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Feedback on v1.1
Moderators: Carnius
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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:02 pm    Post subject:  Feedback on v1.1
Subject description: your ideas and suggestions
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So what you think about v 1.1?

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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

From what I see this is going to be my favourite TW mod (sorry Stygs #Tongue). I'll give you some feedback when I've played it (probably this weekend if not sooner) Wink

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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Okay, I played it, and I can say it's very good. I even was beated 2 times (been playing the slower-paced RA3 lately) #Tongue
I do have some small things: the upgrade for Scorpions that they can dig in is nice, but wouldn't it be nicer if the dig in like the Tick Tanks, which means more then just burying the front part Wink
Also, the Banshee does odd sometimes when attacking air units: it only attacks when completely in line with a target, which can be frustrating against Storm Riders or other fast air units.

I'm going to play more today and report back here Smile

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Joined: 29 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hello just regestered here to say this is a great mod,One of the best I have seen so far for CNC3, GDI and Nod far more powerful and perhaps just balecned enough for the scrin.
I loved Nods Cyborgs and the new NOD infantry goes well and makes them look more powerfull.I think the new rail gun look could be improved alittle though perhaps add a small blue Vanilla rail gun comeing out of the projectile. the new scorpion tnak is looks pretty cool aswell and I noticed that the Ai is more power and better now.

Just an idea for the NOD Epic unit (if your planing one)but what about adding a mobile stealth generator so while traveling if are units kept around it they will be invisable. Also perhaps arming the Nod milta with an upgrade for stealth devices so when standing still are invisable
well just a few idea there
but good job this Mod looks like it is one of the best for CNC3 so far

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Tried 1.1 it's pretty nice especially the new units.

So far here are the errors/unpolished things I have found along with some suggestions:

Titan firing is bugged. If tasked to attack anything not in the line of sight, it will still fire straightaway. The pic shows a Titan force firing directly behind it. The gun is still aiming forward but the shell flies through the Titan to hit the ground behind it. To a certain extent the Wolverine has a similar problem. If ordered to attack at something behind it, the Wolverine will rotate to face the target but it begins firing when it's only halfway rotated so in that moment you see the bullets fly 90 degrees to the direction the guns are facing.

The infantry death animation when killed by artillery/buzzers is a little over-exaggerated. Tone down on the blood and have the pieces not fly in such high arcs.

EMP effect would look better as a single pulse coming from the Buggy. Here you have made several pulses emitting from all around the Buggy it's a little incoherent.

The Banshee's afterburners are still on even while it is landed on airfield. You can tell by the heat distortion still venting from the back.

Cyborgs still not to scale with infantry (same as 1.0). The Reaper could also be shrunk a little. It's currently taller than Scorpion.

Two things to highlight. The missiles on the Hover MLRS (and also Mammoth MK II) are too bright red. Try giving them the dark red missiles of the new SAM Turret.

Secondly, the Cobra's texture is too dark. If possible lighten it to be more grey-ish like the Scorpion shown beside it. Same for Scarab.

btw one glitch with the Cobra, its treads still display moving animation when the unit firing.

Nice Scorpion btw. Interesting use of Flame Tank treads, Stealth Tank chassis and Halo's Scorpion Tank design. Definitely better than EA's Scorpion.

Few more suggestions:
- Give a more distinct difference between Predator and Titan. Both have very (almost too much) similar roles in combat chain especially now that even Titan gets the railguns too. Maybe you can give Preds a sonic weapon upgrade from the Tech Center which essentially makes the Pred into a Disruptor.

- Replace the tank shell weapon effect for the RPG tower with something that more resembles an RPG. Like a missile weapon.

- New Nod missile troops launcher is bright silver grey which sort of clashes with their black uniform. Suggest making the launcher a darker grey.

- This is probably going to be a hard one to do in short term:

The GDI War Factory now looks funny with the vehicle hanagr being stretched vertically to accommodate the Titan. My suggestion would be to revamp the war factory. Remove the first row of hexagonal crates directly beside the vehicle hangar. With the empty space you should be able to horizontally stretch the vehicle hangar as well so that it once again looks proportionate. Might be tedious to tweak the crane animations though.

- Finally for now I'd also suggest that the Banshee plasma effects be made a more intense green. If I'm not mistaken your Banshee plasma is a green Stormrider energy bolt but the colour is rather pale

Try a more saturated green like TWA's Wraiths

This makes the weapon effect more prominent and visible. Currently your Banshee plasma would likely be hard to see clearly in yellow zone maps.

Hope the feedback helps

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Joined: 21 Nov 2007

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Guess I´ve written this in every topic about TE now, but I have to say it again: You´ve really done some excellent work!

Some things you might want to improve/change:

-Give the .big file a unique name too, just as you do with the skudefs. It´s sometimes nice to be able to switch between different version of a mod, but right now 1.1 overwrites 1.0 by default.

-The new unit icons look a little inconsistent next to the original ones. You might want to change their orientation a bit and add a comic filter.

-The new aircraft (Banshee & Orca Bomber) seem to have way more attack power than the original ones.

-The GDI mech´s animation (Titan & Wolverine) seem kinda wodden. I know it´s difficult to do "organic" animations, but perhaps you can improve them a little bit.

-The Pitbull´s description still says that the mortar can be acquired in the Tech Center.

-GDI Orca´s could do well with a couple of flight animations.

-Firehawks currently damage themselfs when attacking Devastator Warships. You might want to fix that.

-The Banshee seems to be very slow when moving to the landing pad right after being built. Also, its icon has a black outline.

-The Cobra´s turret will already target enemy units while the Cobra is in transit. Also, the treads don´t stop moving.

-The MMKII husk has too small geometry settings, making it much less of an obstacle than the life MMKII.

-Some of the new models are separated into multiple objects even though the texture would allow merging them all. You should consider using WWSkins instead of multiple objects for rigging in order to make them more efficient to render for the game.

Off Duty.

Last edited by Golan on Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Golan wrote:
The Cobra´s turret will already target enemy units while the Cobra is in transit. Also, the treads don´t stop moving.

Yeah I mentioned this in my above post but I forgot to specify that the moving treads glitch only occurs when you order the Cobra to attack while the Cobra is moving. it will come to a stop in order to fire but the treads still move.

A stationary Cobra will not move its treads when given attack order.

Golan wrote:
The Pitbull´s description still says that the mortar can be acquired in the Tech Center.

Adding to that with regards to tooltips...

- Seeker and Annihilator descriptions have no mention of the Conversion Beam upgrade for them (in the Tech Assembler)

- Cyborg description has no mention of Improved Servo upgrade.

- Banshee's description has no mention of Enhanced Avionics upgrade. Also IMO it should be "Enhanced FCS" (Fire-control system) rather than "Enhanced Avoinics" since the target is a weapon upgrade.

- Railgun upgrade's description mentions Predator and Mammoth. You have to add in Titan into the sentence.

- Venom's description still mentions Signature Generators in Tech Lab (it's now in Operations center)

- Raider Buggy's description still mentions EMP Coils in Tech Lab (it's now in Operations center)

- Shock Trooper's description still mentions Plasma Disc and Blink Packs in Tech Assembler (it's now in Stasis Chamber)

- Orca Fighter's description still mentions Sensor Pods in Tech Center (it's now in Command Post). Description also no mention of Minigun upgrade.

More stuff unrelated to tooltips...

- Rocket Militants HAVE NO TEAM COLOUR (typed in caps as it is a serious issue). I can tell by the red patches on the shoulders and thighs where the colour is supposed to go which is why I know it isn't present (I use purple team colour in my sandbox map and the soldiers are devoid of purple). Also, Rifle Militants have a tapering vertical stripe of team colour across their foreheads. However it's not a big issue as the stripe is so dark it's undetectable at default zoom.

- There are 2 Mammoth Stomp and Mech Spearhead icons. One set in Support Powers, another in the Dropship Command's icon set. The latter should be removed as it's simply more convenient to use the Support Power icons.

- The Tiberium conversion Beam has some unusual effects. Firstly the Seeker's "conversion beam" is not a beam. Secondly the Annihilator only fires a green beam from its front left tentacle.

- Orca miniguns do not return to default position after firing. They continue to point wherever they pointed at the last moment of attacking.

- I'm not sure if it has to do with the specular map but Manta doesn't seem to reflect light as well as other Scrin vehicles.

- Although the Ion Cannon beam is now instant, there still seems to be a time delay between the beam and the large blue blast on the ground. When the beam appears there is an unusual X-shaped manifestation which lingers for about a second before the large explosion. I think the blast should coincide with the beam.

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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I have noticed some of the stuff you said too, but some of them are not intended:
-the Titan/Wolverine firing before turning is a TW bug: Mammoths have it too. It does seem to happen only when force-firing with a unit with a slow-turning turret
-the housecolor stripe in the militia face is from TS: there the light infantry had a visor. It seems he made them housecolor in this mod.

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Dutchygamer wrote:

the housecolor stripe in the militia face is from TS: there the light infantry had a visor. It seems he made them housecolor in this mod.

I am aware of what the visor looks like. However I did mention tapering vertical stripe.

On the left is Golan's Rifle militant. The purple stuff on its face is the visor you are actually referring to from TS

On the right is Carnius's Rifle Militant whose design comes not from TS but from KW. Directly above the red visor you can make out a "split" in the helmet. That is the so-called tapering vertical stripe I mentioned. I can tell it's teamcolour because when I filter out team colour via a map script that thing on the helmet vanishes.

Carnius's rifleman do not have "housecolour visors" the visors are always red.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Well, it's a texturing error, and not everyone zooms in on his militias all the time, so most of the time they won't notice. Also, why am I defending the mod while I don't have anything to do with it Laughing

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Dutchygamer wrote:
Well, it's a texturing error, and not everyone zooms in on his militias all the time, so most of the time they won't notice.Laughing

I know. Which is why in the earlier post I said "it's not a big issue as the stripe is so dark it's undetectable at default zoom."

There is however quite an irony to this. His riflemen team colours are pretty obscure, that you actually have to zoom in to be able to see them clearly :p

Also, yay commemorative Mammoth Mk II pic
...and it's 1200 by 900 too. You could even use it as wallpaper if your resolution is equal to or less than that.

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Joined: 23 Apr 2007

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks guys for advice,especially Valdez done amazing job with highlighting flaws on all these picture, i really appreciate that.

I agree with most of them, there are lots of things which need to be improved so i comment only few things.

Valdes wrote:
Cyborgs still not to scale with infantry (same as 1.0). The Reaper could also be shrunk a little. It's currently taller than Scorpion.

Well nothing in this game is properly scaled (like infantry vs vehicles) and if you remember Tiberian sun cyborgs they where huge so I don´t see this as real problem. They are more noticeable on the battlefield. In the middle of game when enemy attack is better that you can clearly see where is your cyborgs and reapers.

- New Nod missile troops launcher is bright silver grey which sort of clashes with their black uniform. Suggest making the launcher a darker grey.

My early version was darker (you can see it on moddb in image section) but some people suggested that in ts was brighter so i try it and i like it more.

The infantry death animation when killed by artillery/buzzers is a little over-exaggerated. Tone down on the blood and have the pieces not fly in such high arcs.

No way. You could think i´m sort of psycho, but despite this looks unrealistic, it is much funny, like in old games. Twisted Evil

The Banshee's afterburners are still on even while it is landed on airfield. You can tell by the heat distortion still venting from the back.

I find it quite logical, they are ready to lift off anytime.

- There are 2 Mammoth Stomp and Mech Spearhead icons. One set in Support Powers, another in the Dropship Command's icon set. The latter should be removed as it's simply more convenient to use the Support Power icons.

That is not bug i made it for reason. In certain campaign maps (like gdi final mission in italy) is this support powers not available from side bar. I think that there are something in map code which can´t be override by my mod.

- The Tiberium conversion Beam has some unusual effects. Firstly the Seeker's "conversion beam" is not a beam. Secondly the Annihilator only fires a green beam from its front left tentacle.

I probably should rename this like "Tiberium absorb ability" for seeker. I like this idea make scrin abilities more addictive to tiberium you know.With tripod I encountered broblem in code, it somehow doesnt work with other lasers. Embarassed

Golan Wrote:

The GDI mech´s animation (Titan & Wolverine) seem kinda wodden. I know it´s difficult to do "organic" animations, but perhaps you can improve them a little bit.

Yeah it is difficult I have to improve my skills in this, but these two are robots so i think it´s not so big problem.

GDI Orca´s could do well with a couple of flight animations.

Actually I using same animations as original EA orca Smile

Firehawks currently damage themselfs when attacking Devastator Warships. You might want to fix that

I think that is problem in vanilla cnc3 too, but you right i should fix that if possible.

Some of the new models are separated into multiple objects even though the texture would allow merging them all. You should consider using WWSkins instead of multiple objects for rigging in order to make them more efficient to render for the game.

Really i have no idea that wwskins makes models more efficient to render. I learn much things from EA art packs you know, and there are most tanks without wwskin. Anyway thank you for hint.

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Alcohol Fueled

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

This mod makes me want to go and actually buy Tiberium Wars. I'd say that pretty much sums up how good this mod looks.

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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Carnius wrote:

I probably should rename this like "Tiberium absorb ability" for seeker. I like this idea make scrin abilities more addictive to tiberium you know.With tripod I encountered broblem in code, it somehow doesnt work with other lasers. Embarassed

If you could get in touch with Stygs, you could try asking him how to resolve it.

He did, after all manage to get conversion beam to work for all 3 lasers on a Tripod

Carnius wrote:

No way. You could think i´m sort of psycho, but despite this looks unrealistic, it is much funny, like in old games.

Yeah it's funny. Maybe a little too much IMO :p It would work beautiful in a wacky atmosphere game like RA3... maybe I'm just too used to TWA... in there, Fanatics have body parts flyign about when they explode, but not with that immense amounts of blood.

Carnius wrote:

I find it quite logical, they are ready to lift off anytime.

All aircraft are ready to life off anytime in this game but it looks more believable if the engines aren't engaged while they are landed for re-arming... which is what all the other aircraft do...

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Also something that I find unrealistic and already occured in TW, is the outfit of the GDI sniper. I mean, come on, who dresses up like this in a Tiberium infested world? Neutral


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Tiberian Fiend

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Crimsonum wrote:
Also something that I find unrealistic and already occured in TW, is the outfit of the GDI sniper.[/img]

Yeah that one sparked quite a debate on the official boards back then when first revealed.

As a player of TWA, I am glad the sniper in that mod has at least swapped out the outfit for the same uniform as the rifleman.

Maybe Carnius could do the same for TE. I reckon it shouldn't be too difficult to change the unit skin and the head.

I had also wished the red lightsabers on the snipers were removed because no way in hell are laser sights that intense. Sadly neither TWA nor TE removed it.

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Joined: 07 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The scrin growth accelerator should have another model as it doesn't look good on a tiberium tree.

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Tiberian Fiend

Joined: 30 Nov 2008

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 7:23 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

0warfighter0 wrote:
The scrin growth accelerator should have another model as it doesn't look good on a tiberium tree.

if it is redone to look good on a Tiberium Tree, it still may not suit the Vinifera Monolith.

I do have an idea but lacking knowledge on modding I'm not certain if it's possible:

Have the Growth Accelerator place-able like normal structures, on the terrain rather than on the tiberium tree. The Accelerator would then have an effect radius, represented by a circle (like the ones used for weapon ranges on the turrets) around it when you select it.

Any tiberium tree or vinifera monolith within the effect radius will have accelerated Tiberium growth.

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