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A FinalSun Standalone + with CnCmods and Toolkit
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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:40 am    Post subject:  A FinalSun Standalone + with CnCmods and Toolkit Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread


FinalSun Standalone - Install & Go

For your convenience a finalsun that works/opens right away after installing
I've used the Patched version of FinalSun compiled by E1Elite
( FS_TSClient_20200403)

DOWNLOAD FinalSun Standalone - Install & Go HERE:

15 MB (because of the mix files it needs)

I've gathered all the files that FinalSun needs to fully operate, created a batch file that will set the path of game.exe inside finalsun.ini. Then Created an exe extraction pack with WinZip that opens the batch file after extraction, so there is no hassle of setting the game.exe or the missing tibsun.mix file error that everyone loves so much. And it also sets a desktop shortcut



A version of finalsun that can toggle on/off the public MODS that are uploaded on CnCnet.

I also created a little menu that brings together all utilities I like to use during making a map.
It is not very special. Its just a shortcut menu to some Community Tools, some lightweight free portable software, and some tabs to explore more mapping options but can come in quite handy.
This Installation also sets a shortcut of the menu to your desktop.

DOWNLOAD FinalSun Standalone CnCnet mods and ToolKit:

123 MB (from all the utilities and mods)

NOTE: Please keep in mind to use the little portable tools at own risk.
Make sure to understand the small Macro recorder before using it.
Their Icon appear in the bottom right system tray, so thats where u can close them if you need to.
For the Grid utility, it starts in protractor and you can change this to a very handy grid that might make it easier on working symmetrical
These tools are free and known as save, ripped off the internet and personally scanned with Avast, harmless imo but its still at own risk.

+Note: Your virusscanner might fail the first installation attempt.

 Filesize:  88.05 KB
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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I had the first link wrong for a whole day, sigh. Hope nobody tried it lol. Fixed it, it works like a charm! just extract in a folder and finalsun will open. yw! Very Happy

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E1 Elite

Joined: 28 May 2013

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 2:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I like the idea of standalone and portable FinalSun as it can include TS content in mix and INI files as it is freeware.

On standalone FinalSun:
- To reduce the size of the package, marble.mix could be used from the TSClient.
- FinalSun does not verify the game.exe, you can create an empty text file and name it as Sun.exe or Game.exe instead. Original Game.exe need not be included.
- People like me have disabled running of VBS scripts automatically for security reasons, so install script won't run correctly.
- Ammo crate being invisible in FinalSun was discussed in the TSClient thread because of altered placement of the its graphics file in mix files.
- The finalsun.ini entry could take ..\ for one level above, so can give the path as


On hotkeys, Shift key is used to get the upper keys on the keyboard. Shift+R means capital R. People will then have to use CapsLock key to type capital R.

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Joined: 02 May 2020

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 5:42 am    Post subject: Re: A FinalSun Standalone + with CnCmods and Toolkit Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holland wrote:
I've gathered all the files that FinalSun needs to fully operate, created a batch file that will set the path of game.exe inside finalsun.ini. Then Created an exe extraction pack with WinZip that opens the batch file after extraction, so there is no hassle of setting the game.exe or the missing tibsun.mix file error that everyone loves so much. And it also sets a desktop shortcut

I had to manually update the finalsun.ini, but it works now.
If I point it to the game.exe the package comes with, it works, however any updates or modifications I have applied to my game (new units, structures, etc) do not show up. They did show up with the previous FinalSun I was using.
If I point it to the game.exe of my actual game, it complains about the Tibsun.mix.

Can I tell it where to read the ini files so I don't have to duplicate them to keep FinalSun up-to-date with my modifications?
Or shall I just replace them in the ini folder?
Or put them in an expandXX.mix and place it in the MIX folder? Or is it ecache?

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E1 Elite

Joined: 28 May 2013

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2020 7:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Since the FinalSun.exe used here is for TSClient, it follows the folder structure used in TSClient. INI files are in INI folder and needed game content for FinalSun is in MIX folder. You should be able to update those folders with your modified files. The disadvantge here is duplication of the changes for FinalSun also that you do for the mod.

For shortage of time I released the changes for TSClient's version of FinalSun only.

@Holland: Updated FinalSun patches thread, check it out.

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Joined: 31 May 2017

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 3:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

E1 Elite wrote:

On standalone FinalSun:
- To reduce the size of the package, marble.mix could be used from the TSClient.

check !
- FinalSun does not verify the game.exe, you can create an empty text file and name it as Sun.exe or Game.exe instead. Original Game.exe need not be included.

aha really? thats cool had no idea.
- People like me have disabled running of VBS scripts automatically for security reasons, so install script won't run correctly.

I just discovered 'Inno setup' i might check it out, it might be better for security then my little manual created setup lol
- The finalsun.ini entry could take ..\ for one level above, so can give the path as


Yes, but a shortcut to it doesn't work, an absolute path needs to be set, which is what the batch file does, plus the shortcut.

On hotkeys, Shift key is used to get the upper keys on the keyboard. Shift+R means capital R. People will then have to use CapsLock key to type capital R.

The hotkeys only work when the main FinalSun window is active, thats on top of the autohotkey script. And since you'd never press Shift+R (i believe), but only in other windows, it should not interfere at all Smile

Thank you for your inputs Elite! I'll keep some future update in mind
Also a portable finalsun is a great idea, for flashdrive or something lol, in a portable version a relative path could be used, thats nice. pretty easy to do! Just add add
under [TS] in finalsun.ini, and you got your portable version! (for anyone reading this that wants it #Tongue )

E1Elite answered that for you, did you get it to work?
So mix files go in the MIX folder, and INI files in the INI folder, then it should all work. The finalsun.exe is hacked to look into these folders.
Also Note- The setup shouldve gone right to avoid this trouble, right now the installation works perfect only with virusscanner disabled Sad

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E1 Elite

Joined: 28 May 2013

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 10:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Having ..\ path for the TSClient version of FinalSun works for me but it may not work for everyone. The same thing when done with patched version of FinalAlert2 doesn't work for me, says ra2.mix can't be loaded when loading maps. It may be because of the INI and MIX directories are mapped in the TSClient version. Though it was my suggestion, use it only when it works for everyone.

On invisible ammo graphics in FinalSun, can copy the ammo01.shp from tibsun->tem/snow.mix to isotemp/isosnow mix.

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Joined: 02 May 2020

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2020 4:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Holland wrote:

E1Elite answered that for you, did you get it to work?
So mix files go in the MIX folder, and INI files in the INI folder, then it should all work. The finalsun.exe is hacked to look into these folders.
Also Note- The setup shouldve gone right to avoid this trouble, right now the installation works perfect only with virusscanner disabled Sad

I have copied my ini and mix files to the designated folder, FinalSun now locks-up during the start-up process. My game itself works. I'll have to figure out which file(s) mess(es) it up.

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E1 Elite

Joined: 28 May 2013

PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2020 2:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

There is one [SPHouses] section just below [Houses] section, make sure you have that section in rules.ini in the INI folder used by this FinalSun. If you don't have that section, it will lockup the modified FinalSun for TSClient. It is used for spawn house feature in the TSClient/CnCNet clients. It is not related to original TS.

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