couple of things, firstly:
I've not really answered because the story went through multiple iterations and versions as we changed the playable factions and the key game systems. I'm trying to get it straight in my head again before further complicating things by saying something that wasn't the way we planned it.
We had also developed two completely different origins for the Tacitus, and since both stories leveraged that origin, I'm trying to remember what each included. One was centered around the Tacitus being a soul-prison for the leader of the martian force that fought against the Scrin (they knew how to beat the Scrin, but discovered it too late) while the Earth was still primordial, and the other was centered around the Scrin rebels stealing the "bible" of the Scrin -- which may or may not have been written by them in the first place -- and the Scrin Primal's crusade to recover it.
Both were interesting and had some cool reveals.
So no promises on a ton of detail. Much of it is pretty jumbled in my head at this point.
Primacy is the state or condition of being prime or first, as in time, place, rank, etc., hence, excellency; supremacy. It may otherwise refer to a property of the office, rank, or character of a primate; the chief ecclesiastical station or dignity in a national church; the office or dignity of an archbishop; as, the primacy of England (i.e., Church of England)
Quite a prestiguous title. This is why I believe it is most likely. QUICK_EDIT
Question for you guys seem to know it:Why isnt the Reinforcement bay tech building unused in multiplayer maps?In Generals:Zero Hour such an structure was present,when captured provided one predefined additional unit per 1:30 min or so.(For GDI Medium Tank for NOD Scorpion and for Scrin Devourer tank could be good)
There was a discusion on this in another thread, however we were thinking more of a nuetral war factory. It'd be a good dump for all of the redundant units (pitbull ect.)
Also, I know I'm disagreeing with most of you but I love the design of the hypersonic jet. QUICK_EDIT
Question for you guys seem to know it:Why isnt the Reinforcement bay tech building unused in multiplayer maps?In Generals:Zero Hour such an structure was present,when captured provided one predefined additional unit per 1:30 min or so.(For GDI Medium Tank for NOD Scorpion and for Scrin Devourer tank could be good)
There was a discusion on this in another thread, however we were thinking more of a nuetral war factory. It'd be a good dump for all of the redundant units (pitbull ect.)
Also, I know I'm disagreeing with most of you but I love the design of the hypersonic jet.
I also think it is not too bad. It could be retextured a bit like a mammoth. There is not too much job there. There is so few planes in tiberium ess. for gdi. Just 3.
Also i suggested neutral warfactory because there is no rts with a vehicle like a commando. To be unique, once per time and to be ultra strong against others but on the other hand to be vulnerable to few units very much. QUICK_EDIT
Question for you guys seem to know it:Why isnt the Reinforcement bay tech building unused in multiplayer maps?In Generals:Zero Hour such an structure was present,when captured provided one predefined additional unit per 1:30 min or so.(For GDI Medium Tank for NOD Scorpion and for Scrin Devourer tank could be good)
There was a discusion on this in another thread, however we were thinking more of a nuetral war factory. It'd be a good dump for all of the redundant units (pitbull ect.)
Also, I know I'm disagreeing with most of you but I love the design of the hypersonic jet.
I also think it is not too bad. It could be retextured a bit like a mammoth. There is not too much job there. There is so few planes in tiberium ess. for gdi. Just 3.
Hmmm, that got me thinking, I guess you could have a more advanced airfield to house the hypersonic fighter and ORCA fighter. Should keep it balanced.
Thoughts, comparing to real aircraft:
ORCA Gunship - Harrier GR9 (anti-tank)
Firehawk - Eurofighter (multi-role, fast bomber and anti-air)
ORCA Bomber - A-10 (heavy bomber)
Hypersonic aircraft - F-22 (pure air superiorty)
ORCA Fighter - B-1 Lancer (in that it's a bomber built for speed, however scale is obviously allot smaller.)
I think it would make most sense if the hypersonic craft could take out the Firehawk, so you get an air superiority system something like this:
Hypersonic>Firehawk>ORCA Gunship (with miniguns)>ORCA Bomber (with miniguns)>ORCA Fighter
Oh and to those who don't know what I mean by ORCA Fighter, I mean this thing:
IMO the current balance of Orcas is sufficient already. The addition of the Orca bomber plus the miniguns upgrade rounds up the anti structure and anti infantry roles, with the Firehawk handling anti air. I don't know if there's any more unfulfilled roles left for any aircraft. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:45 pm Post subject:
Yes i completely agree,GDI's standard Orca is already an fighter,its have been given ability to attack air + machine gun for infantry.Orca bomber is comeback and Firehawk is sufficient enough against Banshee and Vertigo. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:50 pm Post subject:
Can you swap the orca in the picture with standard in-game orca ? 3 standard Orcas(not bombers) are better than it ye know:) _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:17 pm Post subject:
[quote="Pepzi"]My hypothesis is based on a couple of things, firstly:
[quote]I've not really answered because the story went through multiple iterations and versions as we changed the playable factions and the key game systems. I'm trying to get it straight in my head again before further complicating things by saying something that wasn't the way we planned it.
We had also developed two completely different origins for the Tacitus, and since both stories leveraged that origin, I'm trying to remember what each included. One was centered around the Tacitus being a soul-prison for the leader of the martian force that fought against the Scrin (they knew how to beat the Scrin, but discovered it too late) while the Earth was still primordial, and the other was centered around the Scrin rebels stealing the "bible" of the Scrin -- which may or may not have been written by them in the first place -- and the Scrin Primal's crusade to recover it.
Thats all theory,the true origin of Tacitus will be -hopefully- revealed in the coming C&C 4;my theory for Tacitus is thats an artifact from the "fall from grace" time of humanity,with it i dont mean the biblic text,the holy textes are imaginations at the sime time along being truth itself.In the light of this reality we could imagine that the Human race ruled the universe at an very ancient time and therefore the Tacitus is from Terran origin(How could Kane understand its content so easily for example,the strange symbols arent readable ok but the content itself is for human understandable when readed),its function is an warpmap showing the routes in warp,the scrin use it too and build their bases where the energy concentrates on planets,the saged immortality of humans is based on Ichor,the Scrins were servants of humanity primary purpose assembling the Tiberium,masters gone they have builded own civilization equal to Ancient Terran or theyve not noticed it and continued work because theyre some sort of organic automata and preprogrammed from Ancients for harvesting Tiberium for an million years for example,so it can be said Kane is seeking an route back to Scrin homeworld for "actualising the program" or "retaking his place as only remained leader" and bringing humanity back to its old glory;BUT its only theory and yeah well see its true origins in the upcoming part(at least i hope so)... QUICK_EDIT
The reason why the Ground Strike Orcas are fast is that you already have to pay money for an airstrike whose damage is so meh that it can't kill anything stronger than a power plant. If the Orcas were slow, that'd make them even easier to kill, and the airstrike all the more worthless to purchase. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 11:42 am Post subject:
But when you find yourself attacked by devastator warships, you must change load out of firehawks, get them moving and kill it, but in mean time your opponent can harras your base because your firehawks cannot target ground units, When they go back and change again to ground bombs your airfield could be destroyed in proces.
I think that firehawk should have rockets for aircraft and vehicles. To completely delete select loadout. Ot it should carry both at once. QUICK_EDIT
Well, when your enemy has a group of devastator warships and ground units and your only defense is a couple of Firehawks, you deserve to lose anyway. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:50 pm Post subject:
Stygs wrote:
Well, when your enemy has a group of devastator warships and ground units and your only defense is a couple of Firehawks, you deserve to lose anyway.
I'm just pointing to the thing that they need a lot of time to change between two sets of munitions.
Also one major thing. In Nod mission in washington, you can not simply overpower gdi. Before they have apc, grenade squad, riflemen, rocket, and pitbull. Now they have all that without pitbul but they have additional wolwerine. And there is hover mlrs. He has much great range and can outrange my turrets. Then when they attack, if I got infantry they just fire at it and and kill it with a blast. While the tanks, I have buggies, attack bike and flame tank. I don't have a unit to respond kindly. Scorpion is unavailable.
Just make hover mlrs unavailable untill next mission in Brazil. I just played and they harrased me with 5-6 mlrs, 2-3 wolwerines more than 6 apc's and mass of infantry. In TW they could not pass my defences but here mlrs just chews me.
This is the first thing I encountered. There must be more. Also i noticed that rockets do much more damage to infantry. That shouldn't be like that.
And I just wait 1.4. Belive me I installed 10 or more mods and none is better. As for graphics as for units. QUICK_EDIT
I doubt carnius has time to optimise the campaign for Essence. You should always assume the campaign may have issues or might even be unplayable in some areas. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 11:11 pm Post subject:
Valdez wrote:
I doubt carnius has time to optimise the campaign for Essence. You should always assume the campaign may have issues or might even be unplayable in some areas.
I tested whole campaign, it is playable. Some missions became very interesting. Like one when nod and gdi defend city wall. In tw scrin anihilates gdi and you are alone, but now they construct mammoth mk 2 and he alone walks over them with ease, so you can fight side by side with gdi. And there is a mission with catalyst missile wher you have reapers so you can now defend your missile better. The only one I found bad is one in washington, and with scrin in croatia. It was a suicide in tw and now in te even more.
For best fun try to get through whole campaign with mod. It makes the game totally different. You won't regret. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:56 am Post subject:
Cyborg commando counter measure
0warfighter0 wrote:
I'm having problems with the GDI attack on Temple Prime, those darn Cyborg Commando's keep coming! :/
You can put one sniper squad or two in apc then call for transport and use this "aircraft" to kill it. Cyborg commando cannot target aircrafts, so we can exploit his weakness. Also sniper should destroy it in a shot or two.
You can even put it on ground or in bunker. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:29 pm Post subject:
0warfighter0 wrote:
Thanks for the info, I'll try it out.
I tried today this strategy and I am quite surprised. It seems that snper damages cyborg command very low. You'll need 10 + snpers to take it out at once. This should be fixed. And imagine multyplayer. Even a mass of 5 mammots which cost 12500 credits plus railgun cannot stop him. And his cost is just 3. Even the nod itself finds in troble because venoms are shit aganist cyborg commando. He is overpowered. The last mission on nod is peace of cake because you can build it and anihilate whole armies. I just played through last missions with only him. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 21 Oct 2009 Location: Somewhere in the great nothingness
Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:31 pm Post subject:
Ive becomed an idea again:
Can such an thing made in TW,is it possible:A building disabling usage of Superweapons around it(projects an area,anything,even empty ground in this area cant be targeted by superweapon),giving buildlimit 1 to this(cause its so precious) and high buildcost;would be funny if there were an structure in the game doing so;you would first go destroy it then be able to use superweapon;such an thing is in one of the GDI campaign missions in TW.(Only idea!) _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Ive becomed an idea again:
Can such an thing made in TW,is it possible:A building disabling usage of Superweapons around it(projects an area,anything,even empty ground in this area cant be targeted by superweapon),giving buildlimit 1 to this(cause its so precious) and high buildcost;would be funny if there were an structure in the game doing so;you would first go destroy it then be able to use superweapon;such an thing is in one of the GDI campaign missions in TW.(Only idea!)
in a coding sense, that would require superweapons to have a certain property like a special damage type for instance and the protection structure to have an ability to make stuff immune to that damage type. I think it would be pretty difficult to do because it's specialised to protect only from SW... something like the Scrin stasis shield which grants universal invulnerability, not just from SW but everything else, would be easier to code. _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
Although the creative process behind coming up with stuff that can guard against a nuke and rift as well may be tough... and probably just result in the cheap idea of saying it's a force field like the Scrin stasis shield... but then why would a force field protect from a nuke yet not protect against tank fire, etc... _________________
The white lady~! QUICK_EDIT
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