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Suggestions about Units
Moderators: Judeau
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Railgun Soldier

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 6:57 pm    Post subject:  Suggestions about Units
Subject description: Any Suggestion about a specific (existing/not yet existing) Unit or Units in general?
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In Warhammer 40K Infantryunits had something like special-moves. It happened from time to time that if two Infantrysquads went on to close-combat, that you could watch a Marine ramming his combatknife into another enemy and "kicked" him off the knife right after.
That added quite some individuality and looked very nice.

As it looks like, Infantry A didnt care about what type of infantry Infant B was - it sometimes happened that a small and slink Elvish fighter sent a 3-meters-goliath flying which looked very odd, but this may be improved or just ignored, people probably wont care about such a detail that much.

audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

In reality an artillery could launch a projectile equivalent to at least half the map or even further, of the normal TS map size.

So I was thinking perhaps building watch towers could extend the range of artillery units, like in a reality a unit on the ground would confirm its coordinates for the artilleries far away to hit. This way we'd be building watch towers around the perimeter of our base not only to warn us of any incoming enemy forces but also to increase the range of our artillery units.

I don't know if that's even possible to code, its just an idea.

And I also like having various generals for the factions like in Zero Hour. We all have a slightly different way of using our favoured faction anyway.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I'm willing to implement this stuff for modders, but i'm keeping the base game true to TS

Micro TS
Portable, no campaign, movies or music, just the engine and needed resources for skirmish and lan.

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Railgun Soldier

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

These "specialmoves" are merely more than an optical gimmick, nothing about changing the gameplay itself...

audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size!

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 2:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

airstrike SW that can be used only within a certain range of friendly units.

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Railgun Soldier

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Id prefer SWs in general to be able to be dodged. I never got the Sense behind the Ioncannon and Nuclearbomb in TW - they do destroy a whole base with one shot except the MCV? Senseless! Whats the point in playing on then? Either the SWs should be of Gameending nature but would need quite some time to load (Just like the Worldwonders in AoE1 or 2 - you had 15 minutes to kill the enemys worldwonder if he build one, otherwise you lose.) or youd make them just like the Airstrike in Generals used by the USA. Not a Superweapon as it was, but still a usefull tool if the enemy managed it to hide some Artillery in the back of your base and youd need just too long to get there. Also an Idea: Using both.

The majority would be SWs like the airstrike. Calling them upon a base wouldnt be very dangerous. Hurtfull, but not dangerous. There more a tool for emergencies. In addition each side would have one gameending Superweapon: Ioncannon or Atombomb: Blasting half of the map away.

But I got to say, id prefer having even none of them. Whats the point in using tactic then? Why should I try to be tricky and spend effort in a thrilling "get-arty-unnoticed-in-the-back-of-the-enemy"-move if I know - theyll be blasted away by the airstrike in one second? Same goes for Weapons like the Hunterseeker or the Spread-missile in TS/FS - where is the fun by watching an ugly pixely "thing" flying automatically from your Tech-center to any unspecific unit on the map to blow the junk down the soil? Same for SpreadingMissile: Steady every five minutes to spread havoc across the half base. Youll have to spend quite some time about building up your base again, while you know that you got to start it all over in another five mins. Time for building tanks? Barely...

And there is even the very next point: You got a bunch of units for each side, whilst players do only use 2 or 3. GDI for example:

Wolverine, Titan, HoverMLRS, Disruptor, Orca, OrcaBomber, Rifleman, Discthrower, Medic, Ghoststalker...

Guess - how many units are used at the Battlefields?
Infantry is >never< used in general. They take way too much time plus 20 Rifleman are gone in no time if they approach anything with Gas, Flames or any Gattlingunit.
Wolverine - if there is no Infantry - why building that mech? Hes for no use against anything else but infantry.
Orcas and Orcabombers - The Orca stands still to shoot its target. Perfect for giving Nod some Air-targeting-practise. Whilst the Bomber could blow some tanks away, why should I build them? The cost even more than a Titan and get shot down even faster than them by sams. These are only some examples, but I think you got what I mean. Even if youre trying to catch the TS-feeling, Judeau, please think of adding some changes anyways. Maybe by giving players the opportunity to build Infantry like the Zerglings in Starcraft: If youre klicking the Riflemen-button one times, youd get 5 Men out of the Barracks. Same goes for Bazookas - one Klick, 2 Bazookamen.

audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size!

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Cyborg Soldier

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:02 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread click one unit. But mayby cntrl+click will stack 5 items?

I think NO units should be added or removed to start with for those that want TS in 3D and not TS2.
Leave adding and moving stuff to the modders.

However I do agree alot of the units should be rebalenced to make all the units a viable unit on the batte field.

(An example would be making infantry more powerful at destroying armoured units such as tanks while keeping them weak against buggys and wolverines)

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Disk Thrower

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Firstly I have to agree with AudioPulse about the superweapons, but I suggest keeping them more small scale and tactical like in TS instead of completely removing them.

In TS the Ion Cannon on its own wasn't a big threat, neither was the Cluster Missile. They'd be effective only if used right, like destroying the barracks of the enemy before he could train engineers for his ally to let him have a MCV, or finishing off a moderately damaged Construction Yard.

I dislike the idea of large scale superweapons. There's just no strategy in it, even though its eye candy.

Secondly, concerning the variety of units.

Infantry are used a lot in online matches. You'd only feel they're useless if you only play against the AI. Infantry can even decide the outcome of games - Infantry rushes are very effective if you know who to use it against, Sub APCs filled with rocket infantry are good and unpredictable ways of a quick attack. Infantry are also very important for defense. Most experienced players start of by training a lot of men, sending a couple to scout for allies and enemies, then sending the rest to prevent being scouted - that's not stopping at the gate, you'd have to maintain a huge perimeter otherwise the enemy could easily send a carryall + Disruptor in.

However I have to agree that Wolverines and Attack Buggies are thoroughly useless. They're too expensive for too little - even as anti-infantry they fail.

Hover MLRS and Stealth Tanks should be improved. They get used on official WW maps but not on common online maps.

Planes are used all the time online. Judging how balanced the game is based on fighting the AI is wrong. A real player can't build enough sams in time to stop 8 Banshees or Bombers, a real player can use carryall + Disruptor/MMKii effectively. In my opinion GDI and NOD and most of the units are very well balanced, with the exception of the Wolverine and the Attack Buggy.

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Rocket Cyborg

Joined: 26 Oct 2004

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

TS is not supposed to be realistic. I'd prefer if this is a copy of TS, but stuff like interface could (and should) be improved- that ctrl+click idea to stack 5 units for instance. Modders should be able to create more realistic battlefield, however. Blitzkrieg plays pretty well with huge range artillery (you have to make artillery preparation before attack), and I'd like if unit (mod ability, not TS) could have different armor (not HP, Armor) for every side of it's bounding box (using whole model for collisions would be too slow)- Either- Forward=SuperHeavy, Ceiling=TankCeiling, etc or Armor and mods per unit's bbox side- ForwardVerses=,CeilingPoison=,etc.
Here's another idea- have a poison tag #Tongue (damages/heals unit gradually until "cured" with specified weapon)

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Railgun Soldier

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Someone got me wrong in here - i didnt talk of adding "new units" like the Warthog (The Bomber a spoke of). It was just an example because I couldnt remember anything similar. There had never been anything except for the bombers that were used at the first part of the TIberium-dawn-games. Tiberian dawn - Who does not remember? Nod-campaign: Every mission you got to deal with those pesky little... *unsuitable words for children*

But in some way I still liked them. They werent just superior like the Atombomb or the Ioncannon. You could dodge them! It took quite some amount of credits (You always needed at least 5 flaks, mostly even more to prevent the bombers from undertaking your base #Tongue) but you were able to safe yourself from that "superweapon.

Firewall and Cluster- or even Gas-missile is a different story. There is nothing you can do about the missiles - the Firewall is a joke - whenever can anyone bring up the time to build them?

But - anyways, an Idea I just got about the Aircraft: You could never dodge them without building ahundrets of Sams? So - to fix that the sams would have got to be stronger, but then theydnt be usable for baseattacks

...but what if the Game wouldnt have meant to use Aircrafts as Baseattackers? In Real-life Airforce is never meant to be the "attacker". Airforce is a supporter - that means: If thered be really something happening like the Arty that crept in your back, youre lucky if you decidet to spend your money in Airforce. Theyre useless for Baseatts maybe (If the eneme DID build Sams, as a prequeresite thing), but theyre very helpfull to gain the controll at the Battlefield itself. The Enemy outran you? Use the Aircrafts to weaken the attackwave and raise your chance to survive the wave by that.

Again - this would mean to change elemental things and differ the feeling from TS - but in my opinion you may just think about not just trying to catch the feeling of TS since TS is way not perfect. It had some serious issues that you could just now iron out. Just like the thing with the wolverine and the buggy. Westwood had just not enough time to finish the game and if youd try to recreate TS 1:1 - youd also overtake those missing contents and mistakes they did.

Think about that, Judeau, and think over your decision to just plainly rework TS in 3D. You got the chance do do it better then EA/westwood now with your Crew, you may use that...

audiopulse sagt:
your raging arse is creating storms?
Luke | CCHyper sagt:
yup, neptune size!

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