ETS is released but it has a ton of problems, a ton more than Npatch I believe. HyperPatch isn't out yet, but like Ares, is probably going to be more stable. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 19 May 2008 Location: Scotland, starting a Revolution Cameo: metricon. Posts:???
Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:47 pm Post subject:
I have yet to come accrose any of the fabled problem assuming you ignore the patches short commings and help guide's mistakes. Then again one mans bug is another mans exploit.
Like i said i dont know how much of this stuff the hyper patch will include (if when realised it covers all then there isnt much point sticking with ETS)
ETS has...
... a money superweapon (give's player x amount every Y sec's/min)
a meteor superweapon, customisable drop-pod superweapons(which can be used to drop tanks, and planes as well as inf), a RA1 spy sat superweapon (however it doesnt disapear from the sidebar, which isnt always a bad thing), new Upgrade system superweapons (i think it allows you to change stats of units or the whole unit), an upgrade superweapon (which is differnet from the upgrade system and was the one i showed you when giving you the stealth example), NeedTheater, Tertiary and Quaternary weapons, aircraft to aircraft combat and gives the dropship loadout screen mouse.
like i said the help file is pretty bad, if i can find something wow you can only do in ETS, there is demand or something in the hyper patch is almost identical or symilar ill post a more correct tut on behalf of ETS _________________ Creator of TS:BoB and some other things that might be good when finnished. QUICK_EDIT
Holy crap it's like a dream come true, most of those things are things I've wanted out of TS/RA2 for EVER. Alright well I'll go download it and see if I can figure it out with the apparently crappy help file.
Thanks again. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I've got a request pertaining to rendering 3d > shp.
Lets say I use autokey in 3ds max and rotate a model 360 degrees.
Often when I do this the animation isn't fluid, and usually slows down during the last few frames, so could someone explain to me a way to fix this, or an alternate way to get a 360 degree anim plz.
You have to set the tangent for the animation key.
If you look on the bottom menu bar, you can find a small button between the "Set Key" and "Key Filters" buttons. This is the button to set the default tangent for new created keys. Click on it and hold the button and choose the second from top, a point with a straight line going diagonal down to the right.
For already set animation keys you have open the "Mini Curve Editor". The button for this one you can find on the far left next to the key frame bar.
Click on it to extend the Mini Curve Editor. Then select the animated object/mesh, search the animation keys in the Editor.
Select the Animation keys and click on the top menu bar of the Mini Curve Editor the Linear Tangent button (point with diagonal line like above for the default setting, just a bit bigger).
You should then see that the line/curve between the animation keys has changed.
When you have a straight line from one to the other key, you no more have the slow down problem of the animation. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Can any1 provide me a tutorial on how to create a new type of barracks. Im working on this mod where, if playing as nod, u can also build a mutant base, but I can't fix the barracks. The rest all worked, except for that one. BTW: what Civilian building to use as Mutant War Factory?
plz helpz me? QUICK_EDIT
What is the nature of "The rest all worked, except for that one"?
Graphic didn't appear?
Couldn't recruit from it?
IE on game start?
IE on mission load?
IE when game starts?
IE when built?
IE when unit created? QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 23 Mar 2009 Location: Italy,Sicily,Bagheria
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:33 am Post subject:
Orac, i hope you will make a video, i'll watch it for sure
Tiber, tell me the most useful 3d modelling program (an easy one) for this game i'll try it and, if you want, you can teach something to me _________________
Team : Mentalmeister | Mapper for Mental Omega 3.0
Team : TO Project | Mapper for Tiberian Odyssey QUICK_EDIT
I'd love to teach you something to help you but I can't, in fact, I don't know anything about 3d modeling, I just told you because I've seen lots and lots of SHPs made out of renders.
The typical program in these cases is 3d Studio Max, but I don't know if it's good for beginners. If I find an easy program I'll tell you , I'd also like to learn, as it's very useful. _________________ Inactive Projects >> Tiberian Sun: Tech Level War
Download the latest beta: QUICK_EDIT
Hello everyone,
I'm just starting out making voxels and i want to make a cameos for my voxels. I am having a little trouble and i was wounding if anyone could help me. Any and all help is welcome.
Any tutorial for animating .Shp infantry in wings3d ? _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
SHP=pictures=2d ≠ 3dsmax=3d
You cant extract the ingredients again from a baked cake.
You can only take 3dsmax and start a 3dmodel from scratch and make its render as close as possible resembling the shp. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 12:29 am Post subject:
I'd like to ask nicely
if someone could make simple tutorial of infantry sequences from art.ini
I find it confusing with those numbers like
and another tutorial again for infantry regarding SHP facings, and how many
frames is needed, and if there are some special frame number rule imposed
or limited or whatever QUICK_EDIT
aren't the art.ini comments tutorial enough?
They gave me every info i need when i made my first infantry.
art.ini wrote:
; *** Infantry Sequences ***
; Infantry animations are grouped within a single art file.
; Unlike units, infantry animation layout is completely
; arbitrary and must be explicitly specified. Each
; infantry format file will be identified with one of these
; animation sequences.
; The first number is the starting frame number. The second
; number is the number of frames of the animation. If this
; number is zero then the anim sequence is not present.
; The third number is the multiplier by the infantry facing
; to reach the facing specific animation start. If this
; last number is zero, then there is no facing specific
; version.
-anim starts at frame 109
-anim is 10 frames long
-anim has only one facing (thus 0), else there would be a number higher 0 indicating how many frames after 109 the next facing would start (usually same as second number, so 109+10=119 with 119 the starting frame for the next facing)
number of frames is up to you
no limits for the number of frames
no special rules (except infantry rotate counterclockwise in the SHP, vehicles clockwise) _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 10 Dec 2012 Location: I'm too busy conquering the world!
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:41 pm Post subject:
Can anyone give a tutorial about how to make full in-game map preview? Also can it be done by Paint.NET? I tried to google on how to do that and wasn't able to find anything. _________________ Mod Leader and founder of World Domination
It can even be done with MS Paint. All you need to do is to take separate screenshots ingame, crop them to remove the top menu bar and the sidebar and then paste them over one another to make a single image out of them. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 10 Dec 2012 Location: I'm too busy conquering the world!
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 1:21 am Post subject:
Bittah Commander wrote:
It can even be done with MS Paint. All you need to do is to take separate screenshots ingame, crop them to remove the top menu bar and the sidebar and then paste them over one another to make a single image out of them.
I'm going to try that. Also, I have another idea, why don't I change the video resolution to match the map size? If it is possible then I will have to know the resolution of a single cell.
i.e ((#Width * #Height = #ofCells * Cell Res) = Video Res) for the whole map size and then instant full in-game map. Easier work. Just a thought. I don't know if it have been said before.
Edit: I just tried to crop the screenshots and put things together as what you said, unforunately, my mouse cursor appears on all the screenshots and I'm like -.- _________________ Mod Leader and founder of World Domination
You can't raise the resolution to a higher value than what your monitor supports.
There is no mouse cursor visible when you do screenshots. Except you don't use the inbuild ctrl+c shortcut to create screenshots in pcx format (yes, the game has a keyboard shortcut to do screenshots), but some external program. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
I actually find it much easier to use the Prnt Scrn button instead of Ctrl+C when creating a megamap since I can then instantly paste the screenshot from the clipboard to the image editor without having to merge separate image files. To make sure the mouse cursor doesn't appear on the screenshots is a simple matter of moving it on top of the sidebar before pressing Prnt Scrn. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I would like to know how to create Tree's in Tiberian Sun. Im not talking about adding them to the game but making them in a image editor or painting them pixel by pixel, however its done. _________________ MODDB Profile:
@Aydra trees are tmp. terrain files of some sort. There are tuts on how to edit tmp.
I am wondering all about all sorts of Particles as this is still leaving some questions.
; *** Particle Systems ***
; HoldsWhat = type of particle (see below) that this system manages (required)
; Spawns = does this system spawn particles by itself (def = no)
; SpawnFrames = number of frames to wait before spawning another particle
; ParticleCap = maximum number of particles that can be in this system
; *** Particles ***
; Image = Imagelist to use for particle
; Persistent = Does this particle stick around; should always be yes
; MaxDC = How many frames go by before this particle damages the things near it? (def = 0)
; MaxEC = How many frames does this object last (def = 0)
; Damage = How much damage does it do (def = 0)
; Warhead = What warhead to use for damage purposes (def = WARHEAD_NONE)
; StartFrame = what frame of image to start on? (def = 0)
; NumLoopFrames = how many frames form a single loop? (def = 1)
; WindEffect = to what degree does the wind affect his particle, 0 = not at all, 5 = a lot (def = 0)
; Velocity = speed at which particle travels (def = 0.0)
; Radius = how big is this particle? (used for attract/repel)
; BehavesLike, DeleteOnStateLimit, EndStateAI, StateAIAdvance are things that
; shouldn't be messed with _________________ Free Tibed!
EA for worst company of the decade! QUICK_EDIT
He's asking for tips on how to make the image, not for specs. on TMP files, he is experienced and already knows, I'm sure.
Aydra, I make trees and fona in MS Paint. I draw the basic shape with a rough idea of what I want the colour of the wood to look like and then do the same with the foliage. To make them look 3D and make them look more isometric, using the burn tool to add shading and a simple texture overlay does wonders. Dirt easy. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:21 pm Post subject:
See, Butthead, this is the difference between you and the community. Aydra asks about something which isn't shared yet and you shout him down like if he would just ask for something obvious. Then you do that, since your answer is available ages ago. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
WeiDU mods: Random Graion Tweaks | Graion's Soundsets
Maintainance: Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters! | BGEESpawn
Contributions: EE Fixpack | Enhanced Edition Trilogy | DSotSC (Trilogy) | UB_IWD | SotSC & a lot more... QUICK_EDIT
See, Butthead, this is the difference between you and the community. Aydra asks about something which isn't shared yet and you shout him down like if he would just ask for something obvious. Then you do that, since your answer is available ages ago.
Joined: 25 Sep 2006 Location: Teamblackistan Posts: Over 9000
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:16 am Post subject:
Could someone go over the teamtypes menu and tell me what all these checkboxes and stuff do?
The best I've ever done is copy straight from westwood's teamtypes, and hope that they don't fudge
I know what 'AreTeamMembersRecruitable' does, it makes the TeamType's units "stealable", meaning the units can be recruited into another team while executing their script. _________________
I have come to ask a simple question:
How do I organize my mod's files in a way which allows them to be easily edited but not look like I dumped the contents of my recycle bin onto my workspace. Preferably the INIs, MIXes, Maps, and other material should all be in their respective folders yet still be loaded by the game (except for things which should not be loaded of course). I know this is possible because I've seen it work before in both Twisted Insurrection and The Dawn of the Tiberium Age. I'm just asking how to do the same thing.
EDIT: Instead of creating a new post, I've condensed to separate topics into one. Does anyone know of a way to stop AI paranoia, otherwise known as "the everyone hates you phenomenon?" I'm working on a mod where this is causing 4v4s to become unplayable due to extreme cost effectiveness and it kind of defeats the purpose of testing when your allies turtle and 4 enemy armies waltz their way into your base unopposed. _________________ Some people prefer all forum members have signatures.
So here is mine.
How do I organize my mod's files in a way which allows them to be easily edited but not look like I dumped the contents of my recycle bin onto my workspace. Preferably the INIs, MIXes, Maps, and other material should all be in their respective folders yet still be loaded by the game (except for things which should not be loaded of course). I know this is possible because I've seen it work before in both Twisted Insurrection and The Dawn of the Tiberium Age. I'm just asking how to do the same thing.
I was the one who did this for both DTA and TI, but it takes several hours of hex editing work on both TS' and Final Sun's exe files.
You can already place maps in a folder yourself however; to do this, you simply need to edit the missions.pkt file and then include the folder in the ID of every map (take a look at the MPMaps.ini file of either DTA or TI to see how it's done).
I might add a hack to place MIX and INI files in a folder to LKO's Executable Modifier in the future, but even then it's necessary to sacrifice some mix files; temperat.mix and snow.mix can't be read from a directory and FinalSun can also only read a limited number of mix files from the main directory. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Some MIX files being in the main directory would be fine, I was just trying to avoid a giant mess of files in the main directory. A hex edit would be fine, any chance you could post a tutorial? _________________ Some people prefer all forum members have signatures.
So here is mine.
1. How do you make a custom building? I know its easy to just clone one, but what if I have a bunch of SHP's to change the appearance of a building?
Like, I have a Nod Power Plant, but I want to replace the art with the RA1 Power Plant?
2. If I have a building that has multiple animations, how would I add those animations (Building animation, idle building, using the Building to produce something)?
I'm looking at, say a Construction Yard. When it deploys, a specific animation plays. When you build something, the Construction Yard plays an animation. When the Construction Yard is damaged, is emits smoke or fire. That is another animation sequence. How do I set these animations up in the .INI?
3. If I have a tower that has a separate turret animation, do I throw the .SHP's together like its a vehical? Or do I do something else?
4. I have a bunch of sprites for walls, how do I set a "Wall Building" up? QUICK_EDIT
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