Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 12:00 pm Post subject:
Welcome to my mod Fallout Wars: A Post Apocalyptic RTS game
Hello and welcome! I've been making resources for a long time now, and I still do. I am a big fan and follower of the Post Apocalyptic Genre.... and the stuff I'm doing are nods to the PA genre.
so, the first thing I will do, like I told Banshee and you guys at the mod announcements section, is to make a poll on which you'd like better: C&C: Ascending from Ashes: a Fallout Post Apocalyptic RTS game ... or C&C TS: Ascending From Ashes - The Asian Anarchy..
To those familiar with the story I was cooking up, don't worry about a thing: the terrain props I made, the buildings, the junk... are all versatile. They can be used on either game. . but, I need to know which you'd like more so that I'll know what new stuff I'll be making next ok?
and don't worry about the voxels either... I can make new models in a juffy when I need to Last edited by IVI on Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:57 pm; edited 6 times in total QUICK_EDIT
first i want to say congratulation's on getting your mod hosted here IVI . secondly, i would suggest making it a fallout post apocalyptic rts game, just because i love that style probably just as much as you do!!! either way, im sure your mod is going to be amazing, your work showcases your talents very well, and im excited to see where this will go QUICK_EDIT
which would you rather see, the 'prequel' to Fallout 1, or the 'sequel' to Fallout 2?
I've begun to rework the story following the campaign and am reworking unit statistics, trees, building plans etc.
if the mod's going to be a prequel, it'll follow the Fallout bible concerning events before the nuclear holocaust. this means that everything's pretty much intact in the states and china + russia, but plagues have begun to break out, starvation's spreading, oil's getting scarce... Riots are beginning and the world's proceeding to a nuclear war.
if it's a sequel, the war has already happened, Fallout 1 and 2 has happened... meaning there're Enclave, Super Mutants, Ghouls, NCR, Vault City, Brotherhood of Steel etc.... and of course, our friends the deathclaws, floaters and centaurs
I want the mod to suit general interest.... so it'll be well received _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:16 am Post subject:
an apology
damn, first I want to apologize to those watching out for the mod.. as of the moment I got exams so I have to study for them... so I'm not so focused when thinking about what to do next. I'm confused at what to do. the props and buildings all suit just fine but I'm currently in dillema with the choice I posted above.
2nd, I want to assure you that in no way am I abandoning this anytime soon. I've slowed down a bit because of the decision-issue (and the exams) but I'm going to release this in the future (no matter how long it takes ) no matter what. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
prequel will render a not-so-post-apoc ambiance BUT lot's of armored fighting.
sequel will render heavy post-apoc ambiance but armor are rare, fighting's done mostly by infantry and light vehicles. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
make it a sequel, i want to see a full on post-apoc battle field. it would be uber pwnage if you did that, im begging you IVI, a sequal!!!!!! QUICK_EDIT
IVI just do what you need to . To bad exams are coming up, those blow. Well I don't blame you. I mean it is hard to work or think about a mod when you have other things going on. Just do well on those damn exams. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
if we're going for a sequel, then I've already thought out the story , the sides, units and terrain . _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
faction wise like the NCR, vault city, san fran etc,etc you know the story better than me anyway.
Shhhhhh!!! I forbid thee to divulge any more!
:EDIT: omg, Dregan I messed up your post.... I clicked a quick edit button and I thought I was quoting your post ..... shit, so sorry man... I'm new to this moderator thing >.<.. won't happen again QUICK_EDIT
@ El Deadlyto, I promise you that there will still be tank battles in the sequel.... but I will greatly empahasize the meaning of the word T A N K in military language.
ok, I'll let you in now in the details.... Dregan got what I wanted to do
Name=M1A2 Abrams MBT ;IVI Restored & Modified SPAFV-M1A2 Abrams Mk.II
ThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons
and warheads like JHP, FMJ, BUCKSHOT all deal 0% damage to heavy.
the first value is non-armored, the 2nd value is Kevlar (wood), the 3rd value is Power Armored (light) the 3rd value is tank ceramic (heavy) and the last is for buildings
as you can see, the only things that can destroy a tank are soldiers with Kinetic-warhead weaponry (the Enclave and the BOS have these) or another tank. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
LOL Thats ok at least almost everyone got the message anyway.
but is this going to add a whole new dimension to the way the game is player. Are you also going to have a small build\unit limit to emphasise this feature even more? I can't wait to play as the enclave and use vertibirds, damn i guess this means that san fran will have them too thanks to the chosen one lol. QUICK_EDIT
Dregan, you're revealing everything I'm planning . Yep, you bet there's going to be a build limit... I'm just not telling which units will get it and what factions are crippled with build limits . I'm going to make lots of art first before coding them all. _________________ "War.... war never changes....." QUICK_EDIT
lol, so i'm guessing that your maps will be smaller to further emphasise the point as well and to maintain a solid, entertaining gameplay considering that vehicles are limited and with a large infantry base. Don't tell me that slavers, mercs and neutral territories like gecko, new reading (i think its called that) and the mafia will be included as well, because that would be cool. BTW how will the three different mafia families unite or will you leave that up to the chosenones actions in your story.
I was thinking, to retain the fallout 2 feel you'll probably need to detail the infantry more than the stock standard and i dont know how your going to do i with the ts infs. You could probably do it in RA2 but its just way too cartoony so heavy modification will be needed though the infantry are meatier and more 3d looking, similar to that of FO2. And one other thing is a problem i ran into when i was origionally planning Before the Storm for TS was that it is impossible for TS to support spinning rotors which really peaved me off, so i inevitably based it of RA2.
How cool would it be to have the FO death sequences for the infs as well. QUICK_EDIT
to other moderators,
how do I make this subforum editable to non-mod people??
and thanks for the suggestions Dregan
The name of the mod's going to be: Fallout Wars: A Post Apocalyptic RTS Game
how's that?
I've go the story laid out... but I'm still smoothing out the wrinkles in it _________________ "War.... war never changes....." Last edited by IVI on Mon Apr 02, 2007 6:38 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Sounds good, i'll pm you with some logic i have to tackle thats been on the drawing board for 6 months or so that will also be very appealing to the vertibirds as well. QUICK_EDIT
ok i just noticed this mod of yours IVI and i have yet to explore whats up so far but knowing that its from you its gonna be good.
also when i saw the name and then the description of it i was like "Hell yea a mod kinda based off the Fallout games" seriously i loved Fallout 2 it was a fun game. kinda wished i still had it _________________ Kalistia Crestland (2)
In Soviet Russia, grass grows on tiberium! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 28 Mar 2010 Location: Yuri's fun carnival barracks
Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:59 pm Post subject:
Could you make 2 types of campaign? You know a sequel to FO2 and a prequel to FO1? _________________ "My god, the maniac is going to do it. May god help us all..."
God: F%^& YOU!!!! QUICK_EDIT
You bumped a topic that's about three years old..
I haven't even seen IVI post in my time here, so I doubt he'll respond. _________________ Okay, my signature was starting to annoy even me. QUICK_EDIT
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