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The time now is Fri Mar 28, 2025 9:23 pm
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Feedback from a Boomer
Moderators: Dawn of the Tiberium Age Staff
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2025 12:53 pm    Post subject:  Feedback from a Boomer Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Here is my Feedback:

1. Many Civilian Buildings look like they dont belong in the same Universe, sometimes the style or maybe the color pallette + lack or to much detail let many civilian building look like a downgrade or a high render of an photo.

2.Many Civilian buildings have just 2 states of visual destruction and when they switch between them it not look so atmospheric for the game.
a third middle stage would be nice.

1. the engine seems not to be able to play 2 sounds at the same time, when multiple units fire at something you only hear one sometimes no sound from firing.

1.Tanks sometimes need 3 to 4 attempts before they run over enemy soldiers, what ends in loss of to much HP in the process

2.there are no attempts in units that are nearly dead or harvesters that cant attack anyone to search for friendly units to help them.
a random event that for example let enemy units with red hp run towards enemys units with green hp to regroup would this not only more realistic but also a little bit more difficult.

3.after a attack on the enemy base, the ai seems to get aggro from it and attacks my base with they units that just stand there before.No problem but the run towards my base one by one. a group feature where enemy units first make a group of 4-8 units and than attack together would also be nice.

1.Option for me and the AI to let different units move at the same speed as the slowest unit would be great. Many times really fast units die first before a slow unit even sees the enemys.

2.when one of my units sees a enemy unit behind a tall building, i should also see the unit as a player.Maybe a color outline of the enemy behind a building that is seen by a friendly unit.

3.let us change what mouse button is selecting/command

4.let us change the game speed (had not find any option for this)

1.Tibirium should destroy normal plants they surround, when it spreads.
2.Big Units should run over very small plants or even buildings (bushes or lamppost for example)

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Bittah Commander
Defense Minister

Joined: 21 May 2003
Location: The Netherlands

PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2025 9:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Dawn of the Tiberium Age is still based on the already 27-year-old Tiberian Sun engine and it simply doesn't support many of the features you're asking for. Over the years engine extensions (primarily Vinifera and ts-patches before that) have made new things possible, but it takes time for programmers to reverse-engineer the original engine and there are only few programmers in the community capable of doing this.

1. The civilian structures are assets from Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, down-scaled civilian structures from Tiberian Sun, as well as some new assets.
The down-scaled TS structures might stand out depending on the other assets that are placed around them on a map, but without TD/RA civilian structures right next to them they seem to fit in just fine.

2. Only two damage states are supported by the engine and this was no different in TD and RA.

1. The engine actually allows up to 5 sounds to be played at the same time, but this also includes longer sounds that might still be echoing or fading out and you'll end up not hearing certain sounds when there's a lot going on at the same time.

AI: All your suggestions are beyond what the engine currently supports.

QoL: With exception of the game speed, none of these are supported by the TS Engine either, but maybe a programmer can manage to reverse-engineer and implement one of those features into Vinifera in the future.
4. You can change the game speed in-game by pressing Esc to open the options menu and then going to Game Controls. You can also change the game speed in the Skirmish lobby or multiplayer game lobby before starting a match.

1. This is not supported by the TS engine.
2. The TS Engine does not allow terrain objects and buildings to be crushable.


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