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Joined: 16 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:26 am    Post subject:  Crossroads
Subject description: TS:AE, modding, and a general concensus
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I realize how absurd it is to ask a question like this in the modding echo chamber, but I have to ask it, as indecisive as I am, and get a few perspectives on the whole idea.

For what reason I cannot begin to fathom, I have found myself modding Tiberian Sun again. I have dusted off my old T:SAE files and began sprucing up the tattered rags that remain of what was after the HDD failure.

But now I have come to a monumental decision that I feel I shouldn't make on my own, given the various things that have happened in the past with this sort of "remake business."

I have three options, in my mind.

The first is to simply stay the course on TS:AE, remastering Tiberian Sun for Tiberian Sun. Perfectly fine, but it comes with limitations.

The second is to switch over to the YR engine, more specifically Ares. The conundrum there is twofold. Yes it is more work, but the gains from doing such a thing are substantial, especially since I would like TS:AE to be a jumping off point for modding/total conversions/expansions etc. Of course, the community has fallen away since the hayday of CnC modding, but I've always felt that the thing holding it back is the huge amount of legwork needed. TSAE was to be that gift to a community of modders and mappers who shouldn't have to learn how to do every single asset creation technique just to get their ideas off of paper. Unfortunately, I'd have to completely redo several assets. Mostly voxels. Most are due for another pass anyway, and YR's scale could let me squeeze more detail out of them.

It also brings up another important issue, and that is ReWire. I am certainly not capable of matching rewire's terrain quality in a timely manner. I can get close perhaps, but the amount of time needed to push assets out of that quality and the amount of time I have available aren't going to mesh well. There is also the issue of making that aspect of modding accessible to members who may not have half the skillsets needed when they start. Rewire's assets of course were released to the public, but I feel it would be more beneficial to "redo certain things in certain ways to make them more easily replicated" if that makes any sense. I also feel...odd using other people's work. Which is really ironic when you think about it.

The third option is to port TSAE over to OpenRA AS IS, and have a weird pesudomod that has all of TS's charm but with OpenRA's power. Of course, again there is the OpenRA Rewire, but I feel that at this point it is in a league of its own. This option would allow what few TS mods remain that are just starting to port over anything they are working on. I'm not sure.

Let me know what you think about all of it. Or something.

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Lin Kuei Ominae

Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

RA2/YR is still not free, thus freely distributing a mod on it is still some kind of legal grey zone.
While Ares adds many nice logics, you should ponder if it's worth the work to do the complete conversion.
If already a lot of work went into the TS version, then i would suggest finishing this, rather than starting from zero again.
Though you should also consider merging your project with the official/public TS Client. Since your mod is no balancing breaking complete new game, enhancing the TS Client with new assets is never wrong imo.

However if you think your port to OpenRA isn't too much work, then i would also support this. Not only gives it OpenRATS some more life, it would surely also help in future having some more assets in it.

ReWire, would be cool if your project could contribute/enhance the existing project, which is unfortunately on hold for quite a while already (Haven't seen Gangster for a long time Sad ).
BTW the ReWire for RA2 project was stopped, now there's only the ReWire on OpenRA.

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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Honestly, Finish off what is meant to be finished off just go back to modding your old mod on TS or as LKO said contribute to Re-Wire if possible.

Seriously, the only reason I got myself to Yuri modding was the idea that I could not release something of value yet ever since I started back at 2011 :/ other than Voxels #Tongue

Plus, with phantom pain of there is somewhat of a rarity of mods going away from "Balancement" or "Just-Another MO mod (Not that I have anything against that)" Imo. To which
I want effectively bridging gap between fun and SEMI-RL in a Ra2 engine in which I add a set of "New Rules of engagement" thus Re-Diffing Balancement. Complex but worth to try of which that and a ton of Easter-Eggs or well "Fan Service" to add to the fun aspect that leads a new feel for RA2.

I would Recommend going out of the TS normal way a bit further. Do something the gives a new feel in which that has not been done.

Sorry, there are a lot of things but I just cannot put my finger on it yet.

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