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MixMaul Warz: When a mouse decides to fight!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 11:41 pm    Post subject:  MixMaul Warz: When a mouse decides to fight! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I was playing MixMaul 2.1 (Warcraft 3 map of the type tower wars) in bnet today. I was blue (the last defender), building a bunch of attackers and with a crappy defense (usually, that's how I play... overwhelming attack strategy and usually win in that way). Just like usually, I spend more than 95% of my resouces with attackers, make few towers and go upgrading it "when I''m in good mood" or when I leak a lot #Tongue.

For those who doesnt know wintermaul or mixmaul wars maps, there are 2 teams of 3 people. Each player starts with a unit called "God" (lol, it's a hydralisk). God is invulnerable and can build a tech building where you build your builders or a laser cannon. From the tech building, you build builders... there are a lot of types and each one may build towers from bad to good ones and most of towers are upgradable. The map has a shape of an 8. The center road has the shrines... one shrine for each player where they build the attackers. You can also upgrade your shrine up to level 3 to have stronger attackers (but a way more expensive). Your objective is to build attackers and make sure that your enemies will leak the ammount of lives they have. For every 20 seconds, you receive an income that starts with 25 gold and gets growing whenever you build attackers. Each attacker will return an ammount of what you spent on it as income.

So, back to my game... I was building attackers like a mad man and leaking sometimes... (my defense was terrible) when the battery of my wireless mouse got very low. The mouse started to go slow and I have to force to move it. My force had kinda 13 lives against 5 of the enemy. Destroying them would be very easily. But I started to build troops very slowly and having difficulties to updated my towers... it didnt took much time to red call me a n00b and start making ridiculous suggestions like updating my shrine. I was taking more than one minute to move my mouse in a space like from the edit menu from internet explorer to the file menu. I used to put my mouse outside the interface, use the arrows from the keyboard to put it over the shrine and click it. Then, I was hitting all keys possible from the keyboard to build any units possible. The enemies had a defense good enough to block my horde. I tried to upgrade the shrine and I rolled, rolled, rolled the damn mouse... "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE, DAMN IT!!!!!!!!". My cash started to get really high, about 40k when the battery definitelly died and the infrared thing of the mouse was not recognizing the movements from it. Before the battery dies, I managed to updated my shrine, but didnt managed to put the mouse outside the interface of the game, so I couldnt select the shrine after upgrading it. Then I left red talking alone and asked my dad if he had any alcaline (AAA) battery. He told me he had 2 near the kitchen and the game was still running... people barely leaked...I found 3 batteries of the same size and took two with me... When I tried to put it in the mouse, my surprise, the battery was of the type AA :S. Too big for the mouse. Then I searched for the so called alcaline battery he had when he suddenly said he hadnt it. Then, I returned to my pc... the enemies had 2 lives and my team had 9. I removed and put the same useless batteries in the mouse and managed to move it to outside the interface. Then, with the keyboard, I took it over the shrine and clicked desesperately. After some attempts, the shrine was selected and I hit all keys possible.. I had like 92k of cash... meh... it was a huge combo... dragons with cavaliers, spirits, tanks,... everything to the enemy base... a real party... orange and purple leaked a lot and the yellow towers didnt even know what to attack... well, the end of the story was victory, but then I went to a shop, waited 40 minutes, but bought the damn thing (expensive as hell).

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